Monday, May 31, 2010

Infrared Spectra Library Free


Today ends in May and have already completed all the factories. The beet total received was 2,332,550 tons in Ebro with yields per hectare of 95.4 MT / Ha. record in Europe, demonstrating the high productivity of the English countryside.

The situation with regard to pulp mills, is complicated in Miranda and the Bañeza far accumulated stock. Not so in ACOR and Toro that they are practically empty. Prices are located on the 110 € / t in Miranda and 114 € / t in the Bañeza.

Guadalete This month begins in the south with prices similar to the north, although it is still early to have a level.

level of import prices do not give in and go from the 129 € / t in Tarragona to 130 € / t in Cartagena. However a possible correction in the euro against the dollar and low cereal prices could bring down the price of imports over the coming months.


Finally there was strike in the English ports and ships arrived laden with soybean meal ended with restrictions on the loads of these last two months.

data to consider:

1 - from Chinese Imports U.S. in April were 4.2 million tons and the Chinese government in June expected to be from 5.8 to 6 mill.Tm.

2 - According to the USDA for the 09/10 campaign exports have reached 46 mill.Tm 12% more than last year. The forecasts for the year 10/11 is 49 mill.Tm.

3 - According to the CFTC the week of 5 to May 11 mutual funds were sellers of contracts, reducing open interest of 11.2% to 6 , 7%. A May 18 are at a 2.6% net buyer position.

4 - A May 24 USA soybean planting reached 53% of planned area (57% average of recent years).

5 - in Argentina on 27 May have harvested 91.2% with an average yield of 30 quintals / ha. with a volume of 51 mill.Tm (expected 54.8 mill.Tm). Weather conditions may cause a slight delay the final harvest.

6 - U.S. exports last Thursday week reached 295,000 tons (564,000 tonnes earlier and expected 450/600.000) with 175,000 tonnes for the 2009/10 season.

ships arrived and gradually the price of soybean meal is dwindling. Only two notes, the first multinational companies as they bring the ships are virtually sold out (is not it?) Although there is provision for new arrivals in the month of June. And the second is that if the bases were to 0, the price of soybeans would have between € 270 / 280 / t, which are in the hands of multinationals and who want to lower the bases by June or July.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Youth Boxing Plano Texas

"Other Pathways" Ayacucho

Wed, 26/05/2010 - 05:00

By Antonio Zapata (Article written in the newspaper La República)

The death of Comrade Reuben in the Huallaga has led to several front pages of national newspapers. According to police, was number 2 of Artemio and it would be his third second shot in the final period. The press has revived talk of Sendero Luminoso as if the same group led by Abimael Guzman, without distinguishing between different variants operating for many years. Thus, there remain some question, what is the relationship of Guzman with this process?, are the Huallaga and hikers VRAE are part of the same group?

When Guzman was jailed, along with Elena Iparraguirre and two other members of his high command, their organization was beheaded. By then, several leaders had already died and others were prisoners, such as Osman Morote. That is, the direction was already suffering hiker low abundance. Falling Guzman topped this course because he thought the strategy and they organized the implementation.

Guzman was aware of the extreme weakness of his organization and devised the "agreement peace ", which consisted of cessation of violence for political negotiations with the state. For its part, ruled Alberto Fujimori and his advisor Vladimiro Montesinos operated. They widely advertised the appeal to the peace agreement, but then mess up any political discussion.

Meanwhile, Guzman tried to get all his bend to its new line, without getting unanimously. The resistance was led by Feliciano, the main leader then remained free. He was in Ayacucho, moving at various points that connect the mountains to the jungle, went into Vizcatán, where he shelters for years. He walked a lot and tried to continue the war but was caught in time of Fujimori.

With a few militants who came from behind, Feliciano formed a new trail on the fringes VRAE growers. Therefore, the guerrillas led by Comrade Joseph was a group formed when Guzman was already in jail. They have been critically reviewed the internal war, developing a very opposite view Abimael. For example, consider that it was not a terrorist and Maoist guerrillas. They argue that the assassinations and car bombs were counterproductive. Nowadays, the group still in the fight VRAE, protecting the drug economy and the peasant coca growers.

For its part, comes from the Huallaga Artemio Path since the time of Guzman. He did not break dramatically with Abimael and rather claims his career. Still pondering the thought "Gonzalo", although it has disobeyed the order to demobilize. Just as in the case of VRAE, analysts say the drug works as a protector. In any case, both groups have a political language, if they provide services to cocaine for a living from their contribution. In turn, no one is buying weapons on the illegal market and operate with war material obtained in clashes with the armed forces and police.

Thus, we have three movements whose relationships are troubled, they do not have joint plans but competitive. Guzman has given up their weapons and seeks to position his group policy. While José Artemio and are leaders of various armed groups, bad relations with them. Jose is the enemy of Artemio Guzman and has taken its own path without denying their ideas.

Mobilization by Abimael Guzman's followers during the May 1. His work for his group position in politics, as the historian Antonio Zapata, is in progress.

