Thursday, August 19, 2010

Men Women Leg Strength


Domestic prices have stabilized on the 147 € / t in Miranda de Ebro is the only factory. In the remaining pulp or is something in stores or stock and no longer have to go to directly import prices for which range from 158 to 165 € / t, which in comparison with the price of barley can still go a little more .

In France pr aecia but have dropped this week from 125 € / t to 117 € / t which gives the hope that the pulp imports in the short term also falls.

While cereals continue with these high prices and do not come next season in October, we believe that prices will remain or rise further, however difficult, with the markets so volatile, establishing a pattern of behavior for the pulp and other products.


Soybean meal is moving in a bullish channel and we believe the moment will continue. The problem gives us the soybean oil in a market where prices even lower than production costs, no choice but to maintain or increase the prices of soybean meal influenced by the great demand from China. Freight rates have also increased this month as the dollar, which does little to lower prices.

Here are some details:

1 - USDA weekly export gave some 2,607,900 tonnes (1,174,100 tons last week) above the estimated range between 1.5 and 2 mill tonnes, of which 2.341.700Tm correspond to the 2010/11 campaign to head back to China.

2 - USDA's monthly report Thursday August notable increase in production estimated mill.Tm USA in 93.44 (91.04 months past) and increased milling and exports that led to that ending stocks will stay unchanged over the 9.8 mill.Tm.

3 - Last week, the USDA estimated that 66% of soybean crops were good-excellent, like the previous week and last year

4 - regards the climate remains a problem for the campaign as we see on the map I put below.

5 - remain on purchased funds in weekly report published by the CFTC, during the period between 3 and 10 of this month, mutual funds were net buyers of soybean contracts for the fifth consecutive week, rising position purchased portfolios from 18.3 to 19.9% \u200b\u200bof open interest.

6 - Argentina oil industry suffers a difficult financial times to have two problems, the first drops in oil price that Argentina suffers as a result of the blockade of China and second rising domestic production costs (say soy faba). It seems that the oilers work with negative margins, forced to work at a leisurely pace from grinding to keep the product price and cushion some losses.

7 - Según Oil World la dependencia de soja para la campaña 2010/11 crecerá debido a la bajada de producción mundial de colza, canola y semillas de girasol. Para la UE se prevé que los procesadores de oleaginosas subirán las importaciones y la molienda de soja para contrarrestar la reducción en el procesamiento de colza y girasol. También los daños en las cosechas de trigo forrajero puede elevar la demanda mundial de harina de soja y maíz.

Otra semana muy complicada con subidas de precio continuas que no permiten a corto plazo pensar en una corereccion, más bien lo contrario. En el mercado puede aparecer otra vez el problema del retraso in vessels of soybeans into the second half of September, which may cause shortage of soybean meal up to that period.

Friday, August 13, 2010

South Park In Streaming Sottotitolato


psychosocial Seizes

For Paola Ugaz few weeks ago, 24 last June, conducted a seizure of high-profile - with the director and deputy director of INPE, in the Annex to Santa Monica Criminal Chorrillos. The purpose media became apparent when in full registration was distributed to the eager reportorial mass called out several short videos and pictures of what was happening inside the prison.
The requisition, which was made with a strong mobilization of the Special Operations Group INPE, reinforced by a substantial contingent of the Counter-Terrorism (Dircote) of the PNP, and also the presence of three prosecutors, ended without was found anything of importance with regard to security issues, either internally or externally. At least that is what is known so far, as part of the seized material remained sealed in the Second Office of Terrorism Supraprovincial last IDL-Reporters asked him.
In fact, all the noise of the requisition, was followed by an awkward silence from the authorities, particularly prosecutors and, surprisingly, the Ombudsman, who seem to want to talk as little as possible on the subject.

