Friday, October 30, 2009

Guillotine What Would It Feel Like



seems that the pulp 2009-10 campaign will be a memorial. ACOR has begun with levels of 118 € / t in the market and soon began Toro with levels of 115 € / Tm. I think they are good prices although a little high to begin with. So far so normal, but consumption still not the other years, with a cattle suffocated financially and with margins (if any) minimum, with no prospect of improvement until the end of the year at least. We believe that it will produce an accumulation of gender as last year, circumstances have changed and a dollar so low that it can export, the outlook is not to increase prices in the short term. SOYBEAN MEAL

complicated picture follows soybean meal, pending the weather in the U.S. that finally allows to collect more than 50% of the crop. At the moment the rains continue and is expected to pick up something the weekend, but begins to fear for the quality. Also watch the weather in Argentina that threatens drought again, and could change the production for next year.
data to consider:

1 - Regarding the condition of crops, October 26, the USDA reported that 65% is in state good / excellent. The progress of the harvest is 44% (30% last week, 82% in 2008 and 85% average).
2 - Soybean exports according to the USDA on 22 October, following a very high pace, with a total of 681,000 metric tons (planned between 400/600.000 Tm). It has committed 65% of projections for the entire campaign (45% average).

is still waiting for the big drop in soybean meal, but honestly, with an expected bumper crop, you can stay in good (or at least that's what they want us to believe) and Chinese exports in full swing it seems that prices will not fall as we thought and that until they secure the South American campaign (April-May 2010) will not have the desired lower prices (and see).

Friday, October 16, 2009

Overdose Zopiclone Fatal

1, Psychology The Wild

Questions: 1 ª ... up to 2 points, 2 nd ... up to 2 points.
Editor: ... up to 5 points.
Question 4 th to 1 point

1 - Y Why? "I said. Is not it natural and not necessarily follow from the above that neither the uneducated and out of truth are never fit to govern a city or even those who are allowed to continue studying until the end, the one, because they have the targeting any particular purpose life which should work in everything they made during their public and private life and the other because, by taking life transported to the islands of the blessed, not consent to act?
"True," he said. "It is, therefore, our work," I said, work of the founders, to compel the best natures to come to the knowledge of which we said before was the most exalted and see the good and verify that ascension, and, once, after rising, have enjoyed a sufficient vision, not allowing what we now are allowed. - What is it?
"Let them stay there," I said and not lose access to those prisoners back together or to participate in work nor in his honors, however much or little they are worth.
"But then, he said," and do a disservice to them live can be so worse to live better?
"You have again forgotten, my friend, I said, that the law is not interested in anything that is in the city a particular class to enjoy happiness, but it strives to happen to the entire city and therefore introduces harmony among the citizens by persuasion or force, that some do it to other participants of the profits that each may be useful to the community and itself in the city as men of that class, but not to let everyone turns to anywhere, but to do them herself towards the unification of the state.
"True," he said. I forgot about it.
"Now," I said see, oh, Glaucon!, Which we will not harm the philosophers who have between us, but to compel, reasonable words, to take care of others and protect them. We will say that it is natural that people such that there is in other cities do not participate in the work of them, because they are alone, against the will of their governments, and when someone is alone and should not nobody upbringing it is right that not worry anyone to reinstate the amount of it. But I have begotten you us, for yourselves and for the rest of the city, as chiefs and kings, such as hives, better and more fully educated and more capable than those, therefore, to participate in both aspects. You have, therefore, to go down one after another to the housing of others and get used to see in the dark. Once used, you will see far better than those in there and know what each image and how it is, because you have seen and the truth about what is beautiful and what is just and good. So our and your city will live in the light of day and not in dreams, how they live now most of them at the hands of those who fight with each other by empty shadows or vie for control as if it were some great good. But the truth is, I believe, the following: the city where they are less eager to be rulers who have to be, that must necessarily happen to live better with less dissent than none, and you have another class of rulers so 40
different. (Plato, The Republic, 519c-520d).
1. Analyzes the meaning in the text the term 'sublime knowledge "and Define it.
2. How Plato argues that can not afford to "stay home" I said and not lose access to those prisoners back together or to participate in work nor in his honors, however much or little they are worth? (Lines 13-14).

