Monday, May 18, 2009

1996 Dutchman 16ft Travel Trailer

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Undoubtedly one of the masterpieces of the horror film is Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Not just blood, Hitchcock wrote the most disturbing murder of film history. Shot in black and white to achieve a more sinister, the story begins as a black movie film to turn sharply to a horror story that puts on one of the first psychopaths in movie history.

But we are interested in psychosis as a visual material that will usher in psychological and philosophical issues of interest. The director Alfred Hitchcock in his films was given to propose many of the themes of psychoanalytic theory. Psychosis is why allow us to enter more directly in some of the concepts of Psychoanalysis.

And as the film is a pretext for reflection, with the help of psychosis will go to the literature to analyze one of the many issues that the film suggests, the theme of the double. The work chosen for this study is the RL Stevenson novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

And regardless of psychoanalytic plateamientos with psychosis can understand more complex world of mental illness.

To reflect in the text everything you will learn with film and the novel I propose the following exercise. Please read this letter and answer it in a minute. You see many of the issues that she raised you can solve studying, analyzing or just reading the documents at your disposal in this web. That is why the exercise is a synthetic activity that will allow the teacher and yourself or know everything that you have assimilated. Be careful / a in the development of exercise.

Dear friend / a: For too long we leave the healthy habit of writing. I still remember that period of our life that did not happen one month without receiving your letter, letter was immediately answered by me, without any impairment of task time or stand in our pleasant activity. We talked about everything and any daily anecdote was an excellent pretext for a long conversation. And I insist the conversation, because for me it was your cards, long, lengthy dialogues with us about everything human and divine, and truly those dialogues always served to clarify my thoughts and test them with you.

I be me again resumed the custom unreasonably interrupted. And I'm talking to you about making a movie that you've probably seen more than one occasion and I hope you will read a book. I know you're good fans and connoisseurs of the great works of classic cinema and you will like my proposal.

film I want to talk (and especially to ask) is Hitchcock's Psycho. I know a good film is an open text, which conveys different messages, depending on when we see it. That's why everything I say the film, let me guess when you are in and serve as a vehicle of communication between us.

Have you ever thought the film genre it belongs to psychosis? Everyone knows that it has passed into history as a classic film of terror, but do not you think there are other components in that movie? Why I would like to begin by commenting on the different readings that can be made of the película.Ya know that Hitchcock used to distinguish between the true plot of the film and what he called the McGuffin. Did you understand what the McGuffin?

is clear that the character of Norman Bates becomes the center of the action and of course wanted to tell me about it, but I'm also interested in the other characters who accompany him. What I say, for example, Marion , the hypocrite who, without a clear justification steals $ 40,000, which are about seven million years 60? Why Marion steals? Naturally I want you to stop over analyzing everything to Norman Bates and his mother. I imagine you'll agree with me that, although not shown in the film, the mother is a central character can say many things through the child.

Obviously the history of Norman Bates is not only telling us the film, but the dark past that appears in the story of two ways, through the final interpretation of the psychiatrist and the hidden details of the mansion teaches us . It tells us that mansion in the life of the characters I would also like to talk to me, and hobbies of Norman Bates. Do you think it fits the character his fondness for taxidermy?

know that Hitchcock has been criticized at times plays with the audience to conceal material information about the story. It is clear that in this film that does not. So I'd like to be discussed at what point in the movie and why we know that Norman Bates is mentally ill. It is clear that the character of Norman Bates is defined much more by making what he says. However, there is a very interesting conversation that I wish it told me. I mean the one with Marion in the room where he keeps his stuffed birds. I think that conversation portrays very well the nature of their conflicts and contradictions, which is why I would like interpret it with me and let me cuidado.Fíjate also other details that show the mental illness of Norman Bates.
As you remember at the end of the adventure film interpretation psychiatrist's Disease Norman Bates in the light of psychoanalytic approaches. Undoubtedly with the data that it have the proposed theory fits quite well. I would also like to know your opinion. Of course not only psychoanalysis can clarify something the Bates case, because as you know the light of current psychiatry says of delirium and hallucinations can also understand your problem well. I send you a text psychiatrist recent Cordoba Carlos Castilla del Pino I wish it applied to the case of Norman. And of course he also told me something about the madness of Don Quixote.
And, of course, would also like to know your opinion about the effects that Hitchcock has produced in you with this film. You know it was a great connoisseur of the springs that move the viewer and used with great talent. What do you think of the times when it comes to stress subliminar to get some idea?
I would like to know also what is the climax of the film. I'll tell you that I especially like all the way from Marion to the hotel. Feel that escapes from danger to get to another, if be greater, notes that the nature of this anguish in tune with Marion (those headlights that sweep across the face of Marion, the rain that hits on the glass, the same face of Marion, and announcements of local road all this tells us what's coming.) Coméntame what your time and why.

really a good film always leads beyond itself. So does psychosis, which certainly can be considered consistent with the Gothic. How about this beauty? Perhaps, as you are much younger than I, may offer a new perspective on this strange sensitivity with which some young people today are identified.

