Monday, November 30, 2009

Im Having Pain On The Inside Of My Knee


continue with the beet campaign developed with apparent normality, and all the factories running smoothly. The pulp factory begins to store and outside the factory.
The meeting held last Tuesday, came to nothing. Associations expected the company lowered prices to encourage withdrawals, but did not. Sugar company Ebro, SL had the opportunity to save the pulp to a price as economically possible, but farmers' associations would not, and now have the obligation to remove the pulp within the agreed deadlines. This creates a pressure in the pulp market, giving an excess supply in the short we believe that downward impact on prices. We believe that while the grain price will not rise, the flesh begins to be incorporated in feed formulations, and this we do not see short term. SOYBEAN MEAL

a highly technical market and rising. With a gap to cover $ 330 soybean meal drives us to higher prices.
data to consider:

1 - The progress of the harvest is 94% (89% last week 97% 2008 and the average of the last five years) to 22 November.
2 - Total U.S. exports reached 68% of the total set by the USDA to 3 months from the start.
3 - Despite increased stocks end thanks to USA Harvest, remain the lowest in the last 5 years.
4 - Soybean exports according to the USDA, November 20, with a total of 1.37 million tonnes expected from 700/1.000.000Tm.
5 - The investment funds according to the CFTC to bid again, and stands over 16% (13% last week)
6 - It seems that the rains in Argentina have reconsidered a planted area of \u200b\u200b19 mill. of you. However the magazine World Oil production cut Tm Argentina 48 (52 mill.Tm in October). Other officials speculated that the harvest will be around the 45 million tonnes.
7 - The U.S. interest rate remains very low, which pushes the dollar lower. Still too weak to be of a short term correction in prices of soybeans. And the prospects are unclear, last week reached 1.5141. All of the above push the entry of more funds into commodities.
Without more, refer to the map data in slaughter livestock production, data from August 2009, a decrease of -4.28% from 2008, from 3,743,218 to 3,522,405 animals animals in 2009. No comments.


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