3.REDACCIÓN: Education in relation to epistemology in the philosophy of Plato. 4. Briefly discuss any aspect of the author's thinking related to the text you deem important in any of these ways: on its relationship with other philosophers, relevant historical events (especially if they are contemporaries of the author or has to do with his life) or significant features of the contemporary world.

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review pau 2010

I have put several of Plato PAU exams. Remember
missing a question, that is realcionados text with a contemporary philosophical idea or problem, or another author of APOC to be.
You can start them now.
Not all not correspond with the texts of this year. You can make whatever you want, the texts themselves or others.

Then, oh, Glaucon! "I said, do not we have already here the melody itself runs the dialectical art? Which, though understandable, is imitated by the faculty of sight, which we said we try and look at the animals themselves, and then the stars themselves, and finally, the sun itself. And similarly, when one uses the dialectic to try to address, with the help of reason and without interference from any sense to what each thing in itself, and when it withdraws to reach, with the sole help of the intelligence what is good in itself, then it is because the term itself in the intelligible, just as it was then that of the visible.
"Exactly," he said.
- So what? Is not this what you call dialectic trip? - Why not? "And free of the chains," I said and turn from the shadows to the images and the fire, and climb from the cave to the spot illuminated by the sun and there can not yet see the animals or plants or to sunlight, but only those that are divine reflections in the water and shadows of real people, though no longer in the shadows of images cast by other light, compared to the sun, is similar to them, behold the effects produced by all that study of science that we have listed, which amounts to the best part of the soul to the contemplation of the best of beings, the same So before amounted to the most perpicaz the body to the contemplation of the brightest that exists in the material and visible region.
"For my part," he said, and I admit it. However, I think is very hard to admit, although it is also difficult, on the other hand, reject it. Anyway, since there are things that have to be heard only at this time, instead we must return to them many times, suppose this is as yet been said and go to the melody itself and us study the same So what we did with the introduction. Tell us then, what is the nature of the dialectic faculty and how many species are divided and what are their roads, because they finally look set to be leading to that place once they got to where we can rest from our trip and ended.
- But no longer will be able to follow me, dear Galucón "I said, though not for lack of goodwill on my part, and then would contemplate, not the image of what we say but the truth itself, or at least I understand that. Be so or not will be, that about it not worth discussing, but what can be maintained semenjante there is anything you need to see. Is not it?
- Why not?
- Is not it true that the dialectic is the only authority that can show it to anyone who understood what we counter has little, and can not get there any other way?
- it also deserves to be maintained, "he said.
- Here's one thing at least, "I said that no one can say against what they say, is that there is another method to try, in all cases and for each thing in itself, systematically grasp what each one of them. For almost all other arts deal or on the opinions and desires of men or on births and Fabrice, or are entirely devoted to the care of things as born and plant opens. And the other, of which we said we apprehended something that exists, ie, geometry and those that follow, and we do not do more than dream with what exists, but will be incaaces to contemplate while awake, using assumptions, leave them intact by not being able to account for them. Indeed, when the principle is what one does not know and the conclusion and intermediate part are intertwined with what you do not know, what chance is there that a concatenation semenjante will ever be known?
- No, "he said.
XIV. "Then I said, the dialectical method is the only one, breaking down the assumptions, is moving towards the very beginning to tread on firm ground there, and the eye of the soul that is truly lost in a quagmire barbaric, it attracts softness and elevates heights, using as auxiliaries in this work of art attraction has some listed, that although we have routinely called many times knowledge, you need another name that can be applied to something clearer than the view, but darker than knowledge .
Plato, The Republic, 532 a-533 d.
I. Questions
1. Analyze the student on meaning in the text are the concepts of "dialectic" and "contemplation."
2. Explain the student / the reasons why Plato states that the dialectic is the only authority that can show the truth in it.