If the national target is to achieve peace, we need to understand who is who in the world of war. For a policy to connection is successful, it requires knowledge and not confusion, that perpetuates violence.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Barbeque Grillware Charcoal Grill

Salesians in the streets

Maria Auxiliadora Schools and San Juan Bosco while participating in the parade Sunday.

With Sense Magazine, May 24 . On the eve of celebrating the day of Mary Help of Christians, hundreds of alumni of colleges Salesians, San Juan Bosco and Maria Auxiliadora, participated yesterday in an emotional parade in the Plaza Mayor of the city of Ayacucho. His time at the parade started intense applause authorities and hundreds of attendees. Special mention suggests the involvement of promotions from 1960 onwards.

The celebration continues today at night, with the usual procession of the Virgin Mary Help of Christians. Your image will leave the Church of St. Augustine and will move through the shred Callao, where its located on private school that bears his name.

Social anniversary
TV Modern laboratories during the installation of the master room.

Magazine With Sense 24 May. The Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of San Cristobal de Huamanga memorial opened today for its 48 years of building and foundation. The ceremony is scheduled for 9 am in the university auditorium where you will meet teachers, workers and students indicated academic unit.

But the main activity will be held on Wednesday 26, the main day of celebrations, when inaugurated, after 25 years of waiting, the new buildings of the Faculty of Social Sciences located in University City (back of the Regional Bureau of Agriculture). The event will

the inauguration of the modern laboratories of the Technical College of Communication Sciences, coincidentally, also celebrates its 16 th anniversary of creation.

The Faculty of Social Sciences was founded in 1962, specializing in anthropology, and constitutes one of the country's oldest colleges in the social sciences.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Can You Fake Service Hours

News Brief Violent incident interrupts city council meeting that had to decide status of

With Sense Magazine , May 18 . The expected meeting of Huamanga City Council scheduled for today and that should resolve the situation of the Bus Terminal, was disrupted by a group of market traders "April 12" participating "as seldom, as viewers of the work session.

The demonstrators were about to lynch the council Orlando Sulca, David Huancahuari, Yuri Gutierrez and three other council members over who voted against regulating the privatization process of the market April 12, the same as sustained, suffered the commission's opinion, a requirement that the Rules of Procedure of the Council for agreements of this nature.
Serenazgo Guarded by staff, the six council members fled nearly a door that opens to the balcony of the living hall, achieving refuge in an adjacent and preventing the group of traders continue assaulting.
They remained for nearly two hours, locked up, unable to leave the city hall and the obvious fear of being attacked by the mob.
Finally, removal of the protesters came after Mayor Martinelli managed to deter the crowd that until then was still belligerent attitude, "pledging to" convince "the six council" opposition "to change their stance Regarding the issue of regulation, an issue that-incidentally-was preceded by a unanimously agreed minutes early for the privatization of indicated supply center.
But the truth is that tempers were already running high from the very moment you opened the council meeting.
As few times, the show hall was full of people. It was thought at the beginning that the room would be flooded with protesters who staged the day before the strike called by the Front for the Defence of the People of Ayacucho, but it was not. Attendees were market traders "April 12" which focused on the City Hall with the assurance that his request for "market delivery to users" would be addressed in that session.
This not only came as a surprise to a group of trustees, but also the score of journalists who attended the council meeting in order to witness the treatment that would give the issue of the Bus Terminal.

"We fell into a trap"
Orlando, alderman of the Municipality of Huamanga, told this blog that whatever happened in the afternoon, was "prepared" by the municipal authority, the purpose was to prevent to discuss the issue of the Bus Terminal. "We suggest that the issue (market) is treated immediately, before seeing the bus terminal, but fell into a trap," said the councilman. Sulca
reported that the mayor knew that have addressed first the case of the Bus Terminal, merchants, whose inclination to the Mayor Martinelli was self-evident, would result in the same episode, so they decided to propose as a starting point for the privatization of markets and subsequently address the theme of the Terminal, when tension subsided. But in the end, the result was the same.
Sources close to the municipal authority confirmed the allegation made by Councilman Orlando Sulca. Blog assured the With Sense the idea of \u200b\u200bmobilizing market traders indicated, kept the clear aim of sabotaging the long-awaited meeting of council. Of Anyway, "says our source, the cancellation of the bus terminal concession for Socicam company, would not prosper.
Indeed, the issue of bus terminal has been overshadowed by the orchestrated management business, according to our sources, the immediate environment of Martinelli. Symptomatically, most local media have shifted their interest in the topic of the market "12 de Abril", the reality, although worryingly, it appears conveniently in the midst of a climate of tension provoked by the controversial administration of the Bus Terminal.

Photo1: Images the session before the outburst of violence.

Photo 2: Orlando Sulca, while participating in the heated debate.

Photo 3: In the absence of timely intervention Serenazgo staff, the consequences have been dramatic.

