Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bushnell Binocular Camera 111025 Driver

Plato Parmenides' Poem of Being



Honra, en primer lugar,
y venera a los dioses inmortales,
a cada uno de acuerdo a su rango.
Respeta luego the oath, and reverence
illustrious heroes, and also
underground geniuses:
they will fulfill the laws mandate. Honor

then your parents and your blood relatives.
And others, make friends
which excels in virtue.

the kind words and do not stop to acts helpful.

not resent the friend on a misdemeanor.

These things make them the extent of your strength,
as is possible with the necessary

Compenétrate to meet these requirements, but atiénete to dominate

of the needs of your stomach
and your dream, then the starting

your desires and your anger.

never to commit a disgraceful action,
not with anyone or alone: \u200b\u200b
Above all,
Respect yourself. Then

to practice justice,
in words and in deeds, not behaving Learn

no reason ever.

And knowing that death is the fatal law for all the riches
, sometimes

you please win them and lose other you please.

of the suffering that fit
to mortal divine plan,
the part that corresponds to you,
endure them without indignation;
but it is legitimate to seek remedy as far
your strength;
because there are so many
misfortunes that fall on good people.

There are many voices, some unworthy
, other nobles,
who come to hurt the ear: Do not be troubled
not hear back for you.
When you hear a lie,
bear it calmly.

But now I need to tell
always fulfill it:
Nobody, for his statements or his actions,
move you to do or say
anything but the best for you.

Think before acting to not make nonsense:
mindless act and speak
is poor people.
not go into matters that you ignore,
more learned what is needed: this is the norm
a pleasant life.

do not neglect your health,
have moderation in eating and drinking,
and the exercise of the body. For moderation

understand what you do not get hurt.
Get used to life without softness,
and beware of what may attract envy.

not be lost on your expenses and make

ignoring what is honesty,

but not stop being generous:

there is nothing better than moderation in all things.

Do what you do not damage you,
and think before acting.
And do not let the sweet dreams seizes
your languid eyes without having reviewed

what you've done in the day:
"What have I missed? What have I done?
What I failed to fulfill duty ? Start Start
and all errors repróchate
and alégrente
and successes.

Here's what to do.
These things are
to engage in practice,
These things have to love. Through them you will enter

in the divine path of perfection.
For who conveyed to our understanding of Tetratkis
the source of the perennial nature.

Forward then!
settings to work, but not before

pray to the gods that
lead to perfection. If you look at these things

know the order which reigns among the deathless gods and mortal men
separate things and how they are attached.

And you know, as just
that nature is a
and the same everywhere, so do not expect

what not to wait,
nothing is hidden from your eyes.

will meet the men, victims of

evils that they are imposed, blind

goods around them,
not hear or see:
few people know
rid of misfortune. Such is the fate

clogging the spirit of mortals as child accounts

rolling from side to side, innumerable evils oppressed
inadvertently punishes Discord, and sad
its natural partner,
which must not cause, but

and give way to escape it.

Oh father Zeus! In many evils

bookstores no
men if only they hicieras
see what demon obey!

But for you, be confident,
because of a divine race
are made humans
and there is also the sacred nature

that shows them discover all things.
From all this,
if you take what belongs to you,
observe my commandments,
to be your remedy, and will free your soul

of such evils.

Abstiénete in food as we said, is for the purification
is to release the soul and reflects

judges all things and each, raising
higher your mind,
which is the best of your guides.

If you neglect your body to fly
to the free ether orbs,
will be an immortal, incorruptible,
no longer subject to death.


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