But since you will not be able to follow, my dear Glaucon, "I said, though not for lack of goodwill on my part, and then would contemplate, not the image of what we say but the truth itself, or at least what I understand that. Be so or not will be, that about it not worth discussing, but what can be maintained is that there is something similar that you need to see. Is not it?
- Why not?
- Is not it true that the dialectic is the only authority that can show it to anyone who understood what was little we counter, and can not get there any other way?
- it also deserves to be maintained, "he said.
- Behold a thing at least, "I said that no one can say against what they say, is that there is another method to try, in all cases and for each thing in itself, systematically grasp what each one of them. For almost all other arts deal or on the opinions and desires of men or on births and fabrications, or are entirely devoted to the care of the things born and made. And the other, of which we said we apprehended something that exists, ie, geometry and those that follow, and we do not do more than dream of what exists, but will be unable to contemplate while awake, using a hypothesis, they leave intact not able to account for them. Indeed, when the principle is what one does not know and the conclusion and intermediate part are intertwined with what you do not know, what chance is there that a similar concatenation will ever be known?
- No, "he said.
- So, "I said, the dialectical method is the only one, breaking down the assumptions, is moving towards the very beginning to tread on firm ground there, and the eye of the soul that is truly lost in a quagmire barbarian, attracts gently and rises to the heights, using this work as helpers in their attraction to the arts has recently listed, that although we have routinely called many times knowledge, they need another name that can be applied to something clearer than the view, but darker than knowledge. At some point before using the word "thought", but it seems to me to be arguing over names who have before them an inquiry about things as important as now we.
Plato. The Republic
I. Questions
1. Discuss the student the meaning they have in the text the notions of "freedom dialectic" and "arts."
2. Explain the student the reasons why Plato said: "The dialectical method is the only one, breaking down the assumptions, is moving towards the very beginning to tread solid ground there. "Drafting

