Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Broken Capillaries In The Mouth

ELECTIONS: Chronicle of an announced victory and defeat.


Juanito Worldwide Vermin in the Alley of the seven stab wounds, nothing surprising. Everything is coldly calculated. Even what seems unexpected, as was expected. And you can not leave to chance what is not only a path, a path, but the loot itself Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. And there, so who bother bother, thus invoking the majority or the people, the poor, or my race or my ancestors, my dad and my mom just sent the interests of big capital, the big bourgeoisie, the ruling classes in our country that's definitely not going to license the via elections or this or that candidate promising to go gold and brown.

This is the chronicle of an elective war for the spoils.


There is a tremendous conflict within groups and factions of the big comprador-that of private capital, which carries out this process twenty years of neoliberalism and globalization in our country, and between it and what would be who-at least thus occur when the related Velasco-represent the vast bureaucratic middle class but that's just in word, because their deeds and their tendency is to settle in the ranks of the buyer.

In any case, talk about change within the neoliberal model is not questioned or say irreverent or anti that. Moreover if you say that will change gradually. In other words, something like that "between now and 500 years."

In good account can be said that this is a fight between older and younger brothers-in one family. But no matter how family is, when interest is involved, as they cling to chavetazos.

groups and factions of the big bourgeoisie, rather than in the past, have been locked in a war of octopuses in which no let up. Even looking to resurrect the dead and the living want to be in the dead at the time you have to speak loud and clear. Each of them have purchased at a polling service, a great means of mass communication in radio, television and press and huge amount of money wasted in the middle of thousands of poor and tuberculosis in our country which provide between stunned and outraged, as that election only in situations such as now, remember them cynically.

To get an idea: a listing of twenty seconds on television, one-time-costs nothing less and nothing more than about $ 30 000. Remove your account and multiply you to think where does such an enormous amount of money. Could it be that the gangs have bet to win and then pass the bill, for those things that have life-we all pay for it, called "foot soldiers"? Politicizing LUMPENERIA

And, on the other hand, people no longer believe in anything or anyone. Over 80% believe that all politicians steal are thieves go unpunished. Certainly very collated with the fact that over 80% of the current Congress has had or has any open legal process or in the making.

It seems that Congress has become an Informal Penitentiary. And obviously that the Executive provides the leadership for that. In any case, at stake is nothing less than more than 100 billion suns, it is the General Budget of the Republic. So nobody here is going to come and say they do it for love and not pork cracklings.

is no coincidence that only 8% of Peruvians said he was interested in politics. And 80% thought that these elections are more farandoles than others. But not only that. Over 70% of the nearly 20 million eligible voters said they will vote only to avoid the payment of the fine. Something like: "This is not my party, but I have to go out of obligation." Sure, why if it's stealing, hell is about the people in that?

So it makes perfect and just the most logical 15% white vote. And, as the date approaches elective that number increases. Smart decision, we think. White vote is what it deserves, given the circumstances. And that plagued their vote walk at 12%.

forgive us those who have souls like quince and make them promise to the ear and are shocked when they called to cast blank ballots. Are the same old practitioners more hit me, the more you want. Or to put it in terms of electoral bacchanal: "More I promise, you'd think." Well, in any case, certainly not entitled to claim. Then do not leave things like "I cheated" or "betrayed" "Salao am always wrong," maybe I have made witchcraft "and other nonsense so typical of the deception, idealism. Because the trust is part of foolish idealism, metaphysics.

Worse, there is no political party, understood as such-in contest. All organizations are more light-feature of "company" or "Company" or "Johnny Vermin & Co." - presented mostly as partnerships rather than to step political organizations with programs and ideology itself.

policy in our country long ago trade became, chingana. Everything is sold, everything is bought. They are taking their eyes, because the loot, the carve-up, the bottle, well worth it in the logic of plunder and pillage. And who traffic once again with the sensitive issues of poverty, unemployment or the nation, there is nothing new.

business is to offer what ever is going to comply. Each one is presented as a fallen angel from heaven, and presents the opponent as the devil. And even prophets have appeared announced the political apocalypse.

And we are in the midst of a bloodless war of gangs, the lumpenería politicized or disguised as politics. But right now as never before had so many cards the winner. Has dominated the political scene. The problem is which faction wins or what trend. Nothing more. LOOKING

a keyboard seems a joke but it is not, gangs of men are in search of conscientiousness. It is as if the devil was doing contrition. The truth is that washing your face look and dress so they are not.

are seeking at least corrupt, the less a thief, the less drunk, less scoundrel, the less political. That is, the less system.

are against anything that smacks of anti-system, but, paradoxically, walk towards somebody that moral behavior seems at least possible the system because the system is which produces all that evil, all this degeneration. And they want us to get to the tail of it. With all due respect: They can go to hell.

