Friday, March 11, 2011

Preparation H Body Fat

Sects Sects Sects destructive


In Asia

In Latin


Not all sects (in the sense pejorative) are capable of committing acts of terrorism as it is occurring frequently in the Islamic world. Many do not meddle in politics and usually "limited" to destroy the personality of addicts, rape and sexual abuse with minors and the clearance of their own heritage assets pockets the boss.

The pejorative term "cult" is not only attributed to the implications of the religious sphere, provided that their actions in any dimension of life (cultural, political, religious, economic ...) are the occasion of disturbance or alteration of justice and public order, then you have to intervene civil society through its government and administrative bodies, public institutions, especially when criminal activities are criminal.


In African countries known trends of many tribes to have their sects, but since the advent of Islam some male or female fraternities have been sectarian. They tend to believe in animism and magic, and can work with masks and dress as horrifying to the population. In Cameroon and especially EGBA Ngua had strong political influence before the arrival of whites. In Gabon the NDA ; between Yoruba the Ogboni ; between mandingo is a "link" that scares women under the sponsorship of the monster Bumbojumbo . Sometimes form "leagues" criminals and terrorists, for example, "Leopard Man" in the nineteenth century caused mysterious murders.

The Mau-Mau was founded in Kenya in 1948 as a strong group of terrorism against the British for his anti-Europeanism and anti-Christianity. Their leader Jomo Kenyatta was arrested as leader of this organization, but always denied, and when the country's independence was elected President of the Republic, surprisingly, acted as a moderate. Some of these "leagues" were transferred to the slave trade and, coming to America, invented there the rites and cults known West Indian ( Vudu ).

The Ugandan police no longer regarded as suicide of a strange cult and went on to consider the multiple-murder incident Jonestowm (Guyana) in November 1978, where 914 men, women and children died from poisoning by satanic cult Rev. Jim Jones who also blew himself up. The track gave the burning of March 17, 2000 members of Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments , led by Joseph Kibwetere, former Catholic priest apostate. His followers had sold all his possessions, because the world told the boss was going to end on 31 December 1999. When this did not happen, he took the money, put them in the church, nailed the doors and lit it with a powerful blend of gasoline and sulfuric acid.

Egypt is revolutionized in recent months with a tense and confusing situation, apart from the social and political demands are intremezcla the religious and radical Muslims lash out against Coptic Christians. On the night of 8 to 9 March in the neighborhood of Mokattan (Cairo), there was a confrontation that left thirteen dead and over hundred injured and came amid protests by Coptic by fire on 4 March Atfih church in the region of Helwan, south of Cairo.

The fire gave a dispute between two families opposed to the relationship between a Christian and a Muslim girl.

In Asia

Israeli police guarding the dozen members of the Concerned Christians (Concerned Christians ), American millenarian sect, and others who began to swarm over Jerusalem as it was approaching 2000. The Israeli Government's Interministerial Commission took steps to strengthen police presence in the holy city before the well-founded fear of attacks by extremist groups, Jews and Christians to mosques.

The supplementary budget for this monitoring is $ 12 million. The 430 police officers assigned to these tasks do not have to walk with theological distinctions; ensure safety and prevent public disturbances affecting the maintenance of public order in both cases "religious" as in the case of the Israeli ultra-Orthodox extremist Shabtay Bloch, a leader of the ultranationalist religious movement of "Lubavitch" that tried to attack the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Safed, in northern Iraq. A few days ago an ultra-Orthodox attacked with tear gas a woman because she "dared" to go on a sidewalk in Jerusalem only for men in the neighborhood of Mea Shearim.

In the Islamic world took a long time to appear as the Kharijites sects or Sunni and Shiite who lead the news with regularity in these recently. Those saying that Ali, Muhammad's cousin and successor, is an unbeliever so they killed him. They argue, however, a super saint, under the influence of Abudlah bin Saba, who is the St. Paul is Christianity, because of their innovations. Appear later Qadariah, then Muryiah , etc. The Sufis believe that the good Muslim is not involved in politics and should only focus on improving the music, rituals and prayers.

in the Hindu world in 1955 founded the Ananda Marga sect presented in the West with spiritual and peaceful dyes but their record in India is unclear. In the decade of the 60 organized riots and political attacks, in 70 the government banned and arrested its leader and founder Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, called Baba by his followers.

After the incidents in India in 2007 and 2008, following the violence and blasphemous mockery of Christ by a poster with a can of beer and a cigarette in his mouth. Indian Bishops currently studying the ideology of Hindutva identification with religion, politics, advocated cultural nationalism with consequent sobre la convivencia pacífica de las comunidades religiosas en la India.