Throughout this process, has been one significant sanction: the dismissal of the warden, Gloria Estrada, along with others on your team.
Since then, at least one publication of "The Trade "and to a lesser degree in" Panorama ", it was shown that the reasons, timing and above all the fanfare of the requisition, were so many parts of a farce. It was shown, for example, that the parole request Maritza Garrido Lecca was denied by the authorities of the Penal Santa Monica two weeks before the search.
But what has not been revealed yet is that during the search, despite the presence of prosecutors, the vagina was dug more than a dozen hikers and common prisoners in humiliating conditions unequivocally. The purpose seems to have been none other than the humiliation of the prisoners. The only reason given by the authorities has been to regain a supposedly lost "principle of authority." They do not explain, however, how to retrieve this principle, should have lost, humiliating the prisoners.
requisitioning Pavilion B started at 5.25 pm on Thursday 24 June. In this hall there are 77 inmates, of whom 42 were sentenced walkers. At this time in Hall B broke, dozens of officials and police-INPE Goes the Dircote, men and women.

The first zone was recorded at the third floor, home to the walkers. No sooner had initiated the requisition, it is immediately disrupted with the announcement of vaginal examinations. "I was the first internal to which he made this type of review, says Maritza Garrido Lecca, "and the incredible thing is that complain to the prosecutor ignored me and told the staff of INPE-Goes: Act, act, act." Garrido Lecca
hurgada internally maintains that it was three times without care for and against male police located in the bars of his cell.

None of that appeared in the videos that Inpe distributed to journalists, but the protests can be heard shouting for the "humiliating and degrading revisions." (See video from INPE in 2010/08/12/requisa-psicosocial /).
While this was happening, came as several witnesses, the nurse from the prison on the third floor, after being called by the INPE, but seeing the scene refused to review a Garrido Lecca and retired.

Another inmate, Edith Espinoza Montano, an internal B wing walker, said officials of both sexes criminal forcibly stripped him and "reviewed" the vagina before a prosecutor, inviting staff criminal act.
On the third floor, rummaged through the vagina of several other detainees, coincidentally among younger women. Both Maruja Chavez Arango, Miriam Espino Salinas Espinoza Yohany Vinces, Córdoba Carolina Alzamora, Marisol Vallejo Sara Venturo Ríos Vásquez, claim to have gone through this event.
But not only was revised to walkers. After midnight, the INPE staff reviewed several of the common prisoners of the second and first floor.
All were asked to drop their internal pantalones.Una who asked not be named, said IDL-Reporters that "at midnight we were down to the courtyard and then forced us to lower the bathing suit. It was very humiliating because under these conditions we did 'ranear' in the backyard. "
Why was that? Certainly there are circumstances in which it is necessary to make revisions intimate (although, for example, the suspected "mules" for drug trafficking and to bring within the body subjected to X-rays). Moreover, even if you do not have the means to x-ray of an inmate, intimate revisions must be made in suitable environments (for example, in this case, the nurse who is on the first floor) and appropriate staff of the same sex and with necessary hygienic conditions. All that could be done that day, and not done. Why? IDL-

Reporters asked about it to the Minister of Justice Víctor García Toma. "There was a request for requisition since the beginning of the year to Chorrillos," Garcia said Toma, "but I, on principle, I did not know the date ... I learned about the requisition by the incident that occurred ... I called Rodriguez Rabanal, indicating that Maritza Garrido Lecca was introduced a chip in the vagina. " Garcia Takes
decided to come forward immediately a forensic physician. "We called the medical examiner" he says, "but I do not know if it came before or after vaginal examinations or revised more than vaginally ... must be a police report." IDL-

Reporters repeatedly asked the public prosecutor access to minutes of the requisition. Until the time of this writing, have refused to provide it (see the Ministry's Public .) The medical examiner
Silvia Ganoza Ching received, about eight in the evening, a call asking "vaginal support." Other people might have been confused about the nature of such support, but the medical examiner knew what it was, since it was formed immediately to prison. The book income
records that arrived at 8.37 pm and left at 9.55 pm. But the medical examiner did not enter the Hall B.
"We have not made any test," says Silvia Ganoza, "I have not made any vaginal examination. They requested support from the medical examiner to vaginal support [sic] but not carried out, because when it was the inmates no longer wanted to take the exam ... I medical examiner, Dr. Silvia Ching, I have not done any revision. "

