Friday, November 19, 2010

Golf Tournament Ticket Template

In November 2010 edition circulation

What brings With Sense

The plight of waterless
Justified or not, the virtual capture in recent days the streets adjacent to the Entity Sanitation Service Provider by hundreds of people from the north of the city of Ayacucho, reflects a sad reality:

In the XXI century, thousands of Peruvians still do not have water drinking.

want to go back to the radio
Unmistakable. Despite their failing health, Dócito Marmanillo Coser, better known as Tony, has continued the good humor and optimism.

Second round in Ayacucho

last minute Play
is not the first time a candidate for public office to use football to get electoral advantage . In Brazil, this practice is so common that at one point almost to the legendary Pele as President of the Republic. Recently, former players Romario and Bebeto were elected as deputies in the country. In Italy, France, Spain and around the world, football is used as an effective means to get votes. Neyra Rofilio knows. There will be a football player but the club owns Inti Gas, a team where no single player participates Ayacucho, a team used to build their bond elections in the region.

Pirates in UNSCH
Choose the new authorities in the First House of Higher Studies of Ayacucho has become quite an ordeal. The mixture of trickery personal, low blows, unfair and dishonest acts maneuvers of a group of teacher-candidates and vice-chancellor has overwhelmed any healthy competition and has made the UNSCH-with honorable exceptions, in a sort of pirate crew boat.

"The Wonderful Lamp"
On Tuesday November 2 U.S. issued, as if by magic, no less than 500 billion dolars. Launched a flurry of papers, which biblical man milk and honey. So. Out of nowhere. As he snaps his fingers.

Education and production
"(...) Some say that candidates must have qualifications. The bourgeoisie has its own skills, the landlords have their qualifications and we have ours proletariat (...)

The first qualification is membership of the working class (...) These calluses on their hands are their qualifications ( ...). Poor peasants and workers "qualify or not? Is it right to have students in this way? Why not?

this and much more ... 32 pages, best quality, best production and now in Lima and Huanta.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best Natural Warm Fabric

still finding more bodies in HQ Cabitos of Ayacucho

More bodies. On October 26, 2010, was carried out diligently recording and prospecting in the area of \u200b\u200bTotora Sector II, pertaining to the headquarters Sunday Ayarza, former HQ The Cabitos, northeast of the headquarters and 80 meters from the place known as the pork butcher's, diligence was conducted by the First Provincial Office Supra Ayacucho and experts of the Forensic Team Specialized Legal Medicine Institute of the Public Prosecutor of Ayacucho, involving the relatives of the victims represented by ANFASEP, his counsel and effective Army. In that proceeding was verified that the Army has been carrying out building of ingu and watchtowers in the area described above, for several weeks so that, last 19 of this month, workers of the contractor in charge of the work, while conducting excavations of trenches for laying power cables with heavy machinery, they found skeletal remains, the same that were deposited in a bag of cement and continued their work. Debris after being verified by the coroner Luis Rueda, found that likely corresponded to an individual male, as was associated with a brown trousers, underwear (shorts) with figures, a right shoe color brown moccasin and the remains consisting of: 2 tibias, 2 fibulae, a patella, an incomplete femur, 2 coxal, 2 vertebrae, two phalanges, a metacarpal of the hand. Findings that obviously should attest to the existence of mass graves in this sector not worked so far, therefore, the prosecution ordered the detention of the area and the cessation of work in this sector to continue in next few days with the work of digging exploratory and exhumation of mass graves. While the skeletal remains were collected and transferred to the Forensic Anthropology Laboratory of the Public Prosecutor of Ayacucho, for their analysis.

should be noted that these records remain in the area immobilized to obtain further evidence and formalize the appropriate criminal charges against those found responsible.

Forensic Team pick in the process of human remains in the huge cemetery of Army Barracks in Ayacucho.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Does Caresource Pay For Dentures And How Much

The latest edition of the magazine brings Sense:

the dumb strategy

"We will build paved roads," the Commission will support of violence ", etc. Are just some of the unhappy phrase expressed by Rofilio Huamaní Neyra, the-still- candidate for regional president of Ayacucho; expressions has led many to wonder how is that Fujimori's power-hungry, risk has been again put Neyra in the electoral arena? Is it, perhaps, one of his best pictures? "Its only economic resource management might be your best virtue?

to anyone who has followed closely the electoral process has been surprised by the outcome of the last vote in the Ayacucho region ...

leaders lurking

So far this year, arrests teachers' leaders have become the main menu of the current government, determined to silence all forms of complaint and protest. Their goal: to leave the message loss to crush any expression would reply by the wicked and infamous stigma of "terrorist."

