Friday, February 5, 2010

Best Otc Adderall Substitute


During the month of January have not exceeded 100,000 tons. delivery of beets, the last week were 15,000 tonnes in total. 48.728Tm environments and Miranda de Ebro 28.494Tm, La BaƱeza remains closed since 2 January and is expected to reopen on February 6. It is believed that the campaign will run until late February or early March. According COAG and UPA are to collect in Castilla and Leon over 40% of expected production. The ACOR sugar and ended on January 5, 2010. Total collected in the northern region is 2.421 million tonnes of beet. According to Eric Laine
President CCGB (Confederation generale des planteurs of betterraves) in France has 26,000 sugar beet farmers with a production of 35 Mill.Tm, with an area of \u200b\u200b370.000Ha. and a yield of 94.6 tons per hectare.
The market for the month of January has been set a little higher prices due to delivery problems beet, however do not expect this to continue due to consumption continues at a very sluggish and some cereals (in particular barley) which again back down stock prices because of excessive accumulated. Prices are located on the 110 € / tonne at the factory and light increases in ports from 115 € / t and 128 € / tonne depending on origin.
The outlook remains uncertain, although we believe that prices will stay still while the grains remain low prices and consumption are not encouraged.


spectacular drop in soybean futures in Chicago that allows you to buy soybean meal for under 300 €, no doubt the pressure of the harvest in South America and the withdrawal of speculative funds overbought until now.
data to consider:

1 - Exports to USA this past week, 384,600 tons were shipped between 600/800.000TM expected.
2 - Oil World estimated the harvest of Argentina in 51 Mill Mt. and Brazil between 64 and 65 Mill.Tm. It is also hoped that the production of Uruguay to reach a record of 1.7 Tm.
3 - An important factor is the recovery of the dollar since December, which may alter the composition of the prices of soybean meal. It is estimated to reach a Euro / Dollar from 1.30 or so.

seems that the trend in the price of soybean meal is down (as opposed to the $) and that the moment you understand that you carry out this February.


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