But not only that. You must be at the same time, the most democratic, the most optimistic, the most technically proven. But also because this is a party, it must be someone who looks the best costume. Already

Mr. García Pérez said that the elections the candidate who can win the key play better and stressed optimism that Mr. Kuczynski is conducting a campaign full of optimism with a motivational consultant who speaks the glass as half full rather than half empty. And the Citizen "Kane" was quick to ask for the votes of the APRA.

In plain language: it has to be a pseudo-outsider gringo, but agrees not to favor the Yankees. At least for some voters will believe it. That is, do not roche. Or it may be a so-called anti that respects the system. It must be, in any case, someone who best represents the "change everything so that nothing changes." Because, as you said an announcement of the CONFIEP "Peru do not want the change, but it keeps growing." Good account, which continue to grow everything as is. The rich get richer and the poor become poorer. Well, historically, those opposed to change, processing, have always been right.

So the next administrator of the interests of the ruling classes can be a heretic, a condition that you accept to be baptized. It may be the devil himself, but certainly do not believe the difference is great because it is not exactly the paradise which is calling for the selection, provided they agree to abide by the nuns. Total, one thing is to rule, access to the government, and another is having the power: real and effective capacity to decide for the underdog, for the great majority, of their fundamental rights. In any case, I give the floor to Mr. Salvador Allende. In short: it must be someone who is committed to continuing what has been achieved with blood, sweat and tears of the great majority in favor of a handful. Because that is what "democracy" to understand some.

good account, will be decided within the right. And you have five cards, from the extreme right to the right Light. Since Mr. Kuczynski, the extreme right, the most recalcitrant and conservative contradiction that calls itself the Alliance for the Great Change, "which shelters the most stale and reactionary Conservative PPC-organization, to Mr. Toledo, up-right Ollanta Light.

The five are variants system and within the system. So these elections are won or yes right. Has not lost.

And in our country is left is a crime, a stigma, an affront. It is a ban for the prosecution. CHRONICLE OF DESCARTES

The race has had three stages. Mafias dropped their cocks into the arena, amid an atmosphere more shade than sun.

And everything indicates that large groups have been able to pluck daisy petals in the middle of media exhibitionism not without embarrassing vulgarities, obscenities and little hidden struggles. So, lumpenería all caliber. And the big media were responsible to publicize and celebrate all that rotten, typical of sick souls.

Indeed, that very nearly put the dagger in his mouth. Because they pulled the pin, they drew. Have resorted to all, with the philosophy that in war and love everything is permitted. Better yet, if you say that this is a cross between good and evil, or between heaven and hell.

Initially Mr. Castaneda Lossio was sold as fixed, the winner, was not lost. The "invincible" and that it was better than anyone dared to compete with him. A little more and they choose with no choice involved. "We would save money," some said. Today

surveys give only 13.8%. and elsewhere has fallen to 12%. "In Toledo you can get in my face" you have done for the people? ", in contrast to my no", just say in search of a lifeline in the midst of its collapse.

The truth is that it was the dead man and ended up dying from the truth. And says he died in the second round wins over all. And from the grave calls for the resignation of all other candidates of the right to represent the comprador big bourgeoisie because he would beat Ollanta in the second round. Something worthy of Ripley, right? As if to prove that these elections are not free from madness. In

Secondly overestimated Toledo. The man was safe. Presented to the events almost as president. And even started to advertise to prospective ministers in his administration. But suddenly began sawing the floor. They say that it made mistakes in the campaign. Sure.

however, has more than one video in which appear in apparent drug intake. That is held by none other than APRA. And the leaked information was given by the journalist Rosa Maria Palacios. Not spread, as revealed, not to favor the candidate Ollanta. That's the reason anyway, forced by circumstances, the candidate of Harvard became toxicological testing.

Desperate and already relegated to third place, gave a lecture in which he announced that he alone is the only one capable of preventing Ollanta win the election. "It's time to choose between a social market economy and a statist economy."

But, immediately replied: "Neither Mr. Toledo is El Salvador or Mr Humala is the great destroyer", "Making a lot charge against Mr. Ollanta can benefit," he answered no less than Mrs. Keiko in pseudo-philosophical words of a woman's own arch-reactionary, promoted to the shadow of his father.

comes a third time and Ollanta suddenly is presented as the only candidate capable of fighting against corruption, drug trafficking and crime. Indeed, three of the most sensitive to public opinion. Suddenly discover that the syllabus has less than others. Which is cleaner. And starts to climb into first place, after occupying the room. The truth is that the pollsters are also starting to promote it. And there are those who argue, not unreasonably, that it is neglected. In fact, as revealed by Wiki Leaks has served him and took advantage.


