Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Train Birthday Invitation Wording 3

reviews PAU Plato

winged chariot Myth

using Plato Allegory describe the parts of the soul and the human desire for knowledge and being.

In the "Phaedrus" Plato is the question of the essence and parts of the soul. Begins by noting that seem more appropriate, given the difficulty of the subject, allegorical exposure rational inquiry and immediately presents the myth of the winged chariot. Here is a summary of the literal: the soul is like a natural force that held together a car and their driver, supported by wings. The horses and the charioteers of the gods are all good, those of men. In our case, the charioteer guides a pair of horses, a beautiful and good, one ugly and bad, so driving to us will be hard and difficult.
The soul has the task of caring for what is inanimate and travels through the sky. When it flies perfect heights and manages around the world, but instead he has lost his wings is drawn up that takes hold of something solid where a body is established on earth. Because of the strength of the soul, the body seems to move itself and the two-body and soul are called living.
The strength of the wing is to bring up the heavy, rising to the place where the gods live. The divine is beautiful, wise and good and this is what most feeds and grows wings, however shameful, bad and all other things contrary to those consuming them and makes them die. Zeus led the souls of the gods and of men marching through the sky all order and care. After making their task will look for food to the world supercelestial, to the reality that lies beyond the vault of heaven. In this place justice is the essence of which are really being, being colorless, intangible, whose essence is only seen by the understanding, pilot of the soul, and about the true knowledge grows, but not science what is born and dies, the relative, but the science of what is truly being.
The souls of the gods, as they are driven by two good horses and docile, total seamless. The mind of the gods fed a pure knowledge and belief as to see what is there, feeds, is filled with joy and rest until the movement in his round, back to your site. The souls of men go up with difficulty because the horse with a bad constitution is heavy and tips and fatigue the charioteer who has not fed properly. So is the soul with his tough and exhausting test.
of human souls, which God has followed best and most get to see something you like, others can not achieve the vision of being, what remains the view of food, "why all this effort to make out Where is the Plain Truth, is that appropriate grass for the best part of the soul is coming from the field that are there, and the nature of the wing, which makes light to the soul, he eats. "souls who could not envision anything there will gravitate is full of oblivion and neglect, lost its wings and fall to the ground.

The following theses summarize the simplest interpretation of the myth:

the soul is the life principle by which living beings can perform the movements of its own;

natural things are directed and controlled by God ( providential and teleological assumption that after we find in much of later philosophy);

the human soul in some way participates in the divine nature, but also a principle opposed to the perverted and knocks the world of finitude, contingency and death,

the most excellent of the human soul is akin to mind of the gods and, like theirs, is composed of knowledge

against physical reality beyond nature, in the "scope supercelestial", is the true reality, the true being characterized as the essence which always remains identical to itself, which has no physical properties (colorless and intangible) and is offered only to understanding (the ontological dualism);

our fate is in that perfect world, a world that is reached mainly through the Science of the Absolute (philosophy or dialectic) with no knowledge of the relative and changeable (say);

when it embodies the soul forget what has made the world a glimpse into supercelestial (rudiments of the theory of reminiscence);

is also common to find the correspondence between the parts of the soul with the elements that appear in the myth of the winged chariot, the charioteer represents the wise, for the direction of human life, knowledge and most divine is in us, the good horse is the irascible, what allows the soul to the realization of actions good and beautiful, the bad and rebellious horse represents the concupiscible, those further up in us desires and passions and drives us into the realm of the senses.

This myth perfectly summarizes the proposal that covers the whole of Platonic philosophy: to make in this life and radical beauty, truth and goodness (since "the divine is beautiful, wise and good and this is what feeds most and grows wings. ")

