Thursday, August 12, 2010

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: Addenda to the concession of land Terminal betrayal confirms Laundering Mayor Martinelli flags

With Sense Magazine, August 12, 2010 . A dash over to the tiger. The addenda to the contract-added initially requested by the mayor of Huamanga Germain Matinelli the contract between the Municipality and Provincial Bus Station Plaza Wari Huamanga SAC again further irregularities and presumptive evidence of corruption in the process granting the bus terminal. So it came forward Richard Llacsahuanca and Rigoberto GarcĂ­a TUNA political alliance in a press conference held today in the morning in a central location in the city of Ayacucho.

The addenda signed on August 6 last modified core aspects of the contract signed secretly in the city of Lima from the representative of the Municipality of Huamanga, Martinelli Germain in his capacity as mayor and representatives of Wari Plaza Bus Station, a company that will manage the bus station.

And while this change was requested at the initiative of the Special Committee Award of the City Bus Terminal Huamanga, a situation that could be understood as an interest in mitigating the widespread discontent in the wake of questioning the indicated award or correct the offending in the contract to the interests of the community Ayacucho, unfortunately, no addenda transpires that this intention. On the contrary evidence something very serious: Martinelli is committed to resolving the ownership of the land where he has built the bus terminal in a period no longer than 6 months, otherwise, the document says, "will terminate the contract with negative implications to the interests of the community in Ayacucho.

The second paragraph of 4.9, surprisingly, says "The grantor (The Provincial Municipality of Huamanga) assumes the obligation to complete the process of registration of land and buildings at cost Terminal. If this formalization does not occur within six (6) months from the date of signing the concession contract and the parties fail to agree the renewal of that period, the licensee may choose to invoke the expiration of the contract because the grantor .

The seriousness of the issue, according to a report from representatives of the Alliance Policy TUNA, is that the field faces a dispute with their former owners (the family Escarcena), reason, Ayacucho Regional Government, before transferring to the City of Huamanga, failed to enroll in the Superintendence of National Assets. This would presume that that addenda have been made deliberately to favor the concessionaire, as the solution to the issue of ownership of such property shall be subject to criminal proceedings that are still in the judiciary and as everyone knows, litigation in Peru than any forecast in terms of deadlines.

In this regard, it is clear that the commitment made on its own initiative by the Municipality of Huamanga through its Mayor, is no greater purpose to pave the way for the company to invoke the expiration of the contract by "guilt" of the grantor.

other thing is that in six months, Martinelli-Germain candidate for reelection with meager chances of winning, according to recent polls, will have left the City of Huamanga and the new mayor will take up a contract liabilities despicable and evil, being forced to pay any damages required by the concessionaire or, perhaps, looking under any other arrangement to avoid the payment of compensation incalculable.
The granting of land has faced sharp questioning from many social sectors in the region, thanks to all suspected irregularities and municipal decisions, such as the adoption of the ordinance approving the tax stability, a document which was sealed with the concession contract without the possibility of modification.

What seems absurd is that the modification of the contract requires the company to build an elevator and an escalator as if the building had ten or more floors. And the truth is that they are only two levels and will be the first to use the passengers to embark or disembark from the cars.


A recent survey by the monthly magazine of political analysis confirmed the broad sense rejection of a contract is signed by the mayor promoted the company Terra Martinelli and Ports. See Issue No. 22, August 2010.


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