I. Education and types of knowledge in Plato.

So there is no doubt," I said that such will not have anything more real than the shadows of objects made.
- It is entirely forced, "he said.
- Reviews, as I said, what if they were released from their chains and cured of their ignorance, and if, in its nature, it will happen next. When one of them was loose and forced to rise suddenly and neck and walk back and look at the light, and when, to do all this, feel pain and, because of the Chiribitos not be able to see objects whose shadows were before, what answer if you think someone said previously saw only shadows inane and is only now, being closer to reality and face the real objects, has a more real, and if the objects showing pass and forcing him to answer their own questions about what each one of them? Do not you think it would be perplexed and had previously referred to would seem more real than what was then showed him?
- Much more, "he said.
- And if forced to fix their eyes on the light itself, do not you think it would hurt the eyes and to escape, turning to those objects that can be contemplated, and that consider that these objects are actually lighter than it shows?
- Yes, "he said.
- And if you take him away by force, "I said, forcing him to travel the rough and steep climb, and did not leave before it has been dragged into the sunlight, do not you think that would badly suffer and be dragged and that, once come to light, would your eyes so full of it would not be able to see even one of the things we now call real?
- No, it would not be able to, "he said, at least for now.
- would need to get used to, I think, to get to see things up. What would be easier, above all the shadows, then, images of men and other objects reflected in water, and later, the objects themselves. And after that it would be easier to contemplate the things of the night sky and the sky itself, fixing his eyes on the light of the stars and the moon, the day see the sun and what is proper.
- Why not?
- And finally, I think, would be the sun, but not their images reflected in water or other foreign place to him but the sun itself in its domain and as he is in himself, he would be in able to look and contemplate.
- necessarily, "he said. - So what? When she remembered her previous science room and there and of his former fellow prisoners, do not you think that would be considered happy to have changed and I pity them?
- Indeed.
- And if there had been among them some honor or praise or rewards granted to each other that, with greater penetration to discern the shadows passing and remember them better among them were those who used to spend before or after or with others, were more able than anyone to prophesy based on this, what would happen, do you think that nostalgia feel of these things, or envy those who enjoyed honors or among those powers, or what would happen to Homer, that is, strongly prefer "to work the land in the service of another man without wealth" or suffer any other purpose than to live in that world of the moot?
- That's what I think, "he said, would prefer any other destination before that life.
- Now look at this, "I said: yes, become the so down there again occupy the same seat, do not you think that he would fill the eyes of darkness, as he suddenly stops sunlight?
- Certainly, "he said.
- And if I had to compete again with those who had chained pemanecido constantly, thinking about those shadows, not yet having been settled eyes, go with difficulty and it would be too short a time as needed to get used - do not give that laugh and not tell him that, not having risen above the eyes has become damaged, and that's not worth even attempting a similar climb? And do not kill, if they find a way to get your hands and kill him, who tried to untie and let them go?
Plato. The Republic
I. Questions
1. Explain the conceptual meaning that Plato gives in the text to the allegorical expressions "light" "shadows", "true vision", "G ... ... who governs all the visible region."
2. Students explain how the speaker argument based puedse to assent to the question "What does not kill ... anyone who tried to untie and let them go?".
Science Writing, opinion and counsel among men. No wonder
- Rather said, "any reasonable person should remember that there are two ways and two causes by which they dazzle the eyes: to move from light to darkness and to pass from darkness to light. And, once thought the same thing also happens to the soul, not laugh wildly when he saw one, which, being dazed, unable to discern the objects, but will find out if, coming from a life light, blinded by lack of practice or, better going from ignorance to a greater light, has been dazzled by excess of it, and so happy to be considered the first soul, so driving and live and pity to the other, or if you laugh at it, that your laughter will be less ridiculous if you were making fun of the soul that descends from the light.
- It is very reasonable, 'he said what you say.
- It is necessary therefore "I said, that if this is true, we consider the following about it: that education is not as some claim they are. In fact, they say, I believe, they provide knowledge to the soul that does not have the same view so if you infuse some blind eyes. - in fact they say they agreed.
- Now, the discussion now, "I said shows that this power exists in the soul of each, and the organ with which each learns are again, departing from what is born with the soul of the whole- so that the eye is not able to turn toward the light, leaving the darkness, but in the company of the whole body, until they are able to cope with the contemplation of being, which is that what we call good. Is not it?
- That's right.
- therefore I said, there may be an art of discovering what the easiest and most effective way for this body to become, but not instill vision, but to seek to correct that, holding and is not returned where it should not look where it's necessary.
- It seems, "he said.
- And so, while the other virtues, called virtues of the soul, they may be quite similar to those of the body, because, although initially there may actually be later produced through custom and practice - in the knowledge that is the case that appears to belong to something indeed more divine than ever loses its power and, depending on where they are again, it is useful and beneficial or otherwise, useless and harmful. Or do you not observed how miserable soul perceived sharpness of those who are said to be evil, but intelligent and discerning than that toward penetration, which becomes, because he has poor eyesight and is obliged to serve to evil, so that the higher the acuity of his gaze, the more will the evils that make the soul?
Plato. The Republic. Book VII
I. Questions I. Editorial
Education, knowledge and good in Plato.
You have again forgotten, my friend, I said, that the law is not interested in anything that is in the city a particular class enjoying happiness, but because it strives to happen to the entire city, and it introduces harmony among the citizens by persuasion or force, that some do it to other participants of the profits that each may be useful to the community and itself in the city as men of that class, but not to let everyone turns to anywhere, but to do them herself towards the unification of the state.
- True, "said" I forgot about it.
- Well, now notes, "I said, Glaucon Oh!, Which we will not harm the philosophers who have between us, but to compel reasonable words, to take care of others and protect them. We will say that it is natural that people such that there is in other cities do not participate in the work of them, because they are alone, against the will of their governments, and when someone is alone and should not nobody upbringing, it's just that not worry anyone to reinstate the amount of it. But I have begotten you us, for yourselves and for the rest of the city, as chiefs and kings, such as hives, better and fully educated and more capable than those, therefore, to participate in both. You have, therefore, to go down one after another to the housing of others and get used to seeing in the dark. Once used, you will see far better than those in there and know what each image and how it is, because you have seen and the truth about what is beautiful and what is just and good. And so, our and your city will live in the light of day, not in dreams, how they live now most of them at the hands of those who fight with each other by empty shadows or vie for control as if it were some great well. But the truth is, I believe the following: the city in which are less eager to be rulers who have to be, that must necessarily happen to live better with less dissent than none, and you have another class of rulers, so different.
- indeed, "he said.
- Do you think therefore that we disobey the pupils when they hear this, and refuse to share in turn the work of the community, living much time left together and the world of the pure?
- Impossible, "he said. They are just men who will sort things fair. But there is no doubt that each will go to the government as something inevitable, unlike those who now rule in different cities.
- That's right, mate, "I said. If you find how to provide those who have to send a better life than the ruler, you may get to have a well-governed city, as this will be the only one who send the truly rich, who are not gold, but what you have to have plenty to be happy: a good life and judicious.
Plato. The Republic. Book VII
I. Questions
1. What is the role of "law" in the city?
2. What is the relationship in the text of Plato between true knowledge and politics?
I. Editorial
city government and good and wise life