As in the hardest years of the period of violence ... Survey

Alejandro Monzón a master's in Statistics from the State University of Campinas (Brazil) professor at the Universidad Nacional de San Cristobal de Huamanga. A charge of surveys were published in the journal with meaning, surveys that were harshly questioned by the mayor-elect, Amilcar Huancahuari, and Rigoberto Garcia and Alejandro Córdova Regional Tuna Front, saying that no, they argued, reflected the reality. And yet, the results of the ONPE scrupulously match the data from the survey conducted by the magazine sense.

In this interview, Alejandro Monzon explains the details of careful work reflected in opinion polls conducted with a team of professionals in statistics from the National University San Cristobal de Huamanga ....


the past three months, walking the streets adjacent to the main square of our city, has become more intense anguish of thousands of every day Ayacucho move to their places of work and housing.

Today, "in times of rain, talking about the continuation San Martín, Lima and shred shred Arequipa, is to refer to a latent danger, caused by natural causes and the intervention of the hand of man or, rather, several hands, including those of Germain and responsible Martinelli Drainage project ...

irreverence nobel

The Academy's Nobel Literature English-Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa "by mapping the structures of power." That is, not just for fighting the power, even against the ruling. In fact, the whole works add a mapping of the structures of power does not mean it is against the power ...

Movadef: Failure or trial?

Unlike of different political organizations reached ridiculous figures in the recent elections, the situation of the Movement for Amnesty and Rights (Movadef) seems not seen as a defeat. Some of their candidates, even though it was presented as invited by some regional movements, "achieved important votes for an organization that carries the stigma of being the party of Sendero Luminoso facade ...

Friday, October 8, 2010

White Wife Gone Black Bad


Rofilio Oscorima Wilfredo Neyra and do not know yet whether they will pass to a second round. The results of the National Electoral Office, through its various decentralized offices in the region of Ayacucho, have been giving with amazing slow and not yet concluded.
At the end of this year, Neyra, candidate of the Movement All In Ayacucho, is located beyond the fence tenths of elections.
His closest competitor, Wilfredo Oscorima, candidate of the Alliance for Progress, has achieved 26% of voter preferences, and it would be he who competes with Neyra in a possible second round.
Meanwhile, in Ayacucho, the tensions between supporters of both candidates, have taken their disputes to the scene of the mass media radio and television, where he speculates on the results and the possibility of an office in either case.
of both candidates, Rofilio Neyra is what has become the focus of criticism because of its reluctance to discuss and provide statements in the local media. Its proximity and confessed admiration for the criminal and corrupt regime of Alberto Fujimori, has earned to become the subject of widespread censorship.
Neyra, 58 years old, won just over 65 000 votes out of 330 thousand voters at the Ayacucho region, which in real terms represents 20% of all voters. However, the rules imposed by Peruvian law on elections, white voters have been excluded, invalid, flawed and at the same absenteeism, other than reading up on the one hand, signs of rejection to groups and their candidates and the political regime that preserves the current state of affairs. Wilfredo
Oscorima, an improvised candidate who was characterized during the recent campaign for its posturing successful entrepreneur, has not been excluded from criticism. For many of his detractors, a second round of the electorate would Ayacucho in the dilemma of change "snot drool."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Money Cheats For Pokemon Emerald Vba

embers Ayacucho Campaign closing

Wednesday: Campaign Closing Movement TUNA

From left to right: Alejandro Córdova, Ollanta Humala and Garcia Rigoberto

: Closing of the All In Campaign Ayacucho

In the picture, Rofilio Neyra, Regional presidential candidate

Thursday: Close Tarpuy Qatun Campaign

Carlos Alviar, candidate for the leaf during the finale

Thursday: Close of Campaign Alliance for Progress

Runny Nose And Pneumonia

about to end the 2009/10 campaign pulp prices have gone crazy, is hardly pulp mills and the prices are around the 160 € / t in the market is not expensive because the ports are located near the 180 € / Tm. As mentioned in previous reports, all due to price increases in cereals, which make up the products sympathy. But according to the latest report of the IGC global wheat production will be the third best in history and will record corn production, then what happens? Just that speculation has gone into the raw materials having no security at world stock since there is no clear fundamental take us to this price range in cereals. We believe that until the funds are reduced raw materials very overbought, we have no price decreases.

In addition to day 14, started the French campaign of sugar beet, which is expected to last until mid-December or early January. The prices are already at 145 € / t. older.

Also expected to increase production of beet for the campaign in 2011 in USA as a 73.000Tm ERS-USDA.


Well it seems that this week's collection of benefits and therefore prices down, the weather also helps in the fall and harvest USA goes really well. The only negative is still buying from China, but that's normal.

