Thursday, April 30, 2009

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This conception of history, then, is to expose the actual production process, starting production for this material of immediate life, and in conceiving the form of exchange for this mode of production and generated by it, ie , civil society in its different phases, as the foundation of all history, presenting it in its action as a state and based on it explaining all the different theoretical products and forms of consciousness, religion, philosophy, morality, etc. as well as studying from these premises the process of birth, which of course will expose things in their entirety (and, as result, the interaction between these different aspects). It is not find a category in each period, as does the idealist conception of history, but always stay on the real historical ground, not to explain the practice based on the idea, explaining the ideological formations on the basis of practice materials, can be reached, consequently, the outcome of all forms and all products of consciousness can not emerge through the work of spiritual criticism, by reducing the "self" or transformation into "ghosts", " spectra "," visions ", etc., but can only dissolved by the practical overthrow of the actual social relations, that emanate from these chimeras idealists that the driving force of history, including religion, philosophy, and any other theory, is not criticism but revolution. This view reveals that the story dissolves into the "self" as the "spirit of the spirit", but in each of its phases is a material result, a sum of productive forces, an historically created relation with nature and with each other individuals, that each generation passes to the one that follows, a mass of productive forces, capital and circumstances, although of a part is modified by the new generation, dictate to it, on the other hand, their own living conditions and imprint a certain development, a special character that, therefore, the circumstances make the man in the same extent it makes the circumstances. This sum of productive forces, capital and forms of social interaction with each individual and each generation is found as a given is the real foundation of what philosophers are represented as the "substance" and "essence of man" apotheosis and raising it to combat it, a real substance is not impaired at all in their action and their influence on the development men for the fact that these philosophers revolt against it as "self" and the "Single." And these living conditions with which the different generations at birth are also decide whether the revolutionary upheavals that periodically recur in the story are or are not strong enough to overthrow the basis of all existence. Failure to provide these material elements of a complete shock, that is, on the one hand the existing productive forces and, secondly, the formation of a revolutionary mass to be lifted, not only against certain conditions of the previous society, but against the same "production of life" in force until now, against the "activity list "on which rests, in no way contribute to a shift in practice up things that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe excitement has been proclaimed as a hundred times, like communism.
2. whole conception of history, until now, has ignore the real basis of history, or considered merely as an accessory, that has nothing to do with the historical development. This makes the story should always be written according to a standard outside of it, the real production of life is revealed as something protohistoric, while the historicity appears as something separate from ordinary life, as something extra and unearthly. Thus, it is excluded from history behavior of men to nature, which generates the antithesis of nature and history. Therefore, this view fails to see only in the history of political actions and state leaders, religious struggles and theoretical struggles in general, and is forced to share, especially in each historical period, the illusions of this time. For example, imagine a time moving for purely "political" or "religious", although "religion" or "politics" are simply the forms of their real motives: Well, the historian time that is accepted without such views. What these certain men "included" is "imagined" about his actual practice becomes the only determinant and active power dominates and determines the practice of these men. And so when the rough form that shows the division of labor between the Hindus and Egyptians results in these villages the caste system of their own state and religion, the historian believes that the caste system was the power social begat the rough form. And, while the French and the English hold, at least, the political illusion, which is certainly the closest to reality, the Germans move in the realm of "pure spirit" and make religious illusion the driving force of history.
Marx, Engels, The German Ideology, I, A, 2, 1845
a) That which we call our ego (G. Groddeck says) is driven passively in life, instead of living, we are "lived" by unknown powers and invincible. All of us have ever experienced this feeling (..) and do not hesitate to assign the opinion of Groddeck a place in the domains of science. For my part, I propose to take this into account, giving me the name of the entity that emanates from the system P (preconscious), and is first preconscious, and this, as does Groddeck, a left-conscious psyche, as that I will continue.
b) the psychic unconscious is very real: its nature inside us is as unknown as the reality of the outside world is given to us by the testimony of our conscience as incomplete as the outside world by our sense organs.
c) The evolution of the sexual instinct (..) in several cases, had no effect in a correct and complete, and disruption of development have resulted in two different harmful deviations from the normal sex, that is two standard propulsive culture ... namely, the various forms of perversion and investment.
d) The self, based on conscious perception, has undergone its influence growing sectors and increasingly deep layers of it ... Its psychological function consists processes raise it to a higher dynamic level ... His constructive role, so instead of inserting, between the instinctual demand and the measure intended to satisfy an ideational activity that, after this orientation and use of past experiences, try to predict the success of actospropuestos through pre-emptive action or "exploratory." In this way, I decide whether attempted satisfaction should be made or deferred, or if the demands of instinct must be suppressed in advance, dangerous (reality principle). Just as it seeks to benefit only the enjoyable, and the ego is dominated by the consideration of security. The ego has the function of self-preservation, which seems to be overlooked by this [131]. Use the distressing sensations as signs that indicate dangers threatening its integrity.
e) Our culture rests entirely on coercion of instincts. Each and every one of us has given up some of the aggressive and vindictive tendencies of our personality, and these contributions was born the common cultural property ideal material goods (...) On the other hand, religion has been quick to punish immediately such limitations progressive, offering to the deity as a sacrifice each new waiver to the satisfaction of the instincts, and declaring "holy" and contributed the new benefit to the community.
f) The feeling of guilt or consciousness of guilt ... is the contribution to resistance by a superego that has become particularly harsh and cruel. The individual must not heal, but still sick, it does not deserve any better ... This feeling of guilt also explains the occasional cure or improvement of severe neurosis under the influence of real misery, in fact: it is just that one is suffering, no matter which way ... To combat this resistance, we confine ourselves to make conscious and try to reduce gradually the hostile superego. NIETZSCHE
The Twilight of the Idols

few steps back. It certainly reaches a very high level of culture where the man is freed from the ideas religious and superstitious fears, and, for example, no longer believes in the charming angels or original sin, and also forgot to mention the salvation of the soul, if you are in this degree of freedom, must still overcome Full voltage reflection, metaphysics. Later, however, requires a backward movement, must understand the historical justification, as well as psychological representations of such, must recognize how it has caused them the greatest progress of mankind and how, without such a move back, we would be deprived of the best results obtained so far by mankind. With regard to philosophical metaphysics, are becoming more numerous those who see the goal negative (that all positive metaphysics is an error), but there are very few who are some steps backwards, in other words, it must look over the last rung of the ladder, but not wanting to stay there. The more enlightened only get rid of metaphysics and re-look with superiority: as also here, as at the racetrack at the end of the line is necessary to rotate. Human, All Too Human

What is the truth? A host of metaphors, metonymy, anthropomorphic, in a nutshell a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, and adorned extrapolated poetically and rhetorically, and which, after prolonged use, a town considered firm, canonical and binding, the truths are illusions of which have been forgotten that they are, metaphors have become worn and no significant force, coins which have lost their cutting and are now considered as coins, but as metal. On Truth and Lies in a sense extramoral

GOLDEN WORD. The man was put many chains, so that forgets to behave like an animal: and truly it has become more peaceful, spiritual, joyous and sensible that all animals. But now suffers the fact of having taken so long chains, and for having failed for so long, healthy air and free movement, but these chains are, I will repeat once again, serious errors, yet sensible ideas of moral, religious and metaphysical . Disease only when the chains will be overcome, the first truly great goal will be achieved, the separation of man from animals, [...]
The wanderer and his shadow


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