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Train Birthday Invitation Wording 3

reviews PAU Plato

winged chariot Myth

using Plato Allegory describe the parts of the soul and the human desire for knowledge and being.

In the "Phaedrus" Plato is the question of the essence and parts of the soul. Begins by noting that seem more appropriate, given the difficulty of the subject, allegorical exposure rational inquiry and immediately presents the myth of the winged chariot. Here is a summary of the literal: the soul is like a natural force that held together a car and their driver, supported by wings. The horses and the charioteers of the gods are all good, those of men. In our case, the charioteer guides a pair of horses, a beautiful and good, one ugly and bad, so driving to us will be hard and difficult.
The soul has the task of caring for what is inanimate and travels through the sky. When it flies perfect heights and manages around the world, but instead he has lost his wings is drawn up that takes hold of something solid where a body is established on earth. Because of the strength of the soul, the body seems to move itself and the two-body and soul are called living.
The strength of the wing is to bring up the heavy, rising to the place where the gods live. The divine is beautiful, wise and good and this is what most feeds and grows wings, however shameful, bad and all other things contrary to those consuming them and makes them die. Zeus led the souls of the gods and of men marching through the sky all order and care. After making their task will look for food to the world supercelestial, to the reality that lies beyond the vault of heaven. In this place justice is the essence of which are really being, being colorless, intangible, whose essence is only seen by the understanding, pilot of the soul, and about the true knowledge grows, but not science what is born and dies, the relative, but the science of what is truly being.
The souls of the gods, as they are driven by two good horses and docile, total seamless. The mind of the gods fed a pure knowledge and belief as to see what is there, feeds, is filled with joy and rest until the movement in his round, back to your site. The souls of men go up with difficulty because the horse with a bad constitution is heavy and tips and fatigue the charioteer who has not fed properly. So is the soul with his tough and exhausting test.
of human souls, which God has followed best and most get to see something you like, others can not achieve the vision of being, what remains the view of food, "why all this effort to make out Where is the Plain Truth, is that appropriate grass for the best part of the soul is coming from the field that are there, and the nature of the wing, which makes light to the soul, he eats. "souls who could not envision anything there will gravitate is full of oblivion and neglect, lost its wings and fall to the ground.

