Monday, July 19, 2010

Walking Pokemon Sprite Sheet Heart Gold


Import prices of beet pulp have risen this week considerably. In Tarragona and talking about € 138 / t while the national pulp is at a discount around € 110/114 / Tm as factories. The reason is the same as for cereals, the supply has decreased, it holds good and there is less supply, so prices go up all influenced by the weather. The demand is almost equal, which is not going to sell more, and we believe that prices have been inflated speculatively (following cereals, particularly barley) and after normalization of the crops will stabilize. Remember that in the northern hemisphere harvests begin in October or so.

seems that in France are suffering from lack of rain in this campaign, with 50% less than a normal year This can influence the performance of beet for the new season, however, temperatures are still somewhat milder than normal.

In general we see these increases as being cyclical, that when we have more time, can bring down prices again. Meanwhile take the national pulp.


Good rally the last week of soybean meal (along with the rest of the complex) is now beginning to deflate (or not?) . Here are some details:

1 - The USDA estimated in its monthly supply and demand the following:

a) initial stocks drop to 4.75 mill tons. (5.02 mill.Tm above)

b) In USA mill production of 91.04 tons (90.08 mill.Tm above)

c) Milling mill.Tm 44.77 (44.63 mill.Tm above)

d) Exports 37.29 mill. T (36.74 mill.Tm above)

e) Stocks end mill.Tm 9.80 (vs. 9 , 63 mill.Tm expected)

f) Worldwide Tm 251.29 mill. (249.93 mil mt above) and stocks in 67.76 (66.99 mill.Tm above)

2 - The Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (ABIOVE) in its monthly report provides that Brazil will harvest 68.4 mill.Tm, reservations mill.Tm 3.7 (2.1 mill. Last season Tm), milling in 33.1 mill.Tm (30.7 mill.Tm campaign pass) and the production of soybean meal by 25.2 mill.Tm. Exports of soybean meal would come to 13.2 mill.Tm. (12 mill.Tm last year).

3 - In Argentina, the volume of soybeans for export commitment reaches almost to 25 mill.Tm (45% of the harvest), but only 40% of the crop has been exported (47% normally).

4 - China is basically self-sufficient in USA, and its projection CNGOIC estimated to increase from June 6 to 6.45 mill.Tm their stocks (5 mill.Tm imports in July, 4.5 mill . Tm mill.Tm August and 4 September).

5 - remains concerned about the possible dry weather in late July in USA, which could affect the crop soybeans. The girl seems to be returning and this could lead to the entry of hedge funds on the market.

continue with the Weather Market, any news can go up or down markets sharply.


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