Monday, April 25, 2011

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New ecclesial (1) in Asia

La Fraternidad Mariana de la Reconciliación (FMR)

Nuevos Horizontes

Miles Jesu

Opus angelorum


La Fraternidad Mariana de la Reconciliación (FMR)

has recently been erected as a Society of Apostolic Life of Diocesan Right after receiving the January 21 Nihil Obstat of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and the approval of Archbishop of Lima and Primate of Peru, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani.

The Superior General of the fraternal -as they are known, is the English Alejandra von Wuthenau Keen. The new company belongs to the Family Sodalit spiritual family founded by Peruvian Luis Fernando Figari secular.

The Marian Community of Reconciliation was founded in Lima on March 25, 1991. Its founder received Communion from the pope at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, at the Ordinary Synod of Bishops in 2008. Consists of women, responding to the call of God, devote their lives to be fully available to the ministry and actively cooperating with grace, making everyday life a continuous liturgy.

His consecrated secular state allowed to enter the world of advertising in the first person to Jesus, evangelize the culture, doing ministry with youth, engage in supportive service to the poor, the promotion of families and the promotion of life, dignity and rights of the human person from conception to natural death.

currently communities of "fraternal" are in 19 dioceses in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Dominican Republic, United States, Britain, Italy and Australia.

New Horizons

After the General Audience of 8-II-2011, Benedict XVI greeted the members present "New Horizons", a new association of the faithful, the who said: "I encourage you to continue in carrying out a brave apostolate for the brothers in difficulty, I urge you to bear witness to the Gospel of love, spreading the light, peace and joy of the risen Christ " . Had passed the 8-XII-2010.

After the official ceremony of delivery of the papal decree, which took place on 4 February, which approves the Statute for a period ad experimentum five years, "New Horizons" is now an international private association of faithful. Its headquarters are located in a former Franciscan convent Piglio (Italy).

The Association was founded in the early 90's by the Italian Chiara Amirante, in response to the despair of so many children around the Roma Termini stacion affected by drug addiction, AIDS and alcoholism, if not slaves of crime and prostitution. have the commitment to "bring love who never knew the love and light to those who feel enveloped by the darkness as long as we bear witness anyway, with our lives, the fullness of Joy precisely the Risen Christ who sits imprisoned in the abyss of despair and death soul. "

born in 1994 host the first house, now has 161 (which means including whole families) designed to provide training and guidance. Its members give themselves to God through promises of poverty, chastity and obedience, and commitment to live the Christian joy. The Association has over 20,000 employees, thousands of supporters, and 150,000 "Knights of Light", from different ecclesial working on several initiatives of evangelization. Not counting the more than 300 prayer groups.

Bosnia in Brazil and has been under construction for "Citadels" heaven ", true host of marginalized peoples and dedicated to the formation of international volunteering. Are provided for two in Italy.

In his homily for the feast on the occasion of the papal approval of "New Horizons", Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity them, "" How many missionary creativity! How daring, courage, generosity! Many young lives saved, how many conversions, many stocks rebuilt from its very foundations! "New Horizons " he added, has " a great message of hope that the world today is much needed, " as" bringing the light of Christ means above all to bring the Love .. The most painful wounds of many young people today stem from the fact that in his life have never known true love . "

Miles Jesu

This institute of consecrated life of lay people and priests was founded in the United States by Father Alfonso Durán, who committed serious abuses of authority, as confirmed by the papal commissioner and higher current. Pictured here with Cardinal Lopez Trujillo (+2008), Colombian partner active and direct John Paul II.

This is confirmed in a statement issued on July 28, the priest who received this request on March 25, 2009, Father Barry Fischer, C. PP.S., at the conclusion of an apostolic visit was commissioned by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and the vicariate of the diocese of Rome.

" With the weather has been clear and unquestionable that the founder, Father Alfonso Duran, had erratic behavior that were totally outside the scope of the powers conferred upon him. Some members have identified injuries caused by improper exercise of authority over its direction. The misguided sense of loyalty and obedience instilled in the members facilitated this behavior totally unacceptable and not in keeping with the discipline of the Church, nor tolerable in any way by a healthy sense of consecrated life, "the statement by Commissioner .

Duran's father left his post in the spring , 2007 because of, among others, health problems, neurological degeneration. At this time the father Fischer is top, assisted by a council comprising members of the branch consecrated men and women consecrated branch, known as "Domus".

This ecclesial reality that emerged in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1964, also has lay members at different stages of life (single, married, or widowed), known to name "Vinculum", who share the spirituality and apostolate of "Miles Jesu." "Work renewal is already in progress and there is enthusiasm for the future members are building together, "concluded the Commissioner.

Opus Angelorum

Association Opus Sanctorum Angelorum received (November 4, 2010) full canonical recognition after a long process of purification of errors and deviations. However, the Vatican warned that some members, in disobedience to rules issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, trying to return to the theories and practices concerning the intervention of the Association for thirty years.

So says a circular letter of 2 October, signed by the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal William Levada, the chairmen of all the Bishops of the world to warn bishops on this situation. The letter sets out all the steps taken by the Congregation since 1983, having considered the customs and teachings of Opus Angelorum and order of the "Canons Regular of the Holy Cross. "

Basically, the reason for the inquiry was the spread, by this association, the alleged private visions of Gabriele Bitterlich († 1978 with 82 years), Austrian-born German secular, disclosures do not conform to the teachings of the Church, but rather considered close to Gnosticism. They were forbidden to "use" names "known to the alleged private revelations, or teach, disseminate or use in any way from these theories alleged disclosures. " Another point at issue was the use of additives not allowed liturgy.

The May 31, 2000, "the Congregation approved the formula of consecration to the SS. Angeles for the Opus Angelorum ". , And adopted the Statute of the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum , shaping public partnership. Also the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross, linked to this partnership, has received approval from the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

But "a number of former members of Opus Angelorum , including even many priests" who aspire and work to restore what they said would "Opus Angelorum authentic" ". The trouble is that your plan is done very discreetly and is presented as being in full communion with the Catholic Church.


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