The following theses summarize the simplest interpretation of the myth:

the soul is the life principle by which living beings can perform the movements of its own;

natural things are directed and controlled by God ( providential and teleological assumption that after we find in much of later philosophy);

the human soul in some way participates in the divine nature, but also a principle opposed to the perverted and knocks the world of finitude, contingency and death,

the most excellent of the human soul is akin to mind of the gods and, like theirs, is composed of knowledge

against physical reality beyond nature, in the "scope supercelestial", is the true reality, the true being characterized as the essence which always remains identical to itself, which has no physical properties (colorless and intangible) and is offered only to understanding (the ontological dualism);

our fate is in that perfect world, a world that is reached mainly through the Science of the Absolute (philosophy or dialectic) with no knowledge of the relative and changeable (say);

when it embodies the soul forget what has made the world a glimpse into supercelestial (rudiments of the theory of reminiscence);

is also common to find the correspondence between the parts of the soul with the elements that appear in the myth of the winged chariot, the charioteer represents the wise, for the direction of human life, knowledge and most divine is in us, the good horse is the irascible, what allows the soul to the realization of actions good and beautiful, the bad and rebellious horse represents the concupiscible, those further up in us desires and passions and drives us into the realm of the senses.

This myth perfectly summarizes the proposal that covers the whole of Platonic philosophy: to make in this life and radical beauty, truth and goodness (since "the divine is beautiful, wise and good and this is what feeds most and grows wings. ")

On his immortality, for, just what is said. About your idea must be stated as follows: find out how the soul would be something of an investigation in every way and fully divine, as well as long, but what he is like that may be the subject of human research and shorter; proceed, therefore, well. It is therefore the soul like some natural force that keeps a car and their driver, supported by wings. The horse and charioteers of the gods are all good and made of good elements, those of the others are mixed. First, about us, guide the driver a couple of horses, then the horses, one is beautiful, good and composed of elements of the same nature, the other is made up of contraries and is itself contrary. Accordingly, we necessarily hard and difficult driving.
We now try to say how the living has become known as "mortal" and "immortal." Every soul is in the care of what is still, and travels through the sky, coating sometimes one way and sometimes another. And so, when is perfect and winged flies the highest, and manages the entire world, by contrast, has lost his wings is drawn up that takes hold of something solid where a body is established on land that seems to move itself because of the strength of that, and this whole soul and body together, is called living and has the nickname of death. As the immortal, there is no reason to allow us to explain rationally, but not having seen or understood in a way sufficient, we forged an idea of \u200b\u200bdivinity representándonosla as a living being immortal, soul and body naturally united for eternity. This, however, and expose it as pleasing to the deity. Consider the cause of the loss of the wings, and laying it off to the soul. It is something like what follows.
The strength of the wing is, of course, to bring up the heavy, rising inhabited by a race of gods, and so, somehow, everything about the body, which participates in more than degree divine. Now, the divine is beautiful, wise, good, and everything is such, that is thus what most feeds and grows wings, whereas the shame, the bad, and all those other things contrary to the uses and can destroy. Well, the big boss of the sky, Zeus, directing his winged chariot, goes first, ordering all and taking care. It is followed by an army of gods and demons ordered eleven divisions as Hestia is the home of the gods, alone. All other classifieds in the number of twelve directors are regarded as gods in front of the row that each has been assigned. There are many indeed, and beatific, shows that offer domestic routes from heaven blessed race of journeys made every man his own mission, and follows the one who abides in love and in power since Envy is out of the choir of the gods. Now, whenever they go to banquet and feast, go to the hilly regions leading to the top of the vault of heaven. For there the chariots of the gods, well-balanced and obedient to the reins, go easily, but others with difficulty, because the horse with a bad constitution is heavy and tilts toward the ground and fatigue the charioteer who has not fed properly . There is the soul with his tough and exhausting test. Well what are called immortal, when they reached the top, he went out, stand on the back of heaven, and the rise is takes to move the circular in its orbit, and contemplate what is on the other side of heaven. This place
supercelestial, no poet has sung some of the locals down, or what ever sing it deserves, but it is something like this, as it must have the courage to tell the truth, especially when it is which she speaks, "because, colorless, formless, intangible essence of whose being is that really be seen only by understanding, pilot of the soul, and about the true knowledge grows, it occupies precisely such a place. As the divine mind is fed by a knowledge and belief uncontaminated, just as every soul who has commitment to receive what is good, seeing, over time, being, is filled with joy, and contemplation of truth, is your food and welfare, until the movement in his round, return to your site. In this draft, has before him the same justice, has before his eyes to the wisdom, has his sight to science, and not that which is proper to the genesis, or, in some ways it another to be in another, in that other entities that we call, "but that science is what really is being. And having seen, in the same way, all other things that really are, and nurtured them, sinking back into the interior of heaven, and returns home. Once you have arrived, the coachman stopped the horses before the manger, I will check and ragweed and make them drink the nectar.
This is because the life of the gods. Other soul, which has followed the god best and most resembles him, raise the head of the charioteer to the outdoor environment, followed, in turn, the celestial motion, but aroused by horses, barely enough to see beings. There are some that, at times, stands at times sinks and forced by the horses, sees some things do and some do not. Some of them, wishing all the heights, go ahead, but they fail and plunging them into this movement that dragged, kicking and huddling, trying to be some more than others. Confusion, then, and persistence and toil supreme where, clumsiness of the charioteers, remain many ailing, and many many wings are split. All, at last, after so much pain, you have to go without being able to achieve the vision of being, and, once gone, their opinion is just the food. The reason for all this effort to make out where is the plain truth, is that right grass for the best part of the soul is coming from the field that are there, and the nature of the wing, which makes light the soul, he eats. So therefore the provision of Adrastea. Any soul that, in the entourage of the divine, have glimpsed something of the true, will be free until the next turn, and always do the same, shall free from harm. But when, for failing to follow, not seen, and any random event will gravitate full of oblivion and neglect, due to this burden, lost its wings and falls to the ground "

