Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Black And White Art For Interracial Couples

Sects of Hinduism

sects of Buddhism


In all societies, religions and sects have been a term that generally refers to any political or religious group that deviates from the traditional feel doctrinally taking part for the whole. Sometimes the meaning is pejorative because they themselves consider to be against the institutional and even can take a turn aggressive and destructive of the other groups.

Sects of Hinduism

The Jainism erupted in Hinduism and Buddhism, is heterodox, as opposed to Brahmanism not accept the authority of the Vedas . It is a living religion with about 2 million followers in Gujarat and Rajputana founded by Mahavira Vadhamana (550 or 540-477 or 468 BC), son of a powerful aristocratic family of Vaishali (now Besarh, north of Patna ) that at age 28, killed his parents, took a turn for his life. His parents were of ancient sect whose last boss (Parshva) 250 years ago had died and was said to be the descendant of 23 Tirthankar to (the release). Mahavira wanted to update it seems that putting sect day.

abandoned his wife Yashoda and her children, shaved her head to zero and began an era of rigid asceticism. Twelve years later he had an illumination and clearly understood his way of salvation. From then called Jina ("the victorious") or Mahavira ("the hero"), collected his thoughts in a body of philosophical doctrine preached tirelessly. It is a spiritual atheist because he believes that the infinite phenomena of nature do not need divine intervention abroad. It is also a pantheism, as is commonly the sects Hindus, believing in the eternity of the substances and the physical and mental factors, the gods who form one Absolute, carefree living for men, which only serve as a model.

Jainism is open to all religion because it believes that everything is relative because it is subject to the historical moment. Above all, it has become famous for his principle of non-violence, on the basis that all living things, even plants have souls and are capable of transmigration. Gandhi was a redneck learned this philosophy and use it for their political agenda of liberation of their country without bloodshed. L @ \u200b\u200bs jaimistas mask are not mistreat any bug, v. gr., swallowed a mosquito and the monks to get a broom sweeping the ground and avoid stepping on an ant or cockroach.

Mahavira died at age 72 in Pavapuri near where Rajagriha Jain temples have raised 4 great. At 600 years after his death his mind was divided into two sects: the Shvetambaras (in white) who want to represent Parshva, and Digambaras (nudity) who want to be radical and severe as Mahavira. Women can not go naked and not saved, except that in some reincarnation are male.

To Jina souls ( tours) are animated substances, by their actions (good or bad), generate energy karma is the cause of births and deaths. The individual soul passes through various existences, sometimes animal, according to karma you have.

The karma, fundamental tenet of Hinduism, is a word that appears in the Upanishads (VIII-VI centuries BC) as a concept so new that opposes the Vedic notion of magic formulas and of Vedic rites, as the infallible means to achieve that future. The karma is a law that inevitably operates in all living beings, even the gods.

The karma is the basis of the Hindu theory of metempsychosis which considers man in his earthly life, slave to the wheel of stocks or Sampsa , a Sanskrit word that translates the concept of reincarnation or transmigration. This is a fatality determinism acts of the past but is, in turn, compatible with human freedom and personal effort that improves the karma. Christianity speaks of sanctifying grace that can grow in each throughout life (karma have to go away) and denies reincarnation we have no more than a mortal life, enough to reach perfection, that is the fullness of grace, each according to his ability or his talent.

The way out of the wheel of the stock is non-action: it's about learning to act in life without seeking the fruits (an effective anti-Western) to act without interest to not create a new karma. Which already have can be released by various methods, one of them is the yoga that "burn" the karma which is available and can thus escape the necessity of rebirth, once achieved union with the Self (the mohsha) .

Fasting and penance (you have to be vegetarian) used to be becoming more spiritual and the successive reincarnations, leaving releasing the material. The monks are married and five votes are required fidelity to his wife and detachment from material goods. Prohibits inadvertently damage any living monk always carries a broom to sweep in front of his feet and not stepping on any insects. Prohibited from exercising the agriculture and only engaged in trade.

Jain teachings are contained in the Bhagavadgita (the song of the Lord ") which is the Hindu Bible, a poem of 700 stanzas and 18 chapters, part of Book VI of Mahabharata. It is a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna, a god who is the human form of Vishnu. Arjuna questioned whether fighting against kuru while Krishna, his cousin and coach, gives him good advice. Chapters VI-XI talk about the nature of God and the great theophany. Chapters XII-XVIII proclaim the love of God to men. You can see that there are many points in common with Christianity.