Let data:

1 - A September 23 USDA gave some soybean meal exports 107 600 tonnes per week (131,600 metric tons last week) with the expected range between 75/150.000TM and soybean 1.737.600Tm (1083700 last week) with 950/1.200.000Tm expected range.
2 -
The National Cereals, Oils and China reported imports expected to be placed on the 4.5 mill.Tm for mill.Tm September and 3 October.

3-September 26, USDA estimated that 63% of soybean crops were good-excellent.

4 - Funds still overbought to 17/9/2010 in soybean with a global position bought from 20.3% to 20.5% of open interest.

5 - Improving weather in Brazil but there is still the risk of the phenomenon of the girl.

6 - Regarding the weather in Argentina also seems to have improved in the last week. Soybean exports provided between 09/29/2010 and October 21 will 367,000 tons (538,000 metric tons last week)

The drop in futures prices and the market we've had this week, may correspond to an adjustment in the funds. Of Today time seems to still run down and with the permission of the multinationals do not go up the bases, should have their impact on market prices. However this week detected a turnover lower than other weeks and a pressure from vendors to put soy cheaper.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pokemon Gold Game Oline For Free


follows the escalation of prices in the sugar beet pulp, especially in ports coming to the 178 € / t, all low power and there in these moments. National pulp awaiting the new crop, is located on the 160 € / t. about, hoping that prices rectified once the new season started. However with barley to 180 € / t removal from storage will be hard to see a pulp cheaper, unless the stocks begin to weigh on the factory with the new harvest, and we believe that we will see only minimal in mid-October .
In France the new crop pulp is the same price of 117 € / Tm.


We have had adjustment in soybean futures (and the rise of the corresponding bases by multinationals) but prices remain the same. We still believe that while the oil price will not rise, no meals fall.
Here are some details:

1 - On Friday, the USDA gave some soybean meal exports 86,800 tons per week (378.400Tm last week) with the expected range between 150/250.000TM and soy 848.200Tm (613,900 weeks ago) with the expected range 600/800.000Tm.
2 - According to operations manager Frank Zhou soy Cagill Inv. Ltd in China, buyers have reserved 12 of the new crop mill.Tm USA 8 mill.Tm 2010/11 and 2011 harvest in South America.
3 - According to USDA China reached the figure of 55 mill.Tm of imports for the 2010/11 harvest (52 August mill.Tm report mill.Tm 41.10 2009 campaign). Confirming the USDA Luan CNGOIC Argentina and vice president of Chinatex Richeng Corp. agreed that China will continue to import soybeans to 55 mill.Tm. We believe that China does not buy oil to Argentina, is driving these massive purchases of soybeans (Argentina, Brazil and USA), directly to the grinding process in their country, it seems that the Sino-Argentine trade war China is winning by a landslide.
4 - September 12, the USDA estimated that 63% of soybean crops were good-excellent, one point less than the previous week and below last year.

5 - According to USDA's September production increased from 91.04 to 93.44 USA mill.Tm, initial stocks fell by 380,000 Tm, 230.000Tm increase consumption, exports also increased to 39.05 mill.Tm, leaving ending stocks equal to 9.8 mill.Tm (Engineering Mathematics) above the expected mill.Tm 8.27 market.
6 - The group has raised PROFARMA soybean production in the U.S. to a record 95.2 3.020Kgrs mil.Tm yielding. per hectare well above the USDA.
7 - Worldwide, the USDA estimated a production of mill.Tm 253.69 (251.29 mill.Tm above), with a rise in exports (China effect) and a decrease of 64.73 mil final stocks . t (67.76 mill.Tm above)
8 - The weather remains favorable in USA, here I put a map of humidity:

9 - It seems that Brazil does not reduce the area planted with soybeans, but rather increase a little.
10 - As the weather in Argentina seems to have improved over the past week, but not in Brazil where the weather remains dry.
11 - according to the CFTC funds are purchased on an overall net position between 20.1 and 20.3% of open interest, and highs in the coming weeks that would give a profit taking

This month September after the report the future of soybeans fell (as already said), what happens is that the foundations have risen and the price remains more or less on the same levels. It's funny that if you calculate the price based on 0, would soybean on 276 € / t and not to 320 € / t as we have now (44 € less.) We get the feeling that someone is manipulating the bases to keep prices on the 315 € / t and that as much as lower the future will be compensated for by bases, causing market prices do not fall.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Squirtle Walking Sprite Sheet


With rising grain prices pulp was also drawn up, but demand had risen sufficiently to cause such a rise. The situation is complicated with prices in ports very expensive or even absent (Tarragona € 164 / t, Cartagena 180 € / t) and a national pulp is still missing about a month to start. However there are still leftover pulp stocks to last until the joint campaigns and real consumption is very low with cumulative production from feed manufacturers who agree with concern the current situation. French prices stay above the 117 € / t unchanged this week.
We note with concern the current market situation with high prices in general, but also with low demands do not justify these prices and the fact that the general consumer is not financially prepared to withstand these increases, which only have the option of reducing its production to wait for better times. It gives us the feeling that reality does not justify the price increases that have occurred and possibly meet again in a month at lower prices than the current, time will tell.