Phaedrus, 246 d 3-248 d


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Song Quote For Sympathy

Plato. Myth of the winged chariot I called and now the destination, say a hero of tragedy, and it is almost time for heading for the toilet, because it seems better to drink once washed the poison and not cause women to the trouble of washing a corpse.

When finished saying this, Crito asked:

"Very well, Socrates. But what do we charge them or to me, good about your children or about anything else that could be more to your liking if we did?

"What I always say, Crito" he said, nothing new. If you think, you yourselves, whatever you do will not only be to my liking, but also to the liking of mine and your own, but now not reconozcáis. But if you neglect them for yourselves and do not want to live by, so to speak, the traces of what is now and in the past has said, though now ye many earnest promises, will not get anything.

"Do not worry," he replied, that our commitment will do so. But how do we bury?

"As you," he said, if you catch me and I ran away from you.

And while smiling calmly, he said, directing his eyes towards us: "I can not

, friends, convince Crito that I am that Socrates now speaks with you and ordering everything that is said but think I'm the one who will be dead in a while, and I question that how to do my funeral. And me in a while is giving many reasons to try that as soon drink the poison, and not stay with you but I'll go to a private happiness of the blessed, parécele vain effort and what you do to console a while myself. So, he added, salidme guarantors to Crito, but the bond against which he presented before the judges. As this ensured that I remain. Ensure that you will not remain once he dies, but I will depart for the better support and Crito and saw burn or bury my body, not irritated like I was experiencing terrible things, or say during the funeral I explains, leads to burying or being buried Socrates. For ten well known, oh excellent Crito "he added, he does not speak properly is not only a lack of that right, but also produces bad souls. Well then, you need to brave, and tell my body that is buried, and buried it the way you like it and think it is more in keeping with the customs.

