Monday, November 30, 2009

Im Having Pain On The Inside Of My Knee


continue with the beet campaign developed with apparent normality, and all the factories running smoothly. The pulp factory begins to store and outside the factory.
The meeting held last Tuesday, came to nothing. Associations expected the company lowered prices to encourage withdrawals, but did not. Sugar company Ebro, SL had the opportunity to save the pulp to a price as economically possible, but farmers' associations would not, and now have the obligation to remove the pulp within the agreed deadlines. This creates a pressure in the pulp market, giving an excess supply in the short we believe that downward impact on prices. We believe that while the grain price will not rise, the flesh begins to be incorporated in feed formulations, and this we do not see short term. SOYBEAN MEAL

a highly technical market and rising. With a gap to cover $ 330 soybean meal drives us to higher prices.
data to consider:

1 - The progress of the harvest is 94% (89% last week 97% 2008 and the average of the last five years) to 22 November.
2 - Total U.S. exports reached 68% of the total set by the USDA to 3 months from the start.
3 - Despite increased stocks end thanks to USA Harvest, remain the lowest in the last 5 years.
4 - Soybean exports according to the USDA, November 20, with a total of 1.37 million tonnes expected from 700/1.000.000Tm.
5 - The investment funds according to the CFTC to bid again, and stands over 16% (13% last week)
6 - It seems that the rains in Argentina have reconsidered a planted area of \u200b\u200b19 mill. of you. However the magazine World Oil production cut Tm Argentina 48 (52 mill.Tm in October). Other officials speculated that the harvest will be around the 45 million tonnes.
7 - The U.S. interest rate remains very low, which pushes the dollar lower. Still too weak to be of a short term correction in prices of soybeans. And the prospects are unclear, last week reached 1.5141. All of the above push the entry of more funds into commodities.
Without more, refer to the map data in slaughter livestock production, data from August 2009, a decrease of -4.28% from 2008, from 3,743,218 to 3,522,405 animals animals in 2009. No comments.

Friday, November 20, 2009

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Except for a fire in Miranda that the factory has stopped until today, the rest continues to produce at a normal pace, carrying 614,402 tonnes of beet delivered to 15/11/1909 Ebro Sugar Acor 233,486 tons and 380,916 tons.
follows the same scenario as last week, with low consumption and low prices. As stated above until it begins to climb the corn and barley in particular do not believe that the consumption of flesh back to normal.
pulp import was stopped this week about the 125 € / t except in Santander which is situated on the 115 € / t probably by competition from Olmedo.


Soybean meal is its upward trend again, after the report bearish / bullish, there is always a good excuse to raise the price. This week was the vomitoxin in corn on small areas and Chinese exports.
data to consider:

1 - The progress of the harvest is 89% (75% last week), if good weather this week, they may end, or not, because time is expected rain for the week.
2 - Soybean exports according to the USDA to November 13, with a total of 1,272,500 tonnes (522.000Tm last week) expected between 550/700.000Tm.
3 - It appears that the child begins to emerge in South America this week giving rains. Is doubt about the area Estimated final planting between 15 and 19 mill for you.
4 - The estimated planting in Argentina is 44% of the 19 million hectares. projected to 8.400.750Has. According OilWord estimated that there are still problems 7mill Has.con water.

Friday, November 13, 2009

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We have all the factories in operation, at a good rate of production, what happens is that there is no demand . It is clear that the excesses of last year's price we are paying this year, and feed manufacturers have long been reformulated no beet pulp. Only when it very attractive price for them to enter it again and this short term we do not believe it happens.

prices back down and lie on the 113 € / t in all plants except ACOR-Olmedo which are about 115-118 € / ton. change in ports notice a spike located on the 124 € / t of Tarragona and 128 € / t of Cartagena.

As news out to Vince Lawson Muscatine farm on the Isle of Fruitland (Iowa) in collaboration with the University Iowa, where they have conducted some experiments on the use of beets to produce ethanol. The results are spectacular as we believe, for every 35.4 tons of beet sugar were 5.5 tons, and turned in 898 gallons of ethanol, which is about 1,508 liters. We do insist that the withdrawal of beet cultivation in Spain has not been a good idea and can find ways to continue to maintain a production of great weight in our country (as they have in other countries, eg France).


already issued a report in November 2009, initially was bearish, but that is proving bullish, as always, we are dizzy and then do what interests them.

data to consider:

1 - The progress of the harvest is 75% (51% of last week), if good weather this week, they may end.

2 - Soybean exports according to the USDA October 29, remained in the range, with a total of 524,900 tons (scheduled between 400/700.000 Tm) . It has committed 65% of projections for the entire campaign (47% average).

3 - The report November USDA soybean production for the U.S. would mill.TM 90.34 (88.45 mill tonnes the previous month) with a yield of 29 , 12 quintals per hectare (28.51 qq has last month.)

4 - stocks end according to the USDA for the U.S. would be at 7.36 mill tonnes (6.25 tons mill last month)

5 - For Argentina and Brazil also increased production, with 53 tonnes for the first mill and 63 mill tonnes for the second.

