Thursday, September 17, 2009

Throbbing Heart Beat By Knee

The death of Socrates in the Phaedo

POEM OF BEING (by Parmenides of Elea)

The horses drag me as far as the mood took me longs
. And once at the renowned
path of the Goddess I had position, which takes the wise man through the villages, led me there.
By working there I had the
horses pulling the carriage, the girls showed the road. In dizzying, from both sides) when they hurried to escort the girls
Helias, abandoned dwellings and
night into the light, having their hands head veils removed.
There [are] the stakes of the paths of night and day
and around them, lintel and threshold of stone,
and themselves, ethereal, enclosed by huge swing that leaves
of Dike, that of multiple punishments, the dual-use keys stored.
They spoke with soft words maidens
and wisely persuaded that the interlocked
promptly locked the doors were removed. And they
input produced the vast chasm opened. The bronze
posts on its hinges, one after another turned
of pins and bolts trimmed. And through the doors,
right down the road, a car and drove horses maidens.
and benevolent goddess received me, with his hand grabbing my right hand
with these words addressed to me:
Mancebo, charioteer immortal companion companion
with their horses that bring you to our home arrive,
cheers, not a bad moira
sent you to follow this path (as was the path of humans is), but Themis and Dike
. And so you have all that out,
both really well-rounded heart
imperturbable as the opinions of mortals in which there is no real loyalty,
and also learn this: how multiple pareciente
had to be acceptable, pervading everything everywhere.

Way of Truth. EXTRACT
Well, I'll tell you, watch your heard the word "
the only ways of inquiry that are clearly seen.
The first, which is and that it is impossible not to be,
of persuasion is the path (because the truth is).
The other, which is not and need not be,
a path, I say, entirely impracticable. Well
not know what no body (it is not practicable)
could not put into words.
... well the same is to be intelligible.
But look: what is absent is both firmly in mind for the nous,
because [nous] did not aim the body of your connection with body, or dispersed
everywhere and of all the modes in the order,
or compiled into a solid consistency. EXTRACT
Preference is for me where to start, it will return there again.
and intelligence is needed is that being is. As is to be
but nothing is. I intimate this to think.
And first of this line of inquiry I sent you away, but then also
that where mortals who know nothing
go wandering, two-headed: for the confusion in their breasts
directs the wandering nous. Dragged
aa while deaf blind, stupefied,
undecided masses for whom being and nothing are the same
and not the same, and the path of all revertant. EXTRACT
Well it never will master: to be non-entities.
away your thinking this way of inquiry, nor custom
for it forces you to shake the eye without seeing and hearing rumbling
and tongue logos more discerning with the controversial criticism expressed
for me. EXTRACT
A just say even as a way
is: it is. In this way, distinctive signs
many: that innate body is imperishable.
because it is unique, undisturbed and without end. how, where grown? Do not leave "from non-entity"
say or intelligible, as neither predictable nor intelligible
it is not. And what need would have impelled
after or entities, if started from nothing, to get? And
or every necessary or not [be]. Neither
as no body never allow the force of persuasion
I got to be something with him. Wherefore neither become
no longer be allowed Dike, loosening the chains but retains
. The decision on this is as follows:
is or is not. But already decided, as [is] necessary,
that [the way] is unthinkable and nameless (because it is not true
way), however, the other is and is genuine.
How could then cease to be the entities? How would it be?
If you came to be, is not, nor whether it will ever be.
And so is extinguished and unknown origin [is] the ruin.
Nor is divisible, it is entirely the same.
Neither is something else here that would prevent him from being compact,
or less, since it is entirely full of beings. And so it is entirely
compact. For what agency bordering beings.
But still on the edge of huge links
is without beginning, without cessation, since genesis and ruin
far were removed; expulsólos real firmness.
himself staying in the same lies in itself, and thus firmly
is right there. As the powerful Ananke
What links retained in the cap, which closes it around:
so, what provision is divine being is not inedible,
because they are indigent, in exchange, if the non-entity, all devoid.
The same is the intelligible and that and that for which the intelligible is.
For not without the body, on which, once expressed,
find the intelligible. Nothing is or will
outside bodies, as Moira
tied it to be whole and immovable. And so on
name will be established when mortals, hoping to be true:
become and cease to be, being, and not [be],
and change of place and change the color shining.
But being extreme limit, is perfect
everywhere, like the mass of well-rounded sphere, center balanced
Nothing more and nothing less can be here and there,
nor as being is not, that would prevent
achieve equality, or what entity, to be the body
more here and less there, for all integers is intact.
And being everywhere equal to itself, appears also in its limits. This term
for you logos
reliable and thinking about the truth. From here the views fatal
learn, listening to the order of my words misleading.

Way of Doxa.
agreed to form two ways, both
one is not needed, as are wrong. Separate
opposites for its workmanship and put
signals that isolate each other, here's the ethereal fire calls,
benign livianísimo, himself everywhere identical to the other
not identical. More
also that which opposes it: dark night, thick and heavy strokes. All this apparent
I offer you that no trial will exceed deaths. EXTRACT
But it was all light and night and they named
, According to their potentialities [were attributed] to such and such things all full
is, at once, night light and invisible,
both equal, because Nothing is beyond these two. FRAGMENT 10

phisis will know the ethereal and ether
all the signs, and the sun shining, pure
torch devastating works, and where they came to be. And the works circulating
findings of the round moon
axis and its origin. Know the sky that holds [all] around,
emerged where and how they forced impeller
Ananke to retain the limits of the stars. How
earth, sun and moon and ether
common celestial Milky Way and Olympus
end and the stars burning force, were compelled to become

narrower rings were filled with unmixed fire,
the following night, and is projected portion between flame.
And in the midst of these, the goddess who directs everything, everywhere
governed since the painful birth and the mixture
sending it to blend masculine and feminine, in turn, in contrast, the male to
female. FRAGMENT 13

First of all the gods Eros invented.
noctilucent, around the earth, wandering, His light. FRAGMENT 15

always inquisitive facing the sun. EXTRACT
[The land is] acuarraigada
Well the way each has lost mix very well nous
members is available to men. Same thing is what reflects
, physis of members for men,
to everyone and everything. For what else is thinking. FRAGMENT 17

Right young, left the girls ... EXTRACT
When women and men mixed together seeds of Venus in the veins
shaper strength, blood diversas procedente,
guardando un justo equilibrio, plasma cuerpos bien dispuestos.
Pero si, al mezclarse los simientes, las fuerzas pugnan
sin hacer una sola, mezclados los cuerpos, funestas
resultarán por su doble simiente el naciente sexo.
Así, pues, emergieron, según el parecer, estas cosas y ahora son,
y, a partir de aquí, habiendo madurado, acabarán.
A ellos los hombres nombre impusieron acuñado para cada cual.


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