The Mahabharata epic poem is the largest in the world for his 18 books with 106,000 verses (shlokas ) with a historical rather than educational purpose. He relates the wars between the Ganges and the Jamuna, the tribes had kuru and bharata , clans Aryans from the northwest, between 2000 and 1500 BC, when they invaded northern India, bringing the Vedic texts. The transmission of this epic was made orally by suta , drivers in real cars, who described the battle and then broadcast the Pathak and dharaka , who embellished and extended narratives. For the language and style, literary criticism seems clear that the author is not unique, although the legend attributes it to Vyasa who wrote it in 3 years to the dictates of Ganesha, the elephant-headed god. From the tenth century AD is known throughout Asia for their respective vernacular versions.

In the sixth century AD, appears in the Bhagavata visnuismo sect who worship the Bhagat, Blessed, which is what they call Vishnu follow strange rituals, temples and denied leave castes . Neither the sect of Lingayats accept caste have secret rites and holy books. In the thirteenth century many sects and groups sprang up with its own rites and cults. Some are more mystical, philosophical and some others take the character of modern social reform movements. Caitanya (+1533 To 48 years) was the illustrious visionary who inaugurated the cult of Krishna and his wife Radha. Their successors are heads of monasteries and temples.

With reference to Shiva, the Hindu god another great acting in the universe by his great energy, appeared rather ascetic sects, often Tantric, and no shortage of rude strangers often still exist today and appear naked the streets of the holy cities. In the eleventh century, founded the sect kanphatayongins goraknhati or (the Ear yongis cleaved) by the great saint Gorakhnath.

Current worldwide spiritual association Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual university spiritual world is a university founded in 1937 by Lekh Raj (+1969 to 93 years), which they call Prajapita Brahma. Is a non-profit and consultative status by the Economic and Social Council (which has granted six awards) and UNICEF. Operates in over 65 countries and offers an education based on human values, moral and spiritual. Part of the basis of the intrinsic goodness of every human being. The female members are called "Brahma kumari" (daughters of Brahma) and masculine "Brahma kumar" (sons of Brahma). Are monotheistic, they believe that there is one God (Shiva Baba), the Supreme Father, all Love, Infinite, Salvador, morally perfect, omnipotent but not omnipresent.

The religious community shik, under the tenth guru, Govind Singh (+1708 to 33 years), took the character of a theocratic military state. The British and the Indian government later used them much as state administrators. The shik was founded in NW India by Nanak (+1539 to 70 years), a member of Kshatriya, Hindu family near Lahore, the then capital of Punjab Muslim. He was educated the Shiite doctrine of Islam . He was married but at age 31 (1500) abandoned his family and devoted himself to the wandering life of an ascetic.

The fifth guru, Arjun (+1606) was the one who compiled a book, the Adi-Granth , works of Nanak, Kabir and his, and began building the famous Golden Temple Amritsar , central shrine of the Sikhs and now badly damaged by the separatist wars between India and Pakistan in 1947.

Govind Singh reformed the community and in the mountains of NO created the Khalsa , Organization of the pure, removing all the Hindu customs and replacing the worship of the holy book, the Granth , and the sword, and preached holy war, permanent, against Muslims. After the community split into many sects, such as Nirmal (those without a spot), the Akalis (the faithful of God), the Nihang or guardians of the temple of gold. Currently Sikh are 7 million and between them have reappeared some Hindu customs as having sacred images in private homes, the worship of Hindu gods and the prohibition of wine and meat.

Sects of Buddhism

s. In Tsongkhapa XIV (+1419 to 62 years) reformed the Tibetan religion and founded the sect of the Gelugpa the "Community Yellow", as opposed to the old "Community" Red Padmasambhada. The reform stressed monastic discipline, the celibate monks and studying the texts. Tsongkhapa founded the great monasteries of Sera and Depung near Lhasa who became lamaica education campuses with specialized faculties.

The Mongols and their military intervention in Tibet were added to the infighting between clans and sects lamaicas large and favored the eventual triumph of Tongkhapa sect in 1637 and the installation of the fifth Dalai Lama as king of Tibet in Lhasa. Under the Seventh Dalai Lama (XVIII) established the Chinese Protectorate lasted until the end of the dynasty Ts'ing (1912). After the influence indobritánica (1912-1945), Communist China occupied Tibet again after the 2GM.

theocratic and religious organization of Lamaism could not be reconciled with the Chinese Marxism. The 130 Dalai Lama had to flee and take refuge in India with the government while Chinese Communists destroyed the monasteries, imprisoned, killed or dispersed the monks and used the buildings as barracks.

Today the Dalai Lama has tried to reconstruct Lamaism with thousands of lamas who escaped, and India and Europe have set up schools and working to preserve the oral traditions and written. In March 2011, the Dali Lama announces his retirement and resignation to be both head of state supreme religious and calls to change the social structure of Tibet to democratize. The current is the XIV Dalai Lama of history, or Tenzin Gyatso, born in July 1935 under the name of Lhamo Dondhup, 5 years was proclaimed the reincarnation of the late Lama XIII.


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