6 - There is some concern in Argentina by the lack of rain but it seems that this week would take a front of rain. Is doubt about the final area sown estimated between 15 and 19 mill for you.

7 - Estimating seed in Argentina is 33.8% of the 19 million hectares. November 11 projected 7% below last year.

8 - China imports ocubre fell to its lowest level, although yesterday was notified by USDA of a sale to China of 116,000 tons. Chinese operators have reserved and 14 Tm mill according to the USDA until February cover their needs, they need 3.5 mill MT every month. Decreases in imports in this period have depressed the production of oil and flour, which has driven up prices.

9 - Interesting comments from Sebastian Gavaldá CREA marketing specialist, who believes that prices will rise in the second half of 2010 due to three reasons. The first reason is that Brazil is not growing margins to lower the price, due to higher transportation costs that have to occur in the interior, along with an exchange rate that works against the Brazilians (the same happens to us in Europe). The second factor on the weak dollar, which can lead to increased purchases by index funds, seeking to safeguard the capital of inflation to come. The third reason is the demand, primarily from China and India.

We believe the price drop is still not going to happen this year because of the uncertainties are (despite a good harvest) and the high demand is occurring. Do not let the soybean price goes down, continue to fuel the market with news excess moisture, drought hazards in Argentina, etc. any reason for prices to recover. We are in the hands of Americans and Chinese and until they decide not to lower prices will not fall.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Jade Plants Turn Purple




still keeping overall prices between € 115-118 / t as factories. Achor was the first with prices hovering around the 118 € / t on the market. Toro and La Bañeza have already started to come, and beet pulp are expected on 9, with levels of 115 € / t and Miranda
begin soon have the same price. The market remains well off and with no desire to sue pulps. We believe that the follow the low grain prices and the cheap dollar, demand will not work.
For you to take note of how they see things in Brussels, has just published Regulation (EC) 1044/2009 with an increase in the export of sugar outside the quota for this season, which happens to 1,350,000 MT (650,000 before TM) for the period between 1/10/2009 and 30/9/2010 due to exceptional weather conditions has been as expected a large crop of beets. It is also estimated that sugar production will be about 3 or 4 million tonnes with their storage problems (apply to beet pulp). However we still think that with this dollar the difficulties in exporting will be important. SOYBEAN MEAL

Earrings what will happen on day 10 with the USDA report, the market continues to rise and fall without a clear trend.
data to consider:

1 - Regarding the condition of crops, on 1 November, the USDA reported that 63% is in state good / excellent (65% last week). The progress of the harvest is 51% (44% last week, 85% in 2008 and 87% average for the past five years.)
2 - Soybean exports according to the USDA October 29, remained in the range, with a total of 524,900 metric tons (planned between 400/700.000 Tm). It has committed 65% of projections for the entire campaign (47% average).
3 - FC Stone estimated U.S. soybean harvest 91.96 million tonnes, up from 88.45 million projected by the USDA in October.
4 - It provides abundant in Brazil, where the National Supply Committee yesterday held a volume of between 62.5 and 63.6 mill. / T (57.1 million 2008/2009) against the 62 mill. / T provided by the USDA in October.
5 - There is some concern in Argentina by the lack of rain. The conditions that give the next 10-15 days will be key to determining the offer 2010.
6 - Oil World has cut its crop forecast for Argentina at 50 mill.Tm (52 mill.Tm before.)
7 - The estimate of planting in Argentina is 12.1% of the 19 million hectares. planned for November 4. It is delayed by almost 18% over last year with 17.75 mill. for you ..

continue to doubt whether it will produce the long-awaited drop in soybean futures. We hope that in November USDA report more clear to us the path to follow, because if not we will have to await the report of January 2010.

Monday, November 2, 2009

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Chronology of the History of Philosophy

you will see this page to find the philosopher in each su era. In chronological order

Siglos IV-VI
• Thales of Miletus
• Anaximander • Anaximenes of Miletus

Pythagoras of Samos
• • • Heraclitus of Ephesus
Jenófanes of terminating
• Parmenides of Elea •
Zeno of Elea
• Anaxagoras • Empedocles of Clazomene
• Democritus of Abdera Protagoras of Abdera •