In fact, it was known since long time ago that Ollanta was among the first places. And that was coherent, consistent with a large sector of Peruvian dissatisfied and disgusted with the consequences of twenty years of neoliberalism and globalization that has plunged into deeper poverty and unemployment.

But then why the pollsters recently reported that situation? Obvious to him yet in the end, terrorizing the local population as they are doing now, before a new government called nationalist. But do not they figured it could get out of hand. Should they go? Or, have you fared?

And there are times when the story is often repeated: once as tragedy and farce and a following. Then say, "Is that People are frightened by the dangers of a candidate as Mr. Ollanta.

It seems that is well measured and calculated how far the so-called nationalist. Again, lost in second round. And if the first time he did not have enough guts to defend a victory that clearly snatched, this time nor the will.

Mr Ollanta, with all respect, and excuse us who disagree, is also right, to which he was ashamed and was called nationalist "Gana Peru", on the pretext of alliances, which ran both the so-called center as evidenced ended "Center right", which "forgot" to support struggles like the people of Islay or informal miners of San Martin, in as long as he is elected president no matter if you sell your soul to the Devil. In any case this man is right overlapping, sold to the people as the defender of the interests of those below, as the left is not right. GRINGO


But this story has an unexpected ending soap opera for many, but consistent with a well designed campaign to bring Mr. Kuczynski to the government, nothing less than best represents the sacred interests of the dominant classes . The country's favorite son North. A man who all his life has been dedicated to serving the imperialists and their big monopolies and financial institutions.

For now, is already third in the polls. We suspect that in the final week, after the electoral debate of 03 April, takes over as the first or second. Because as we have been saying: "Over 40% of voters decide their vote in the week before the electoral vote." But imperialism is imperialism to the last observation I have the gringo who prides himself on being late. FINAL LANDING

Just the gateway to the Ark of Noah will prevent access to Ollanta. He was invited to the party lo hicieron bailar, lo emborracharon diciéndole que su problema eran las malas juntas que tenía y que por eso no había ganado la anterior elección; lo convencieron entonces para que se convierta, para que deje de ser moro, lo canonizaron, lo bautizaron.

En buena cuenta, él accedió a pasar por el aro que le puso la derecha. Porque fue y es la derecha la que lo convenció de todo eso, no el pueblo. ¿A quién hizo caso entonces, el señor Ollanta? Y terminó por derechizarse por completo, si algo de izquierda tenía. Todo lo que la derecha le ha pedido que haga lo ha hecho. Y lo continúan arrinconando contra la pared y él continúa cediendo, continúa abjurando. La compradora le teme, not because it left, as presented, but because they represent the visible tip of the big bourgeoisie bureaucracy that threatens to rise with him.
As if that were not enough, in a desperate act by convincing big business that their conversion is real, just signed a so-called "Towards the People", which is but a commitment to the top of that if Government pledges its word to respect the system, not harmful to review contracts signed by previous governments with large imperialist monopolies. And in fact for some time and do not speak of a Constituent Assembly to give the country a new Constitution. And burns his mouth to speak of the New Constitution.

The truth is that, as we have said, has been blessed, Wave Pattern and the sacraments, not only by the eminence of Cardinal, but at least one part of large groups of economic power is no longer dismissed as an option possible government. Of course, as the last of the row. But they want to make sure they are not willing to take risks. And then continue submitting to a thorough process exorcization. Looking to make the devil, because they believe. Already

above does not look totally like a leper. Already one of the big bourgeoisie sector comparator, for example, those linked to ADEX, would be willing to vote for him without having to hold their noses. The maximum representative of the agency has said that they are unconcerned about the rising dollar and, by contrast, favors them because they can have more soles to change.

Although true worth, Mr. Pedro Olaechea, president of the National Society of Industries, said that at a lunch he had with Ollanta Humala would have reaffirmed the need for a New Constitution. They insist in relation not only with Chavez, but Velazco. And who was Velazco? The representative of the interests of the vast bureaucratic bourgeoisie. But, no less who the president himself CONFIEP, Leopoldo Sheelje, went on to clarify that the dollar price increase not due to the electoral process, but external factors. That is, given a little help. So

nationalist candidate is within the imperial options, though not as the main deck, certainly. The first option is Mr. Kuczynski. Toledo and have not yet ruled out entirely.

However, all candidates still dancing to the imperial line. Some in the visible condition of fresh dead. Others, the death sentence in his hand. We suggest

vote white. But if you insist on voting for someone in the presidential election, we urge you to also do it for no promises. Lest you take quinceañera trick. Find someone democratic congressional elections and the Andean Parliament. I hope your conscience at the end of this process is quiet.


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