On his immortality, for, just what is said. About your idea must be stated as follows: find out how the soul would be something of an investigation in every way and fully divine, as well as long, but what he is like that may be the subject of human research and shorter; proceed, therefore, well. It is therefore the soul like some natural force that keeps a car and their driver, supported by wings. The horse and charioteers of the gods are all good and made of good elements, those of the others are mixed. First, about us, guide the driver a couple of horses, then the horses, one is beautiful, good and composed of elements of the same nature, the other is made up of contraries and is itself contrary. Accordingly, we necessarily hard and difficult driving.
We now try to say how the living has become known as "mortal" and "immortal." Every soul is in the care of what is still, and travels through the sky, coating sometimes one way and sometimes another. And so, when is perfect and winged flies the highest, and manages the entire world, by contrast, has lost his wings is drawn up that takes hold of something solid where a body is established on land that seems to move itself because of the strength of that, and this whole soul and body together, is called living and has the nickname of death. As the immortal, there is no reason to allow us to explain rationally, but not having seen or understood in a way sufficient, we forged an idea of \u200b\u200bdivinity representándonosla as a living being immortal, soul and body naturally united for eternity. This, however, and expose it as pleasing to the deity. Consider the cause of the loss of the wings, and laying it off to the soul. It is something like what follows.
The strength of the wing is, of course, to bring up the heavy, rising inhabited by a race of gods, and so, somehow, everything about the body, which participates in more than degree divine. Now, the divine is beautiful, wise, good, and everything is such, that is thus what most feeds and grows wings, whereas the shame, the bad, and all those other things contrary to the uses and can destroy. Well, the big boss of the sky, Zeus, directing his winged chariot, goes first, ordering all and taking care. It is followed by an army of gods and demons ordered eleven divisions as Hestia is the home of the gods, alone. All other classifieds in the number of twelve directors are regarded as gods in front of the row that each has been assigned. There are many indeed, and beatific, shows that offer domestic routes from heaven blessed race of journeys made every man his own mission, and follows the one who abides in love and in power since Envy is out of the choir of the gods. Now, whenever they go to banquet and feast, go to the hilly regions leading to the top of the vault of heaven. For there the chariots of the gods, well-balanced and obedient to the reins, go easily, but others with difficulty, because the horse with a bad constitution is heavy and tilts toward the ground and fatigue the charioteer who has not fed properly . There is the soul with his tough and exhausting test. Well what are called immortal, when they reached the top, he went out, stand on the back of heaven, and the rise is takes to move the circular in its orbit, and contemplate what is on the other side of heaven. This place
supercelestial, no poet has sung some of the locals down, or what ever sing it deserves, but it is something like this, as it must have the courage to tell the truth, especially when it is which she speaks, "because, colorless, formless, intangible essence of whose being is that really be seen only by understanding, pilot of the soul, and about the true knowledge grows, it occupies precisely such a place. As the divine mind is fed by a knowledge and belief uncontaminated, just as every soul who has commitment to receive what is good, seeing, over time, being, is filled with joy, and contemplation of truth, is your food and welfare, until the movement in his round, return to your site. In this draft, has before him the same justice, has before his eyes to the wisdom, has his sight to science, and not that which is proper to the genesis, or, in some ways it another to be in another, in that other entities that we call, "but that science is what really is being. And having seen, in the same way, all other things that really are, and nurtured them, sinking back into the interior of heaven, and returns home. Once you have arrived, the coachman stopped the horses before the manger, I will check and ragweed and make them drink the nectar.
This is because the life of the gods. Other soul, which has followed the god best and most resembles him, raise the head of the charioteer to the outdoor environment, followed, in turn, the celestial motion, but aroused by horses, barely enough to see beings. There are some that, at times, stands at times sinks and forced by the horses, sees some things do and some do not. Some of them, wishing all the heights, go ahead, but they fail and plunging them into this movement that dragged, kicking and huddling, trying to be some more than others. Confusion, then, and persistence and toil supreme where, clumsiness of the charioteers, remain many ailing, and many many wings are split. All, at last, after so much pain, you have to go without being able to achieve the vision of being, and, once gone, their opinion is just the food. The reason for all this effort to make out where is the plain truth, is that right grass for the best part of the soul is coming from the field that are there, and the nature of the wing, which makes light the soul, he eats. So therefore the provision of Adrastea. Any soul that, in the entourage of the divine, have glimpsed something of the true, will be free until the next turn, and always do the same, shall free from harm. But when, for failing to follow, not seen, and any random event will gravitate full of oblivion and neglect, due to this burden, lost its wings and falls to the ground "

Phaedrus, 246 d 3-248 d



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