• Socrates

• Plato • Aristotle Epicurus

• V-XVI Centuries
Augustine Anselm of Canterbury
• Thomas Aquinas • Ockham

• • • Luther Erasmus

• Thomas More • Machiavelli

XVII Centuries and XVIII
• Hobbes • Galileo Galilei • Descartes

• Locke • •
Hume Kant
nineteenth and twentieth centuries

• Marx • Nietzsche
• Moore, GE
• Ortega y Gasset, Sartre

• • Althusser
• Kuhn, TS

Greek Philosophy

1) Pre-Socratic Philosophy: heterogeneous group of Greek philosophers and philosophical schools of Socrates earlier.
Chronology of Greek philosophy
cosmological philosophy: concern for the issue of the physis as the sole arche (VII-V century BC)
monist philosophers: philosophers and physiologists monist view that the basis of all reality is a single principle. This group should include the philosophers of Miletus (Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes), Heraclitus and Parmenides;
• Milesian School (thousands or Ionian): Tales (founder): Water atomistic: Leucippus Liceu).
4) Hellenistic Philosophy: Concerns about moral issues, finding ways to be happy (late (fourth century BC) to (II BC)
Stoicism, virtue as well supreme apathy Zeno of Citium (Old and Middle Stoa): Zeno Cities is still a matter of debate among scholars (cf. Pierre Grimal: Is there a Roman philosophy?), it is true that the Romans were widespread ideas of Stoicism, Epicureanism and academics. In fact, many thinkers of this period were rather eclectic. In this sense, the paradigmatic case is Cicero.
Stoics (new or late Stoa): Seneca and deviene ancilla theologiae, that is, shall be subordinate to theology.
Patristics: Justin Martyr Montaigne Analytic philosophy: Russell Philosophical Materialism
: Gustavo Bueno to pursue their education and show the scientific community would be able to learn. The child learns but survives in the desire to reclaim his wild life alternating with the satisfaction of his new life "civilized"

is not the first documented case of wild children. Most of them seem to have been raised by animals, because the same characteristics. The earliest known case dates from 1344. In Germany he met a wild child that ran to four games and living in a cave with wolves. Also in 1666 found a niño_ bear a child later in 1762 - sheep. Closer in time, two girls, wolves were found in Midnapore. In 1981 the Portuguese discovered a girl who had been hidden and neglected by her family in a poultry
All of them had common characteristics: insensitivity to cold or heat, fear of humans and preference for life with animals of the species with they were produced, were exclusively the same as the species that received them, they refused to be clothed or be "locked up" in houses, trying to escape, were unable to recognize their reflection in the mirror, had the sense of sight and more sharp ear and yet did not seem to pay attention to human stimuli. Produced sounds similar to animals sniffing preferred food and raw on all fours and drank usually slept during the day in caves, with more developed night vision. Ill often come into contact with humans and most did not survive.

No wonder that man, raised from an early age, born with a brain structure virtually inactive, only to become a human when living with humans. It is these that activate their genes. A child who has not been socialized not a human. Genes are not enough for a human heritage. The scientist Dawkins invented the term meme to refer to all the habits, behaviors, techniques and inventions that humans acquire from childhood by imitation. All information you provide to us our culture is transmitted in the socialization and if we are deprived of it, we can not acquire it for ourselves. The cultural information is transmitted from brain to brain, by teaching, by assimilation, by imitation, and these children received the other wild species which eventually resembling.

Truffaut's film presents two opposing views: on one hand those who, like Rousseau, argue that education is necessary for human evolution, that is, put more emphasis on the environment on heredity, on the other the holding that the functions man's mental develop spontaneously and that education is contingent, in short geneticists. What is clear is that the wild child found in Aveyron and star of Truffaut's film is not enough in itself, its genes were insufficient to make it human. Jean Itard, educator shows how education but could not make a boy like others of his age, to take a considerable delay in the acquisition of knowledge, if he could change his behavior and enable it to demonstrate their capacity and of his intelligence. In fact Victor is able to pronounce words, write, eat, dress and live like humans.
Jean Itard was born in 1774 in France. Was a physician and surgeon, but when he had contact with children whose education required special measures, were found beaten and thought that with a good education could get a lot more of them. In the film discusses with Jean Pinel, who believes that Victor is to be enclosed in a hospice and forgotten because it is impossible to make him a human child. Firmly believes that to be private Víctor since childhood education, we can not determine the extent of his intelligence and needs a strong education. It is therefore devoted to this and believes it can make a normal human. Victor is not considered mentally retarded. Victor is actually showing signs intelligence and humanity ever more amazing.
The film has helped guide many professionals to start in the treatment of abandoned children. After having seen
answer the following questions: _

characterize the main characters. _
Compare the case of Victor with excluded or marginalized children who may be in your environment or you have been heard or investigated. _
Victor describes the behavior when living in the forest and then compare it with its situation at the end of the film. _
explains the most important aspects of the learning process of Victor. What you learn and how? What shows each of its successive learning? Do you think Victor
behave the way he does because of his environmental stance aislamiento_ or, conversely, do you think has some kind of delay and that explains their behavior geneticist atrasado_ position? Shows the characteristics of both positions and reasoning which is the one that convinces you.
_ Do you think Victor won a better life when he was captured or have been happier in the woods? _
Victor suffers punishment, harsh and stressful education suffers in his new life longing for the forest, water ... but it takes a final decision, preferring to stay with humans. Do you think it was worth the effort took his master? _

Victor behavior and can help us understand where people who deviate from what we consider normal. Think about what cases might be an example of this and tries to argue whether the people who say these abnormal behaviors are guilty of them, they can berate or be held accountable for them or, conversely, are just victims of the environment in which they lived and must be taught, re-education, renewable.