After saying this, he got up and went to a room for washing. Crito followed him, but we ordered that we waited there. We hope, therefore, talking among ourselves about what is said and considered again, at times, also commenting on how great was the misfortune that had befallen us, because we thought we would spend the rest of life orphans as if we had been deprived of our father. And once they had washed and brought his hand to his sons because he had two small and one full-grown, and also reached the women of his family, talked with them in presence of Crito and after that he wanted to make recommendations ordered to withdraw to the women and children, and came to meet us. The sun was near its end, having spent much time indoors. Freshly washed arrived, sat down, and after that not much was said. Wine Eleven server, and stopping at his side, he said, "Oh Socrates

not censuraré you what you blame others, who are irritated at me and curse me when I transmit the order to drink the poison I give the judges. But you, I have recognized on other occasions during this time, you're the man more noble, more gentleness and more of those who have come here, and now I know you're angry with me, but who you know are guilty. So now, since you know the message that I bring, health, and tries to bear with resignation more than necessary. And breaking to mourn, God turned and left.

Socrates, then, raising his eyes to him, told him: "You too

receive my greeting, so we will.

So they went after us, added:

- What a man so kind! Throughout my time here came to see me occasionally chatted with me and was the best man. And now how nobly me cry! So, let's event, Crito, and bring some poison, if it is crushed. And if not, that our man crush.

"But, Socrates, said Crito, the sun, I believe, is still on the mountains and has not been set. And I know also that there have been others who have taken a lot after having been sent order and having eaten and drunk with pleasure, and some even having had contact with those who wished. Well then, do not rush, there is still time.

"It is natural which run well," said Crito Socrates, those that you say, they believe benefit in doing so. But it is also natural that I will not, because I do not take other benefit, to drink a little later than incurring ridiculous myself, showing me anxious and greedy of life when I do not have even a shred. Come on, obey me, "he finished, and do as I say.

Hearing this, Crito made a nod to a slave I was at his side. He left it and, after a long while, returned with him to be the poison that brought crushed in a glass. Seeing him, Socrates asked

"Well, my good man, you who understand these things, what should I do?

"Nothing more than drink and stroll," he replied, "until you put the heavy legs, and then lie down. So will its effect.
he took it very quietly, without the slightest tremor and evenly at all or in color or in his face, looked at individual front, as was his custom, and said

- What you say about this drink with respect to making a libation to some deity? Is it possible or not?

"Just grind, Socrates, he replied, the amount they require to drink.

"I realize," he said. But at least possible, and also must beg the gods to be happy my migration from here to there. This is what I beg you: so!

And after these words, drank it, holding my breath, without reluctance and without difficulty.

Until now most of us was quite able to hold back the tears, but when we saw him drinking and how he had drunk, and could not contain us. Me too, against my will, caíanme tears in abundance, so that over the face, I cried for myself, because it certainly was not by him through whom cried, but for my own misfortune, having been deprived of such a friend. Crito, and even before that I had not been able to hold back tears, he had risen. And Apollodorus, which previously had never ceased to mourn, then began to whimper, tears and demonstrations of outrage, so that there was no one of these, except Socrates himself, who was not moved.

But then we said,

- What do men strange? If I sent out women was especially so, to avoid inconveniencing that way, because I have heard that he should die in the words of good omen. Well, then, be assured, and show strong.

And, to hear us, we feel shame and held our tears. He, meanwhile, after having walked, when he said that he put heavy legs, lay on his back, and it had advised the man. At the same time, he had given the poison took her feet and legs and watching them at intervals. Then he pressed his foot hard and asked if I felt it. Socrates said no. Then did the same with your legs and going up in this way, we showed that it was cool and stiffens. And followed her playing and said that when he reached the heart die.

was almost cold when the belly, revealing her face for she had covered, "they said, were his last words:" Oh

, Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Render the debt and not ignore you pass.

"Do not worry, so be it, "answered Crito. See if you have to say something else.

Crito to this question and not answer, but, after a while, had a tremor and found the man: his eyes were still. Upon seeing this, Crito closed his mouth and eyes.

That was the end of our friend, a man who, as we might say, was the best, besides being the most sensible and fair to the men of his time trying.

(Plato, Phaedo 114e-118a)