Thursday, August 19, 2010

Men Women Leg Strength


Domestic prices have stabilized on the 147 € / t in Miranda de Ebro is the only factory. In the remaining pulp or is something in stores or stock and no longer have to go to directly import prices for which range from 158 to 165 € / t, which in comparison with the price of barley can still go a little more .

In France pr aecia but have dropped this week from 125 € / t to 117 € / t which gives the hope that the pulp imports in the short term also falls.

While cereals continue with these high prices and do not come next season in October, we believe that prices will remain or rise further, however difficult, with the markets so volatile, establishing a pattern of behavior for the pulp and other products.


Soybean meal is moving in a bullish channel and we believe the moment will continue. The problem gives us the soybean oil in a market where prices even lower than production costs, no choice but to maintain or increase the prices of soybean meal influenced by the great demand from China. Freight rates have also increased this month as the dollar, which does little to lower prices.

Here are some details:

1 - USDA weekly export gave some 2,607,900 tonnes (1,174,100 tons last week) above the estimated range between 1.5 and 2 mill tonnes, of which 2.341.700Tm correspond to the 2010/11 campaign to head back to China.

2 - USDA's monthly report Thursday August notable increase in production estimated mill.Tm USA in 93.44 (91.04 months past) and increased milling and exports that led to that ending stocks will stay unchanged over the 9.8 mill.Tm.

3 - Last week, the USDA estimated that 66% of soybean crops were good-excellent, like the previous week and last year

4 - regards the climate remains a problem for the campaign as we see on the map I put below.

5 - remain on purchased funds in weekly report published by the CFTC, during the period between 3 and 10 of this month, mutual funds were net buyers of soybean contracts for the fifth consecutive week, rising position purchased portfolios from 18.3 to 19.9% \u200b\u200bof open interest.

6 - Argentina oil industry suffers a difficult financial times to have two problems, the first drops in oil price that Argentina suffers as a result of the blockade of China and second rising domestic production costs (say soy faba). It seems that the oilers work with negative margins, forced to work at a leisurely pace from grinding to keep the product price and cushion some losses.

7 - Según Oil World la dependencia de soja para la campaña 2010/11 crecerá debido a la bajada de producción mundial de colza, canola y semillas de girasol. Para la UE se prevé que los procesadores de oleaginosas subirán las importaciones y la molienda de soja para contrarrestar la reducción en el procesamiento de colza y girasol. También los daños en las cosechas de trigo forrajero puede elevar la demanda mundial de harina de soja y maíz.

Otra semana muy complicada con subidas de precio continuas que no permiten a corto plazo pensar en una corereccion, más bien lo contrario. En el mercado puede aparecer otra vez el problema del retraso in vessels of soybeans into the second half of September, which may cause shortage of soybean meal up to that period.


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