Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Song Quote For Sympathy

Plato. Myth of the winged chariot

http://www.e-torredebabel.com I called and now the destination, say a hero of tragedy, and it is almost time for heading for the toilet, because it seems better to drink once washed the poison and not cause women to the trouble of washing a corpse.

When finished saying this, Crito asked:

"Very well, Socrates. But what do we charge them or to me, good about your children or about anything else that could be more to your liking if we did?

"What I always say, Crito" he said, nothing new. If you think, you yourselves, whatever you do will not only be to my liking, but also to the liking of mine and your own, but now not reconozcáis. But if you neglect them for yourselves and do not want to live by, so to speak, the traces of what is now and in the past has said, though now ye many earnest promises, will not get anything.

"Do not worry," he replied, that our commitment will do so. But how do we bury?

"As you," he said, if you catch me and I ran away from you.

And while smiling calmly, he said, directing his eyes towards us: "I can not

, friends, convince Crito that I am that Socrates now speaks with you and ordering everything that is said but think I'm the one who will be dead in a while, and I question that how to do my funeral. And me in a while is giving many reasons to try that as soon drink the poison, and not stay with you but I'll go to a private happiness of the blessed, parécele vain effort and what you do to console a while myself. So, he added, salidme guarantors to Crito, but the bond against which he presented before the judges. As this ensured that I remain. Ensure that you will not remain once he dies, but I will depart for the better support and Crito and saw burn or bury my body, not irritated like I was experiencing terrible things, or say during the funeral I explains, leads to burying or being buried Socrates. For ten well known, oh excellent Crito "he added, he does not speak properly is not only a lack of that right, but also produces bad souls. Well then, you need to brave, and tell my body that is buried, and buried it the way you like it and think it is more in keeping with the customs.

After saying this, he got up and went to a room for washing. Crito followed him, but we ordered that we waited there. We hope, therefore, talking among ourselves about what is said and considered again, at times, also commenting on how great was the misfortune that had befallen us, because we thought we would spend the rest of life orphans as if we had been deprived of our father. And once they had washed and brought his hand to his sons because he had two small and one full-grown, and also reached the women of his family, talked with them in presence of Crito and after that he wanted to make recommendations ordered to withdraw to the women and children, and came to meet us. The sun was near its end, having spent much time indoors. Freshly washed arrived, sat down, and after that not much was said. Wine Eleven server, and stopping at his side, he said, "Oh Socrates

not censuraré you what you blame others, who are irritated at me and curse me when I transmit the order to drink the poison I give the judges. But you, I have recognized on other occasions during this time, you're the man more noble, more gentleness and more of those who have come here, and now I know you're angry with me, but who you know are guilty. So now, since you know the message that I bring, health, and tries to bear with resignation more than necessary. And breaking to mourn, God turned and left.

Socrates, then, raising his eyes to him, told him: "You too

receive my greeting, so we will.

So they went after us, added:

- What a man so kind! Throughout my time here came to see me occasionally chatted with me and was the best man. And now how nobly me cry! So, let's event, Crito, and bring some poison, if it is crushed. And if not, that our man crush.

"But, Socrates, said Crito, the sun, I believe, is still on the mountains and has not been set. And I know also that there have been others who have taken a lot after having been sent order and having eaten and drunk with pleasure, and some even having had contact with those who wished. Well then, do not rush, there is still time.

"It is natural which run well," said Crito Socrates, those that you say, they believe benefit in doing so. But it is also natural that I will not, because I do not take other benefit, to drink a little later than incurring ridiculous myself, showing me anxious and greedy of life when I do not have even a shred. Come on, obey me, "he finished, and do as I say.

Hearing this, Crito made a nod to a slave I was at his side. He left it and, after a long while, returned with him to be the poison that brought crushed in a glass. Seeing him, Socrates asked

"Well, my good man, you who understand these things, what should I do?

"Nothing more than drink and stroll," he replied, "until you put the heavy legs, and then lie down. So will its effect.
he took it very quietly, without the slightest tremor and evenly at all or in color or in his face, looked at individual front, as was his custom, and said

- What you say about this drink with respect to making a libation to some deity? Is it possible or not?

"Just grind, Socrates, he replied, the amount they require to drink.

"I realize," he said. But at least possible, and also must beg the gods to be happy my migration from here to there. This is what I beg you: so!

And after these words, drank it, holding my breath, without reluctance and without difficulty.

Until now most of us was quite able to hold back the tears, but when we saw him drinking and how he had drunk, and could not contain us. Me too, against my will, caíanme tears in abundance, so that over the face, I cried for myself, because it certainly was not by him through whom cried, but for my own misfortune, having been deprived of such a friend. Crito, and even before that I had not been able to hold back tears, he had risen. And Apollodorus, which previously had never ceased to mourn, then began to whimper, tears and demonstrations of outrage, so that there was no one of these, except Socrates himself, who was not moved.

But then we said,

- What do men strange? If I sent out women was especially so, to avoid inconveniencing that way, because I have heard that he should die in the words of good omen. Well, then, be assured, and show strong.

And, to hear us, we feel shame and held our tears. He, meanwhile, after having walked, when he said that he put heavy legs, lay on his back, and it had advised the man. At the same time, he had given the poison took her feet and legs and watching them at intervals. Then he pressed his foot hard and asked if I felt it. Socrates said no. Then did the same with your legs and going up in this way, we showed that it was cool and stiffens. And followed her playing and said that when he reached the heart die.

was almost cold when the belly, revealing her face for she had covered, "they said, were his last words:" Oh

, Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Render the debt and not ignore you pass.

"Do not worry, so be it, "answered Crito. See if you have to say something else.

Crito to this question and not answer, but, after a while, had a tremor and found the man: his eyes were still. Upon seeing this, Crito closed his mouth and eyes.

That was the end of our friend, a man who, as we might say, was the best, besides being the most sensible and fair to the men of his time trying.

(Plato, Phaedo 114e-118a)


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