Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Can You Fake Service Hours

News Brief Violent incident interrupts city council meeting that had to decide status of

With Sense Magazine , May 18 . The expected meeting of Huamanga City Council scheduled for today and that should resolve the situation of the Bus Terminal, was disrupted by a group of market traders "April 12" participating "as seldom, as viewers of the work session.

The demonstrators were about to lynch the council Orlando Sulca, David Huancahuari, Yuri Gutierrez and three other council members over who voted against regulating the privatization process of the market April 12, the same as sustained, suffered the commission's opinion, a requirement that the Rules of Procedure of the Council for agreements of this nature.
Serenazgo Guarded by staff, the six council members fled nearly a door that opens to the balcony of the living hall, achieving refuge in an adjacent and preventing the group of traders continue assaulting.
They remained for nearly two hours, locked up, unable to leave the city hall and the obvious fear of being attacked by the mob.
Finally, removal of the protesters came after Mayor Martinelli managed to deter the crowd that until then was still belligerent attitude, "pledging to" convince "the six council" opposition "to change their stance Regarding the issue of regulation, an issue that-incidentally-was preceded by a unanimously agreed minutes early for the privatization of indicated supply center.
But the truth is that tempers were already running high from the very moment you opened the council meeting.
As few times, the show hall was full of people. It was thought at the beginning that the room would be flooded with protesters who staged the day before the strike called by the Front for the Defence of the People of Ayacucho, but it was not. Attendees were market traders "April 12" which focused on the City Hall with the assurance that his request for "market delivery to users" would be addressed in that session.
This not only came as a surprise to a group of trustees, but also the score of journalists who attended the council meeting in order to witness the treatment that would give the issue of the Bus Terminal.

"We fell into a trap"
Orlando, alderman of the Municipality of Huamanga, told this blog that whatever happened in the afternoon, was "prepared" by the municipal authority, the purpose was to prevent to discuss the issue of the Bus Terminal. "We suggest that the issue (market) is treated immediately, before seeing the bus terminal, but fell into a trap," said the councilman. Sulca
reported that the mayor knew that have addressed first the case of the Bus Terminal, merchants, whose inclination to the Mayor Martinelli was self-evident, would result in the same episode, so they decided to propose as a starting point for the privatization of markets and subsequently address the theme of the Terminal, when tension subsided. But in the end, the result was the same.
Sources close to the municipal authority confirmed the allegation made by Councilman Orlando Sulca. Blog assured the With Sense the idea of \u200b\u200bmobilizing market traders indicated, kept the clear aim of sabotaging the long-awaited meeting of council. Of Anyway, "says our source, the cancellation of the bus terminal concession for Socicam company, would not prosper.
Indeed, the issue of bus terminal has been overshadowed by the orchestrated management business, according to our sources, the immediate environment of Martinelli. Symptomatically, most local media have shifted their interest in the topic of the market "12 de Abril", the reality, although worryingly, it appears conveniently in the midst of a climate of tension provoked by the controversial administration of the Bus Terminal.

Photo1: Images the session before the outburst of violence.

Photo 2: Orlando Sulca, while participating in the heated debate.

Photo 3: In the absence of timely intervention Serenazgo staff, the consequences have been dramatic.

Photo 4: Hermann Martinelli said the market workers in seven days the issue will be resolved definitively.


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