Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best Natural Warm Fabric

still finding more bodies in HQ Cabitos of Ayacucho

More bodies. On October 26, 2010, was carried out diligently recording and prospecting in the area of \u200b\u200bTotora Sector II, pertaining to the headquarters Sunday Ayarza, former HQ The Cabitos, northeast of the headquarters and 80 meters from the place known as the pork butcher's, diligence was conducted by the First Provincial Office Supra Ayacucho and experts of the Forensic Team Specialized Legal Medicine Institute of the Public Prosecutor of Ayacucho, involving the relatives of the victims represented by ANFASEP, his counsel and effective Army. In that proceeding was verified that the Army has been carrying out building of ingu and watchtowers in the area described above, for several weeks so that, last 19 of this month, workers of the contractor in charge of the work, while conducting excavations of trenches for laying power cables with heavy machinery, they found skeletal remains, the same that were deposited in a bag of cement and continued their work. Debris after being verified by the coroner Luis Rueda, found that likely corresponded to an individual male, as was associated with a brown trousers, underwear (shorts) with figures, a right shoe color brown moccasin and the remains consisting of: 2 tibias, 2 fibulae, a patella, an incomplete femur, 2 coxal, 2 vertebrae, two phalanges, a metacarpal of the hand. Findings that obviously should attest to the existence of mass graves in this sector not worked so far, therefore, the prosecution ordered the detention of the area and the cessation of work in this sector to continue in next few days with the work of digging exploratory and exhumation of mass graves. While the skeletal remains were collected and transferred to the Forensic Anthropology Laboratory of the Public Prosecutor of Ayacucho, for their analysis.

should be noted that these records remain in the area immobilized to obtain further evidence and formalize the appropriate criminal charges against those found responsible.

Forensic Team pick in the process of human remains in the huge cemetery of Army Barracks in Ayacucho.


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