Why was it then? "The prosecutor in charge," said Gano, "requests a coroner because there had been, I do not say names, a person who had inserted an object into the vagina. Then we arrived, just imagine that he was in distress, I figured it was a bigger thing. Then when I get tell me that the incident was over. Even asked if someone said they wanted to be evaluated, and they told me there was nothing new. " The medical examiner
returned at midnight and was filling out paperwork, providing more support chart, until dawn. Inpe
president, Ruben Rodriguez Rabanal, which remained outside the pavilion, says the following about intimate reviews: "This work was undertaken at the request of the police and public prosecutors who were present and that is why we contacted with the Attorney General's Office and the medical examiners were present. " When he notes that the medical examiner was not present in the reviews, Rodriguez Rabanal said: "The hours do not use, the time came I could not answer whether it was 8.35 pm. If you have I do not know this information came from, but I guess that comes from the income of those people. " (See transcription of key excerpts from an interview with Rodriguez Rabanal. Http:// Listen to the audio.)
On the same subject, IDL-Reporters interviewed the former president of INPE, Wilfredo Pedraza, who noted that "close review is governed by the rules of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Is covered in Chapter III "(See document About

requisition procedures and intimate reviews for those, IDL-Reporters asked experts in the prison system, including several presidents of INPE. See interview

Wilfredo Pedraza, Gustavo Carrión Interview, Interview with Leonardo Caparrós in

During the operation, the warden, Gloria Estrada was isolated by his superiors and asked not to enter a requisition. Then, several industry officials indicate that a key reason why they took out this action was to "restore the principle of authority" supposedly relaxed and lost by Estrada.
"There were problems with the Principal" Justice Minister says Garcia Takes, "by excessive horizontalization [sic] of the relationship with the inmates." Rodriguez Rabanal is expressed in a similar way (see interview) (listen audio
But the evidence that has IDL-Reporters points rather to the management of Estrada had been applauded by the authorities to maintain peace in the prison and achieve success in the educational process of rehabilitation.

The following video, a visit to the prison in the congressmen Cuculiza and Pérez del Solar, is shown (see video ).

Not only that. Rodriguez Rabanal applauded himself shortly before managing director and commended to all in a lively fashion show attended by no great fear of "horizontal."
Is it the "horizontal" [sic] a sin or a defect in prison policy? The following interviews with experts and human rights activists raised diverging views clearly and Rodriguez Garcia Takes Rabanal (if they coincide with the expressions of it in the fashion show by the Women's Day).

See what he says Rocío Silva Santisteban

And Wilfredo Pedraza Rodriguez Rabanal

"contradicts itself? Clearly yes. So the only explanation is that the requisition has not had anything to do with the art or science and other prison rather a lot with the craftsmanship of the psychosocial.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Inscribirse En Techdecklive

: Addenda to the concession of land Terminal betrayal confirms Laundering Mayor Martinelli flags

With Sense Magazine, August 12, 2010 . A dash over to the tiger. The addenda to the contract-added initially requested by the mayor of Huamanga Germain Matinelli the contract between the Municipality and Provincial Bus Station Plaza Wari Huamanga SAC again further irregularities and presumptive evidence of corruption in the process granting the bus terminal. So it came forward Richard Llacsahuanca and Rigoberto García TUNA political alliance in a press conference held today in the morning in a central location in the city of Ayacucho.

The addenda signed on August 6 last modified core aspects of the contract signed secretly in the city of Lima from the representative of the Municipality of Huamanga, Martinelli Germain in his capacity as mayor and representatives of Wari Plaza Bus Station, a company that will manage the bus station.

And while this change was requested at the initiative of the Special Committee Award of the City Bus Terminal Huamanga, a situation that could be understood as an interest in mitigating the widespread discontent in the wake of questioning the indicated award or correct the offending in the contract to the interests of the community Ayacucho, unfortunately, no addenda transpires that this intention. On the contrary evidence something very serious: Martinelli is committed to resolving the ownership of the land where he has built the bus terminal in a period no longer than 6 months, otherwise, the document says, "will terminate the contract with negative implications to the interests of the community in Ayacucho.

