Friday, September 11, 2009

Average Shot Put Distance For A Twelve Year Old

minimum contents and evaluation PSYCHOLOGY

a) Recognize and analyze philosophical problems in their texts, look up information about them and establish with them a relationship of interpretation , contrast and critical dialogue.
b) to relate philosophical theories to the historical, social and cultural context in which they are raised and which are its expression, along with other manifestations of human intellectual activity.
c) To understand the relationship between theories and philosophical currents that have occurred throughout history, analyzing the similarities as differences in the way of posing the problems and proposed solutions.
d) Recognize the meaning and significance of issues to be permanently occupied with the philosophy and the relevance of the doctrines and philosophical debates of the past to understand the world today.
e) Discovering own cultural and ideological position as heir to a history of thought with which, moreover, must be placed in a thoughtful and critical.
f) Awareness of the need for full understanding of the other (text or party) as a condition of possibility of developing one's own point of view and a fruitful theoretical confrontation.
g) Develop strategies for collecting and collating relevant information from a philosophical point of view, critical analysis of rational discourse and expression of one's own way of thinking.
h) Assess the effort for intellectual rigor in the analysis of problems and the free expression of ideas and rational dialogue from all forms of dogmatism.
i) Assess the capacity of reason, especially in philosophical reflection, to regulate individual and collective human action.
j) Prosecute critically The conceptualization of exclusionary and discriminatory nature that have been part of philosophical discourse, as androcentric, ethnocentrism or others. MINIMUM CONTENT

Plato The Republic, Book VI partial reading (& & 18-21, from 506b)
and Book VII (& & 1-5, up to 521b)
1. Epistemological dualism.
2. Ontological dualism. The theory of Ideas and the Idea of \u200b\u200bGood.
3. Anthropological dualism. Theory of reminiscence.
4. Platonic Ethics. The moral intellectualism.
5. Educational theory. Mathematics and Dialectic.
6. State Theory fair and the philosopher ruler. DESCARTES

Discourse on Method, Parts I-II-III-IV
1. The Cartesian method: ideal mathematical certainty, methodical doubt
and criterion of truth.
2. Descartes idea concept and types.
3. Concept of substance in Descartes and their types.
demonstrative arguments for the existence of God and the world.
4. Anthropological dualism. Mechanism and freedom.
5. Moral provisional.

KANT Critique of Pure Reason, Preface to the 2 nd ed., From the beginning (B VII)
up "... and filodoxia philosophy" (B XXXVII)
1. Transcendental analysis of scientific knowledge.
1.1. Terms of scientific knowledge.
1.2. Transcendental conception of a priori.
1.3. The Copernican revolution.
2. Transcendental critique of metaphysics.
2.1. The distinction between phenomenon and noumenon.
2.2. Negative sense of criticism: theoretical limitation of the use of reason
to phenomena.
2.3. Positive sense of criticism: the defense of the practical use of reason.

NIETZSCHE Twilight of the Idols: "The problem of Socrates," Reason "in philosophy"
"How" real world "eventually became a fable "
" Morality as anti-nature "and" the "best" of humanity "
1. "The Twilight of the Idols' critique of Western culture.
1.1. Critique of morality and religion.
1.2. Critics of the concept of God. Nihilism.
1.3. Vitalism. The will to power and the superman.
2. "How is philosophy with a hammer 'critique of philosophy.
2.1. Decadent critical rationality.
2.2. Being and becoming. Appearance and reality or truth. "
2.3. Critics of the metaphysical world.

EVALUATION PROCEDURES Students will be evaluated by testing text commentary directed at the end of each didactic unit. Such tests consist of three questions about the text and a free writing. This test is intended for students to be able to comment critically and prosecute a philosophical text.
The final grade will be the result of the average of grades obtained in the four units. Any grade below five will be considered as suspended. GPA will not be among the many questions that do not always get a minimum of 20% in each of the parties (short questions 1, 2, 4) and dissertation (3)

Structure Length the test is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Model
review and correction criteria
The exam will consist of text and four issues: the basic reference of the first two will be the text and the last two thematic area delimited in relation to the author's thought
review Texts Sources
texts: The text of review will be an excerpt from the default selection of readings on the agenda of philosophers. To avoid excessively long review text fragment may be cut internally with the corresponding indication to notice. Question 1 ª

Score: 2 points to
type of question: Unless the question requested, exceptionally, the reconstruction of an argument from a particular set of text, its formulation invariably expressed in these terms:
"synthesizes the ideas of the text showing on your resume argumentative or narrative structure developed by the author." Criteria According to the general criteria above, the synthesis that is asked in response must show that it has been understood:
1. What are the ideas or main arguments of the text.
2. How they relate to each other in expository or argumentative structure to reach the general thesis or conclusion.
Rating: The two criteria are worth equal to 1 point each. Question 2 ª

Rating: up 2 points
Question Type: Definition of a term (or two, if they are related) present in the text. Formulation
'Define the (those) term (s related) .. ..., based on information provided by the text and supplementing it with the knowledge you have of the philosophy of the author. " Criteria
should assess the ability to define philosophical terms, or expressions, analyzing them from use in the text of the review.
1. The response should include an express definition of the proposed (or, where appropriate, of the proposed two, clarifying their relationship.)
2. The definition must be drawn from the information given by the text, making explicit references to the term or terms therein.
3. The explanation of the term or terms must be supplemented by general knowledge about them from the study of philosophy of the author.
Rating: The three criteria are worth equal to 1 / 3 of the 2 points each.

Issue 3 ª
Rating: up to 5 points
Question Type: Writing about a topic in the philosophy of the author of the text
Criteria for correction:
should assess the capacity to develop the proposed topic focusing on its
specific formulation and application general knowledge of the full text and the author worked in class.
1. The contents of the editors should focus on responding to the specific formulation of the statement, without unnecessary digressions and including in its development and justification of the ideas presented.
2. Editor's exposure should be, in turn, clear and tidy.
Rating: The first criterion is measured up to 3.5 points and the second to 1.5 points.
Question 4 th
Rating: up to 1 point
type of question: Its formulation invariably becomes:
"Discuss briefly any aspect of the thought of the author of the text you deem important in any of these ways: on its relationship with other philosophers with relevant historical events (especially if they are contemporaries of the author or are related to their life) or significant features of the contemporary world. " Criteria
should assess the ability to apply or relate the author's thought anyone
aspects suggested in the question.
1. It valued the contents of philosophical interest exposed.
2. Will evaluate the originality of the proposal of the student or the student and her thoughtful and reasoned exposition, avoiding rote or stereotyped responses.
Rating: The two criteria are worth equal to 0.5 points each. RECOVERY PROCEDURES

test was carried out for each block recovery suspense She will present the students suspended and voluntarily, those who wish up note. The score on these tests will be the ultimate recovery, albeit lower than that obtained in initial test.
Finally, all those students who fail the subject in June (as a result of applying the criterion of the average between the different blocks) was submitted to the special examination in September.


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