En particular quieren examinar la ideología del Sangh Parivar , el movimiento fundamentalista hindú contrario a la igualdad de derechos de las personas, independientemente del credo que profesan. Se opone con fuerza a la libertad religiosa reconocida en la Constitución india.

En el Estado hindú de Orissa, centro oriental, otra vez reaparece la violencia contra las comunidades cristianas en febrero de 2011, dándose más de 10 episodios en los que han sido heridos incluso madres embarazadas y niños. Vijay Purusu Pastor of the Evangelical Church "Bethel Church", says the attacks are nocturnal. At least four families, terrified, abandoned the home itself. In 2007 and 2008 were destroyed over 6,600 homes and displaced Christians Hindus exceed 56,000.

In all cases the facts are attributed to the movement of militant Hindu fundamentalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which went unpunished by the devastation caused on that occasion. The allegations that Christians did the police not been answered and have not been any action official end to the attacks.

On February 11 in Jaipur, Rajasthan (north-western India), a Christian pastor was insulted, stripped and beaten by young Hindu extremists, forcing to travel more than 5 km naked down the main street of the city. Despite the police report, so far none of the culprits has been arrested.

In Pakistan, March 2, was killed the minister of religious minorities Shahbaz Bhatti by a group of masked men who said they were linked to Al Qaeda . With automatic weapons firing live sewed it for two minutes. Next to her body left fliers that said, "was killed by a Christian and blasphemous." At the funeral Mass the Archbishop of Islamabad, Bishop Anthony Rufin, said the official " gave his life for the faith . I'm sure the Church, over time, announce the martyr." Shahbaz was the leader of the 2.5 million Catholics who expressed their views without blinking and belonged to the group of Hindus who defend the proposed reform of the blasphemy law. The month before the terrorist Hindus killed Salman Taseer, Governor of Punjab who also opposed the law of blasphemy.

entire civilized world is waiting for Assia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian sentenced by a court in November 2010 for blasphemy. His defense lawyer says that it is preferable to allow some time before starting the appeal process.

In Tokyo, Japan, the sect Supreme Truth (Aum Shinrikyo ), followers of Shoko Asahara, placed sarin nerve gas bombs on the underground transport system on 20 March 1995. Total: more of 5000 poisoned and 12 people dead. Six weeks later, the same followers attempted another terrorist act in another season but fortunately missed the pump mechanism and could be cleared in time. If it had not happened, the mixture of cyanide and hydrogen containing explosive could kill in minutes to 20 thousand users of the metro.

In Latin

Hassan The 1997 report said that the English speaking Americas were 3 000 criminal groups sects, although most are not very large and are quite local.

Steve Hassan, a graduate of the University Cambridge, spent many years as militants in the Moonies the world met the press following the marriage of African Catholic Bishop Emmanuel Milingo when he was 71 years.

excommunicated in 2006, celebrated as a sorcerer in 1985 their healing cults in the "church of Rome Argentina" when he had been deposed from his episcopal charge of Africa and the Zambia Episcopal Conference.

The Moon sect called Unification Church was founded in Korea in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon who presented himself as the Messiah and successor of Jesus Christ. Consider communism as the embodiment of Lucifer, and therefore turned to moral support, physically and economically hispaoamericanas dictatorships that defeats.

In l984 the Brazilian Valentina de Andrade founded in La Plata his own sect. He claimed to receive messages from aliens l981 and be the only one that had the "universal knowledge." The doctrine is taught in a book by the founder entitled God, the great farce " explaining that human beings are governed by a being called God and grim that will soon be destroyed, because "... it is imminent clash of the sun off, which bears the mark of the beast and destroy this cosmic experience wrong" .

In l992 the sect gained fame when in Brazil a Umbanda Pai was arrested for the ritual murder of a child of seven years. In those days the Brazilian police suspected the Valentina de Andrade since being raided the home of the leader found a video and written commitment which spoke ill of the children. According to Valentina children born after l981 were creatures of evil. The suspicions were confirmed and the group can move freely through the streets of Brazil and Argentina. Today, the sect meets in a fifth of the greater Buenos Aires and is in full extinction.

Rajneesh Chandra Mohan in 1969 (+1990, 59 years) founded his first ashram and early 80's he settled in USA. Its doctrine is based on Tantric yoga and was known as the "sex guru." In l983, the U.S. government began investigating complaints from parents and former members, stopping and deported. U.S. prosecutors found in the ashram , who had settled in the state of Oregon, the guru, an apostle of peace and love, had its own private army.


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