Monday, March 14, 2011

Eating Recovery Center Blogger

The Maccabees

The Essenes

The Pharisees

Los saduceos

Otras sectas


Los judíos son los hermanos mayores de los creyentes monteistas y como en todos lados cuecen habas, es bueno conocer su historia y su experiencia para, aparte de conocerles mejor, tener los cristianos una referencia a posibles imitaciones.

En el Nuevo Testamento se habla de varias sectas entre los judíos con las que se encontró Jesús de Nazaret,que era judío, like all initial pupil, like the Pharisees , that of the Sadducees or assassins of those witnesses the same tribune of Jerusalem who, in Greek, Paul questioned if the leader of the 4,000 who hid in the desert (cf. Acts 21.38).

also in times of Jesus was in force the sect of the Zealots , Hebrew and Aramaic qanna qan ^ annayya and the Gospels narrate that one of the twelve apostles belonged to her, was the other Simon, not Peter, called the Zealots (Luke 6.15 and Acts 1.13) or the Canaanite (Mc 3.18, Mt 10.4), translated into Castilian qana . Zealot in Greek means "jealous" and Judaism was a tendency to safeguard the purity of the Law

The Maccabees

During the Roman domination of Palestine before Christ was a fanatical self-righteousness in politics, a movement is rooted in nationalism and Maccabees sieges, sprung up in response to certain religious Jews against the policy of the Hasmonean, and an ideal to live "the zeal of God" as the priest Phinehas (Numbers 25, 7 ff) who wanted to end the evil spear of his brothers. It was the priestly Jewish family of the Maccabees , led by Mattathias, who rebelled against Antiochus IV Epiphanes, king of Syria, which sought to impose Greek paganism and achieved independence. At first macabeo was name given to Judas, the third son of that family, but was later expanded to all who participated in the uprising.

John Hyrcanus (135-105 BC), the high priest and head of the nation, had to capitulate against Antiochus Sidetes albeit with very favorable terms. Juan took advantage of the situation to expand territory and gain Samaria and Idumea. By forcing the Edomites to be circumcised, gave rise to one day came to the throne Herod. In 63 BC lost their independence, this time under the power of Rome, and in 37 BC ended the power of the Maccabees when Antigonus was beheaded at Antioch.

After Christ, at the time the attorney Gesio Floro (64-66), appointed by the influence Pompeii, Nero's Jewish wife, their surveys acquired more strength. In the summer of 66, the governor crucified many Jews in Jerusalem and raised in Galilee and around the country movements of revolt. Floro had to flee, the rebels seized power but Nero, Vespasian and Titus instructed to restore order. With 60,000 troops reconquered Galilee in 67 and, by the fanaticism of the Zealots and awkward political tact, reconquered the country and destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70.

The Essenes

is a Jewish sect who was born in 150 BC of a mystery until the twentieth century it was known only to historians references to Pliny, Josephus and Philo. The discoveries of the Dead Sea Scrolls, once decoded, reveal that they are most likely. Some have an interest in saying that John the Baptist and Jesus were Essenes or at least spent a season in that community or congregation.

In 1947, by chance, were discovered in Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls because he was a boy shepherd in search of a lost goat among cliffs, caves and found the scrolls. Was to sell to earn some money and antique expert guessed that could be very interesting rolls. Connected to Jewish and American academics. Thus began his study and deciphering.

is said that when the Romans attacked Jerusalem in 68 (in 70 Titus razed the city and the Jewish temple, which was his pride), the Essenes hid their scriptures in caves 40 km East Jerusalem.

The Essenes sought leave the existing order of things and entering a community that considered itself as completely different from any other, whether Jewish or pagan. They considered themselves the true sons of the covenant between God and Israel.

After the Maccabean revolt (166-159 BC), under the command of a new leader, the Teacher of Righteousness, they retreated into the wilderness to "prepare the way of the Lord." The revolt was at the time of the Greek domination, when the temple was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes, spilling blood on the altar of pork. The rebels, loyal to their faith, they fled into the desert.

When removed later Hasmonean Greek hegemony, there is the second revolt appropriated for the dignity of the High Priest. The Essene Teacher of Righteousness High Priest did not exercise because they understood that Yahweh had provided men Tzadok dynasty.

Those who made oath and entered the community have called for a lifetime of study of law was also imposed its observance by a strict code of discipline. Many had lived in celibacy as sinful marriage and everything material.

waiver of economic relationships or accepting gifts is not derived from an ideal of poverty, but is a way to avoid contamination with the outside world to safeguard the purity ritual. Consummated its break with the church and the official cult, the Essene community understood itself as a temple intangible temporarily replaces the temple of Jerusalem while it is still obtained a cult disdain.

The Qumran community also hoped the advent of a new era, as preached by John the Baptist and Jesus Nazareth. Also, like the latter, and were themselves chosen as the mass of the damned, in order to prepare for this new era. But unlike these, the new era of the Essenes resembled the old, restored and renovated. Interpreted the law that had been revealed to their founder, who referred in his writings as the Teacher of Righteousness, character who knows something more thanks to the Dead Sea Scrolls. He lived between 150 and 100 BC. in a small community that subsisted by farming and lived in isolation from other communities, particularly the inhabitants of Qumran. Others, most of the Essenes, some 4,000 according to Josephus, if they lived in cities, in a particular way, expressing his doctrine.