Photo 4: Hermann Martinelli said the market workers in seven days the issue will be resolved definitively.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

501c3 Donation Request Letter Church

With Sense Magazine, May 18 . At least about 6 thousand people rallied today in the main streets of the city Huamanga, amid a 24-hour province-wide strike called by the Front for the Defence of the People of Ayacucho, against granting the bus terminal to a foreign consortium.

Early on small bites of protesters gathered in different parts of the city, in order to prevent the movement of some public service units, the day before, had secured off work and join the strike .

Hours later, the various representations union, both unions, market associations, mothers' clubs and other popular organizations, began to focus on the premises of the Casa del Maestro to start with the mobilization principal.

The displacement of the crowd crossed the Plaza Mayor of the city and moved to the Central Assembly shred where a huge mass of people showed signs of the successful call.

And while some local media reported a smaller number of demonstrators, the images accompanying this note attest to another picture.

About noon, the crowd gathered at the front of the Provincial Municipality of Huamanga, where a small rally was improvised from where a group of fearless grassroots leaders rejected the accusation of the governor of Ayacucho, Eduardo Morales, applying white terrorism, attempting to the date of arrest relating to the anniversary of the armed struggle is remembered every 17 May.

The objective of APRA-governor said in his speech as the leader of Sutep, Cleto Flacon, would have been cause fear among the population to prevent it from participating and abide by the strike called by Defense Coalition. However, the date, as was amply clear, is related to the need to press the mayor of Huamanga, Germain Martinelli, for tomorrow, Wednesday, at the special meeting of City Council, requested by a council sector, set the suspension of process of granting the bus terminal to the company Socicam Brazil, a consortium that won the bid in the middle of a questionable bidding and the conditions of administration have been considered disadvantageous by a sector of the population of Ayacucho.

Socicam will benefit 80% of the revenue generated with the economic movement around the bus terminal, while the Municipality of Huamanga only have 20%.

regard, the Mayor Martinelli replied that those 80% will be distributed in streams and other expenses to be generated from the management terminal, a version not totally convinced the local community. Protesters also

rejected the leasing of land intended to Plaza Vea university.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cellulitis Lab Indicators

maker is only the Bañeza working, that it will end this week. Prices have fallen for the national pulp standing on the 110 € / t except Toro and Acor that is kept in firm at 118 € / t and 124 € / t respectively. In the pulp ports try to climb the effect of the rise of the dollar, but to no avail, only from August until the end of the year the prices are above 130 € / Tm.

The outlook remains particularly cheap grain and barley that goes down again in prices and we do not vary in the short term. Therefore the price of pulp can be kept a few more months.


After yesterday's USDA report, things have not changed much. The problems with the availability of soybean meal continues, despite the arrival of a ship and the production of Bunge and Cargill. We are one or two weeks to start arriving ships from South America and normalize the situation in the ports. However there remains the threat of a strike by the CETM (dockworkers union English sea) from Tuesday 18 to Saturday 22 days of this month (so far), which are against the new Law on Ports that want take forward the Government.

data to consider:

1 - According to Paraguayan Chamber of Exporters, the country this year expects to produce 7.4 million tons (6.8 mill TM campaign 2007/08). Remember that Paraguay is the fourth largest exporter of soybeans.

2 - Despite the Sino-Argentine oil, soybean exports to China from Argentina rose by almost a 10% to 15.23 mill MT. in total, which shows that China does not have many alternatives to the importation of soybeans as the USA are in their final cycle with few stocks for export.

3 - And in turn reduces the annual production of soybean meal by 18.3% Argentina to 1 , 31 mill tonnes in March (February TM 1.09 mill.)

4 - According to the National Center of Grain and Oils Information of China (CNGOIC), soybean imports in May and June to reach a record level of 5 million MT per month.

5 - turn China could suffer a cut in soybean area due to the higher yield of corn, if time allows, as the rain or cold temperatures could change the forecast.

6 - According to the latest USDA report yesterday, the U.S. crop would remain at Tm 91.42 to 47.22 mill grinding mill (mill tonnes in April 47.08) , with a total consumption of 50.83 mill.Tm (51.10 mill tonnes in April) and exports of 39.60 mio t (39.33 tons mill April). Finally ending stocks would be the same in 5.16 mill tons.

7 - For Brazil, the USDA estimated at 68 mio mt (67.5 mill Tm April) and Argentina unchanged at 54 million tonnes.

8 - As important finding soybean imports from China went to 46 mill. Tm (43.5 mill. Tm April), from its reserves to 11.49 mill. T (10.27 mill TM April).

9 - by 2010/11 to the USDA estimates that will increase the area planted in the U.S. to 31.6 mill of hectares (30.63 mill has 2009) with an estimated production of 90.08 tons mill and a yield of 28.85 quintals / ha (29.6 qq / ha 2009)

We still have clear whether or not we have reached the ceiling of soybean, there are many uncertainties in the markets. However we will not be quite clear that soy worldwide until late May or early June, when they arrive ships and even then depending on the time you can come and soybean factories Bunge and Cargill.