Thursday, July 8, 2010

Does Breyers Have Frozen Yogurt


still holding import prices as the dollar back each day. Not so the pulp in Guadalete national campaign starting price is down until it is over the 109 € / t, Miranda and The Bañeza remain the same. The Toro pulp warehouses are priced from about the 124 € / MT. Nothing new except in the south of Spain, with very weak consumer rebound but it seems that something, mainly due to the entry and the dry climate and the rise in grain prices.
The question is whether we believe that they keep rising cereals until the end of the year or not, bearing in mind that the crops are beginning or will soon begin.
continue to believe that grain prices will return to the past and pulp consumption will lower short-term.


Well so far the prices of flour in the low ports while the future in Chicago and the euro rise. The base or raw magic returns to the pitch, there is little use (although the future raise) the premiums down to match demand. Here are some details:

1 - According to USDA planting has been completed in USA and 95% have already emerged (93% last week and 97% 2008 / 9 and average). 13% of the plants already blooming (9% last week and 20% average). We are behind schedule.

2 - According to the Grain Exchange in Argentina is estimated that soybean production for this year will be 55 mil tonnes national historic record.
3 - According to the Department of Agriculture soybean plantings this year in USA Ha.un mill is 79 million more of you than the previous year, mainly due to good weather at the time of planting, growing at 3.2 mill.Tm final production.
4 - The weather starts to have an impact on prices, increases in the values \u200b\u200bof soybeans in the Chicago market and others were due to the likelihood of entry of "La Niña" in the coming months (incredible). According to the report of the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (USA) "there are favorable conditions to initiate a transition to La Nina conditions. July-September 2010 most of the models indicates the arrival of La Niña. Many of these models indicate that conditions La Niña will strengthen and persist in the Northern Hemisphere winter 2010/11. "
5 - Another bullish factor is that China (and not) are still buying soybeans to the U.S., hence the export sales will reach 541 000 MT for two weeks (40% more than the previous one) and 715 000 tonnes last week. Weather

total market, if the weather is fine at low prices if not up, the feeling is that the August comes and we do not know what to say, and any news keeps the high volatility in the market. Yet so far, so good (other than exports due to the Sino-Argentine problem seems to have already fixed) and both stocks and production seems that time will be good. We continue to believe that until flowering occurs USA ae mid to late August will not have sufficient grounds to know if prices will rise or fall until the end of the year.


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