Qumran is notable for the number of tanks containing water, essential for the physical needs of the community, but also played an important part of the ritual, which included numerous washes. In his writings say: " those who walk in the spirit of truth will cure a long life of peace and fertility blessing all life with eternal joy and life without end, a crown of glory and majesty mantle inextinguishable light. By Otherwise those who walk in the spirit of darkness is: a multitude of pests hands of all the angels of destruction, eternal damnation for the strength of the vengeful wrath of God, endless torment and misery in prison, together with shameful extinction in fire dark regions. "

For some, the Essenes did not engage in trade, were masons, carpenters, weavers and goldsmiths. So I fit that Jesus was one of them or live at least two years in that congregation. But as Jesus is the universal Redeemer, it is difficult found in the Gospels of his expressions that sound like the Essenes, but they can also play a Hindu or Buddhist, then your message can understand all men of all time. Instructed his disciples to go to the world, not a select few.

The Pharisees

In Jesus' time, says Professor Francisco Baró, most appreciated for most of the people were the Pharisees . His name in Hebrew Perushim , meaning "the segregated." Devoted most attention to issues relating to the observance of ritual purity laws even outside the temple. Priestly purity standards established for worship, passed for them to score an ideal of life in all activities of daily life, which was thus ritualized and sacred. Along with the written law (Torah or Pentateuch) were compiling a series of traditions and ways of meeting the requirements of the Act, which was granted an increasing appreciation until they came to be welcomed as oral Torah, attributed also to God. According to their belief, the oral Torah was given along with the written Torah to Moses Sinai, and thus both had identical binding.

For the Pharisees the political dimension played a crucial role in its vital position, and was linked to efforts for national independence, as no foreign power could be imposed on the sovereignty of Lord in his people. To these are known by the name of Zealots , possibly gave themselves, referring to his zeal for God and the fulfillment of the Law Although believed that salvation is granted by God, were convinced that the Lord with the collaboration to bring that human salvation. This collaboration was moved first to a purely religious in your zeal for strict compliance with the law later from the fifties, was also considered to manifest in the military field, so that no could refuse the use of violence when it was necessary to win, and had to be afraid of losing their lives in combat, it was as a martyr to sanctify the name of the Lord.


The Sadducees, for their part, were people of high society, members of priestly families, educated, rich and aristocrats. Of them had started from the beginning of the Roman occupation the chief priests , at that time were Jewish representatives to the imperial power. They made a sober interpretation of the Torah, without falling into the many issues casuistry of the Pharisees, and therefore underestimate what those considered oral Torah.

Unlike the Pharisees did not believe in the survival after death, nor shared their eschatological hopes. Not enjoy the popularity or popular affection enjoyed by the Pharisees, but they had religious and political power, so they were very influential. Also differed from the Pharisees at the time of the feast of Passover, so the synoptic gospels and John's the day of the Last Supper in the Upper Room to celebrate the Passover and instituted the Eucharist and not exactly lend itself to varying interpretations.

Other sects

When Jews settled in Canaan monotheism was weakened by the influence of idolatry that reigned there. But the situation was more precarious the Jewish religion when the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were destroyed, then the people did not understand the language of the law was written and it was necessary to make long talks translations and explanations. For this reason, and changing habits, it was necessary to create a second or repeat Act or Mishnah, commonly called the Talmud. Then came the first division of the Jews, some who are even now called of Karaites continued to obey the Torah to the letter.

between I and IV were also Ebionites, a sect of Judeo-Christian ebjonim , "Lord's poor", who believed that Jesus had established his heirs. On the death of Santiago, separated from the Church, led by Tébuli and made war on Paul. Community life lived in strict poverty, were vegetarian and spread through Rome, Egypt and Asia Minor. Will they have something to do with Muhammad and Islam? Judaizing Christians were extremists who wanted to impose the law of Moses for everyone. To them, Jesus only a prophet and the Messiah because God anointed him to be a true saddiq , "fair." Were convicted in the first Council of Jerusalem.

In the eighteenth century came Moses Mendelsohn (+1786 to 57 years), who preached new ideas that shocked the Jews of Europe. And there arose a new division. Orthodox rabbis considered heretics to these reformers and settled in separate communities. Renovators opened its first synagogue in 1810 and abolished the Hebrew prayers and sermons to replace the language of the country. Is an important branch of Judaism that denies the existence of a personal Messiah replacing it with a collective "messianic mission" of Israel. Of worship and liturgy, which had imposed the Talmud, only retain the conclusion of the Sabbath and circumcision. That is, try to emphasize the monotheistic idea by playing the fulfillment of the Talmud.

there are Orthodox rabbis in Israel, Karaites and renewal to meet separately with their followers in 6,000 synagogues. In addition there remains a Jewish community called Samaritan in the city of Holon, near Tel Aviv with about 500 faithful. It is an ancient sect that recognizes only the Torah and the Pentateuch (Joshua) as Holy Writ, and worthy of obedience.


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