Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Racket Ball Toe Injury


After the opening of Toro and La Bañeza last week, it seems that time may allow the beets go missing and closing factories to make ends meet. Total production would reach 3,200,000 tons of beet (3125.992 tons last year) although there are still areas to collect and it is doubtful quality due to bad weather. On April 9 were between 270 and 280,000 tonnes of beet, 90,000 to 185,000 for the Toro and Bañeza about. South
For the campaign usually begins in June, it is expected that 10,000 hectares. planted in Andalusia lost about 2,000 because of the rain storms that have received so far, so not expected to reach the 500,000 tonnes of beet this year. Regarding
prices remain more or less equal, the national pulp € 112/114 / t according to source and import on the 129 € / Tm.
seems particularly cereals and barley to picked up a bit these last few weeks with a stronger dollar can raise the prices of some imported pulp. However we do not see it happening the same with the national pulp, which has too many stocks and low demand. SOYBEAN MEAL

man proposes and soybeans have, since the subida de éstas últimas semanas nadie la previó. Así que para arriba precios, aunque seguimos pensando en que tarde o temprano (mayo??) la soja tendría que bajar por fundamentales.
Los datos a tener en cuenta:

1- Las exportaciones USA para la semana pasada, han sido 460.000 Tm , con 158.000 Tm para esta campaña, superando las necesarias para cumplir con lo proyectado por el USDA.
2- Los stocks previstos para esta campaña en USA aumentaran en 2,2 mill.Tm,.
3- Según el USDA del 1 de marzo, para esta campaña que viene se sembrará un 1% más de soja.
4- En Argentina se ha cosechado el 27% a 9 de abril (retraso de 7,6% respecto al año anterior. Se estima harvest between 51 and 55 mill.TM.
5 - China is buying from USA, because of the conflict with Argentina soybean oil strikes in the ports to delay deliveries. China has imported 43.5 mill. of Tm.de USA. However according to World Oil China does not seem to take much to change supplier
6 - also produces good retention by the Brazilian to maintain prices.
7 - On the other hand has begun planting corn in the U.S. at a good pace, which is damaging to soybeans in price, since it is assumed that in the long run unless you overstep. corn to soybeans.
8 - According to Oil World Global soybean production could exceed demand by 20 mill. MT, which would push on falling prices, especially since the second half.

seems that soybeans have peaked in the latter correction, and that sooner or later be revised downwards.


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