follows the same pattern of behavior in recent months as we near the end of the month the flour goes up in price in the future (and market) and as it approaches the 10 day report of the month is adjusted.
Here are some details:

1 - The USDA gave a weekly exports for 2009/10 marketing year of 167,700 t (181.000Tm last week) with China in the lead with 114.000Tm. And for the 2010/11 crop exports amounting to 824.100Tm (2.49.500Tm last week.) The market expected a total of between 900/1.000.000Tm exports.
2 - Last week, the USDA estimated that 64% of soybean crops were good-excellent, like the previous week and above last year. The positive note is the increase of a regular point for the week.

3 - As the weather traders remain concerned that many areas of Indiana and Ohio are too dry and any plant that is maturing performance may be affected in the end, even the "syndrome sudden death. " I put a map of moisture below

4 - Funds still overbought with a net long position of 130,950 contracts (8029 contracts less than last week) in soybean to 24 August.
5 - From August 24 to September 18 is expected to go 1.44 mill.Tm soybean by Argentine ports (665.000Tm last year at this time)
6 - is also concerned about the phenomenon of La Niña Argentina, which could extend at least until the end of the year, which together with that certain areas are low humidity recorded in the field, might suggest that by 2010/11 will not as favorable as the present.

Can the final month of September for the fall in soybean meal? We believe that for this to happen have to be several situations, the first that the euro back to levels of 1,30 / 1,35 against the dollar, second that the oil rises to $ 80 levels and third consequence of the above the soybean oil price hike too. The question is Can this happen? We must follow the market and watch as other fundamental as the weather are entering the field of play and may change the current scene.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Men Women Leg Strength


Domestic prices have stabilized on the 147 € / t in Miranda de Ebro is the only factory. In the remaining pulp or is something in stores or stock and no longer have to go to directly import prices for which range from 158 to 165 € / t, which in comparison with the price of barley can still go a little more .

In France pr aecia but have dropped this week from 125 € / t to 117 € / t which gives the hope that the pulp imports in the short term also falls.

While cereals continue with these high prices and do not come next season in October, we believe that prices will remain or rise further, however difficult, with the markets so volatile, establishing a pattern of behavior for the pulp and other products.


Soybean meal is moving in a bullish channel and we believe the moment will continue. The problem gives us the soybean oil in a market where prices even lower than production costs, no choice but to maintain or increase the prices of soybean meal influenced by the great demand from China. Freight rates have also increased this month as the dollar, which does little to lower prices.

Here are some details:

1 - USDA weekly export gave some 2,607,900 tonnes (1,174,100 tons last week) above the estimated range between 1.5 and 2 mill tonnes, of which 2.341.700Tm correspond to the 2010/11 campaign to head back to China.

2 - USDA's monthly report Thursday August notable increase in production estimated mill.Tm USA in 93.44 (91.04 months past) and increased milling and exports that led to that ending stocks will stay unchanged over the 9.8 mill.Tm.

3 - Last week, the USDA estimated that 66% of soybean crops were good-excellent, like the previous week and last year

4 - regards the climate remains a problem for the campaign as we see on the map I put below.

5 - remain on purchased funds in weekly report published by the CFTC, during the period between 3 and 10 of this month, mutual funds were net buyers of soybean contracts for the fifth consecutive week, rising position purchased portfolios from 18.3 to 19.9% \u200b\u200bof open interest.

6 - Argentina oil industry suffers a difficult financial times to have two problems, the first drops in oil price that Argentina suffers as a result of the blockade of China and second rising domestic production costs (say soy faba). It seems that the oilers work with negative margins, forced to work at a leisurely pace from grinding to keep the product price and cushion some losses.

7 - Según Oil World la dependencia de soja para la campaña 2010/11 crecerá debido a la bajada de producción mundial de colza, canola y semillas de girasol. Para la UE se prevé que los procesadores de oleaginosas subirán las importaciones y la molienda de soja para contrarrestar la reducción en el procesamiento de colza y girasol. También los daños en las cosechas de trigo forrajero puede elevar la demanda mundial de harina de soja y maíz.

Otra semana muy complicada con subidas de precio continuas que no permiten a corto plazo pensar en una corereccion, más bien lo contrario. En el mercado puede aparecer otra vez el problema del retraso in vessels of soybeans into the second half of September, which may cause shortage of soybean meal up to that period.