Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dimmest Star In The Orion

Sects Sects in Islam in Judaism

In the Arab fakir called (need), who needs God, a religious mendicant, a dervish , belonging to a kind of brotherhood . In the West and from the s. XVIII applies to Muslim ascetics of India and by extension to all the beggars in a more or less religious than live on his hypnotic powers, real or supposed, and demonstrations of sleight of hand. In India, so called Muslim ascetic practices performed strange and sometimes repulsive, like some Hindu religious beggars.

are distinguished from the Yaqui whose practices are carried out usually in secret, without any advertising or desire to collect alms.

s. In XII beggars formed a fraternity, sorority or association dervishes, Islam only community organization. The first was founded in 1166 by Abd al-Qadir al-Yili (the Qadiriyya ). Other groups were founded later and mystics are orders that recognize 32 branches, many of which have already disappeared and others have become in sects. Each has a founder, a convent, special garments and ritual whirling dances may be seeking collective hypnosis. Side orders of dervishes , there are also many laymen.

Walies The are reputed healers and possessing supernatural powers. There are groups that follow Islamic law, but others reject all moral law.

Order Sannsiyya , most recently, is austere, puritanical and orthodox. You want to join must pass a novitiate under the strict control of Sheikh , with a very severe discipline.

The Sufis origin is the movement of Islamic fundamentalist whose doctrine includes, however, elements of other religions and philosophical thought. In the geographical and cultural pre-Islamic, Saudi, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia, before Mohammed, monasteries and Christian monasteries existed, well known for Bedouin tradition.

The Sufi is a spiritual movement based on Islamic principles of the Koran and Islamic practices, whether Christian or neo-Platonic, or Hindu techniques. Some groups have helped to spiritualize Islam, but others are opting for the trend-pantheistic enlightenment and Iranian areas have Gnostic-dualistic tendency.

Si'íes The or Shia (the sî'a ) are numerous other Muslim groups with the common belief that the Imamate, or succession of Muhammad corresponds to 'Ali and his successors. During the last illness, Abn Bakr Muhammad instructed the direction of prayer on Fridays and "companions" of the Prophet believed understand that it was his implicit will appoint a successor.

This concept led to the emergence of multiple and intricate network of sects, among which the Zaydi , the gulat (Qarmat, Isma'ili, Druze, Nusayri, ...) and Imami ( waqifíes, qat'íes ...). There are many groups Qarmat, Fatimids, hasisiyyun (murderers) and the powerful groups Isma'iliyya Iraq, India, Pakistan and Turkistan as part of the sí'a septimana whose leaders are considered representatives of " seventh hidden Imam. "

The Sunni and other groups are attributed all sorts of heresies, crimes and vices. The Hasisiyyun , secret group of Isma'ili using extracts of cannabis (hashish) that causes euphoria and can kill or face death without fear. The drug use is not unique to the Arab world as already quoted in Dioscorides and fakirs used . Other groups are credited with sodomy, orgy ritual and common use of women.

The sect is undoubtedly most famous Al Qaeda or Al-Qaida some Western countries have labeled the international terrorist movement for being the cause of terrorist acts in several nations. Obviously it is a jihadist organization, paramilitary, founded in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden whom the U.S. President Bush (son) started looking after the S11 and the destruction of the twin towers in New York in 2001. Osama is a multimillionaire who had studied in Anglo-Saxon universities and, initially, was funded by the CIA uses for its political interests of Muslim countries for oil and to curb the invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR.

believed USA Osama was hiding along with other leaders of Al Qaeda from the Taliban in Afghanistan. Until today.

In 2007 a group of Al Qaeda acted in Algiers and Casablanca. The attack in Madrid on March 11, 2004 was claimed by the military spokesman of Al Qaeda in Europe. Worldwide have cellular structure and many cells are dormant. They are citizens who appear normal, they have never shown the slightest suspicion of anything, but good people are Muslim.

In recent social and economic conflicts that have been fired by the Islamic countries of North Africa and Asia, hangs in the air the hidden hand of Al Qaeda seeking to overthrow forcibly recent Muslim leaders who flirt with the West.

extrafalario The tyrant Gaddafi wants to stop the revolt by force of its citizens and the West says it fears that made them power.

The Taliban form the militant Islamic group that ruled Afghanistan from September 1996 until being ousted in 2001 and where they were forcibly imposed the strictest sharia law, something never known in world history Islamic. While in power made a slaughter especially among Shia and Hazara was deemed "non-believers" and "sub humans." When the Taliban captured Mazar-i-Sharif on August 8, 1998, killed thousands of civilians and several Iranian diplomats.

The only leader who remained in Afghanistan and was able to defend large parts of its area against the Taliban was Ahmad Shah Massoud. Massoud was also successful in building democratic institutions political, economic, health and education committees. Massoud signed the Charter on the Rights of Women in 2000. In your area, women and girls did not have to use Afghan burka. They were allowed to work and go to school. In at least two known cases Massoud personally intervened against cases of forced marriages. While Massoud stated his belief that men and women are equal and have the same rights, also had to deal with Afghan traditions, said he would need a generation or more to overcome. In his opinion, could only be achieved through education. At the time warned of an imminent terrorist attack against the USA and 48 years was the target of two terrorist suicide attack on September 9, 2001.

Taliban means "student" pastho language. Since 2001 active in the opposition, in guerrilla warfare and have their headquarters in the area Pashtunistan, between Afghanistan and Pakistan, are said to be supported by Pakistan and Iran.

is a confederation of tribes Ghilzai, Pashtun tribes and other ethnic minorities volunteer Uzbeks, Tajiks, Punjabi, Arab or Chechen . There are also some Hanafi , traditionalists, supporters of the school of interpretation of the Koran according to Imam Abu Hanifa. They are not Wahhabi movement , since they have different interpretations Zahiri school and this school are precursors of Imam Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Hazm.

The leader of the Taliban's Mullah Mohammed Omar, believed to be hiding in Afghanistan and which is offering a reward of $ 25 million for information leading to his capture.


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