The second paragraph of 4.9, surprisingly, says "The grantor (The Provincial Municipality of Huamanga) assumes the obligation to complete the process of registration of land and buildings at cost Terminal. If this formalization does not occur within six (6) months from the date of signing the concession contract and the parties fail to agree the renewal of that period, the licensee may choose to invoke the expiration of the contract because the grantor .

The seriousness of the issue, according to a report from representatives of the Alliance Policy TUNA, is that the field faces a dispute with their former owners (the family Escarcena), reason, Ayacucho Regional Government, before transferring to the City of Huamanga, failed to enroll in the Superintendence of National Assets. This would presume that that addenda have been made deliberately to favor the concessionaire, as the solution to the issue of ownership of such property shall be subject to criminal proceedings that are still in the judiciary and as everyone knows, litigation in Peru than any forecast in terms of deadlines.

In this regard, it is clear that the commitment made on its own initiative by the Municipality of Huamanga through its Mayor, is no greater purpose to pave the way for the company to invoke the expiration of the contract by "guilt" of the grantor.

other thing is that in six months, Martinelli-Germain candidate for reelection with meager chances of winning, according to recent polls, will have left the City of Huamanga and the new mayor will take up a contract liabilities despicable and evil, being forced to pay any damages required by the concessionaire or, perhaps, looking under any other arrangement to avoid the payment of compensation incalculable.
The granting of land has faced sharp questioning from many social sectors in the region, thanks to all suspected irregularities and municipal decisions, such as the adoption of the ordinance approving the tax stability, a document which was sealed with the concession contract without the possibility of modification.

What seems absurd is that the modification of the contract requires the company to build an elevator and an escalator as if the building had ten or more floors. And the truth is that they are only two levels and will be the first to use the passengers to embark or disembark from the cars.


A recent survey by the monthly magazine of political analysis confirmed the broad sense rejection of a contract is signed by the mayor promoted the company Terra Martinelli and Ports. See Issue No. 22, August 2010.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jesse Jane Onlines Vids

continue with the rise in prices, now added the national pulp in less than a week has risen 15 € (and we'll see). Sales have been closed and virtually no choice in the marketplace, that does not mean that there is no pulp. But the reality is that almost all the pulp has been removed in the south (not used) and finished Toro and La Bañeza withdrawals has been cut. Miranda is only pulp but with few sales today as prices rise to 134 € / Tm.

Regarding import prices fall the 154 € / t and in France the average home price is 135 € / Tm.

In short virtually already delivered the expected 400.000Tm beet in the South (with a decline between 20 and 50% over 2009), in the North there is retention of pulp and available only in Miranda and ports to more expensive prices every day, really hot August 1 and without an overview short term that may change.


The price increase in cereals and in particular wheat has not helped that soy had an adjustment in prices, frankly this August is proving very speculative in general. Here are some details:

1 - The USDA estimated August 6th a export sales for the 09/10 season of 6.000Tm (339,000 metric tons last week) and year of 1.168.200Tm 10/11 (1.144.200Tm previous week) with an expected range between TM and obviously 950/1.250.000 with China leading the way with 799.000TM (takes a 25% projected by the USDA).

2 - China's demand remains high, partly due to flooding that is taking the country, but did not affect its production of soybeans, if it forces the government to strengthen its basic food stocks to respond to affected areas.

3 - The demand for use in the fuel industry is holding up the prices of soybeans, up oils in general.

4 - Last week, the USDA estimated that 66% of soybean crops were good-excellent (67% last week), with a decrease in crops from the Midwest because of the extremely dry summer they are having.

5 - USA regards the climate is weakening in the whole production, but you start to talk about the harsh winter weather that South America is suffering which could affect crops. Then I put a map on USA soil moisture, which is not greatly altered.

6 - also observed that the market is very overbought in funding and the question is settled when the funds? We believe that it is premature, until they have secured the U.S. campaign will not begin to settle.

7 - follows Argentina's trade dispute with China.

very difficult week for all products, with retention of goods in general and with prices heading upward in very dangerous in that the final producer does not have sufficient liquidity to withstand another increase as in 2007. Despite the trend that makes us fear the short to medium term, prices will not fall for what we wish.