And as I said there is also a novel that the movie can be a parent. I refer to the work of RLStevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The work has been interpreted in multiple ways: as a philosophical novel, which reflects its dual nature and even multiforme of the human being as a moral fable that reflects on the moral hypocrisy, the perverse effects of moral puritanism, the responsibility of man of all its acts, a science fiction novel that warns against the negative effects of scientific experimentation. I would like to test your ability to analyze, for which I propose that I comment on each of these interpretations and I select a paragraph or chapter to prove the validity of that interpretation.
I wonder if the work had been written in the XXI Century which details have changed. Could you list each and every one of the aspects that should be reviewed on a novel of the century?.

And of course the most interesting, no doubt in your reflection is that compare both cases, the Norman Bates and Dr. Jekyll.

I look forward to your reply. Hopefully the film again return us!


course to answer the letter you have to watch the movie and read the novel. Then you will to make a first phase of collecting information about all the questions that will make your friend in the letter. The questions cover the following topics.
film analysis. The house as a character in the film.
resources used by Hitchcock: The McGuffiny the use of subliminal effects.
psychoanalytic interpretations of psychosis.
mental illness Norman Bates: On the general concept of mental illness on hallucinations and delusions. Do you have something in common Don Quixote Norman Bates?

The final explanation of Simon, the psychiatrist on the case of Norman Bates.
- District Attorney: Have you heard? - Simon: No. I know the whole story. But not Norman. I know her by her mother. Norman Bates no longer exists. There was only half theirs. Now the other half will dominate. Probably forever.
-Lila: He killed my sister?
- Simon: Yes .. and not
- District Attorney: If you like Simon seeks to establish a medical basis to support the defense of this guy just ...
- Simon: The Simon does not make fundamentals, just try to explain ...
- Lila: But yeah ... my sister?
- Simon: Yes I'm sorry. And also the private detective. If they dredge that swamp next to the inn, perhaps ... Are there any unresolved missing persons case?
- Chief of Police: Yes, two.
- Simon: Girls?
- Chief of Police: Does he have confessed? - Simon: I said that was the mother. But to understand how the mother may have confessed, that is half mental Norman dominates, we must go back ten years. A when he killed his mother and the man who lived with her. Then it was already quite disturbed. It was since his father died. His mother was authoritative, a woman absorbent. For years they lived as if nobody else existed. She met a man. Norma felt that this friendship will not delay. And in a fit of jealousy killed the two. Matricide is probably the most monstrous crime that exists. And whoever commits it becomes negligible. So he tried to erase this crime, at least in his mind. And stole the corpse. Ballast is buried a coffin. He hid the body in his home. And tried to keep it as best he could. But that was not enough. While she was there was nothing but a corpse. And then he began to feel and speak for her. Gave half of his life, so to speak. Sometimes holding both personalities and holding conversations and other Sometimes he dominated the maternal half. Norman was never fully. But often it was entirely his mother. Always was pathologically jealous of her and she thought it was so that once felt a strong attraction to a woman his mother's side rampaged. When she met her sister, she was attracted, excited, wanted it. This aroused the maternal jealousy. And the mother killed her. After killing her for Norman was as if waking from a dream. And with the submission of a child took away the traces of that crime he was convinced he had committed his mother. - Sam: Why was dressed like that?
- District Attorney: Is transformed
- Simon: No not that. Transformer is the person who intends to distract or get dramatic effects wearing different clothes. Therefore, Norman is not. He was dressed that way because it helped to preserve the illusion that his mother was still alive. And when the reality was close, when danger or desire would destroy his dream, he disguised himself, put on even a wig, walked, used the chair for her, imitating her voice, she would be his mother understand? And now, now it is. So at the beginning said that his mother told me the story. In any case that the mind holds two personalities, there is a conflict, a battle. In Norman, gentlemen, the battle ended. The dominant personality has won.
- Chambers: The forty thousand dollars. Where are they?
- Simon: In the swamp. Were crimes of passion, not profit.
- Police: He says he is cold would you wear this blanket?
- Simon: Okay.
- Norman: Thank you.
Mother of Norman.

comment explaining Simon (the psychiatrist) to the case of Norman Bates from what you've learned about psychoanalysis.


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