Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Its origins

Some exploits of the Inquisition

famous Inquisitors =====================

Its origins


Tibet entered the Indian thought as did other foreign religions such as Manichaeism of the Uighur Turks , Nestorianism of Iran, Islam and Chinese thought with his knowledge of medicine and astrology. With these mixtures, from the eleventh century Lamaism took a very particular, while Dali-Lama was the head of a monarchy theocratic feudal and systematically violated human rights, including by military through a kind of Inquisition, the dop-dop or monk-soldiers. Thus the monasteries became centers of power, both spiritual and political and military while being supported by important noble families. It's curious coincidence of religious attitudes and simultaneous in Christian Europe and the Asia pagan.

casual Another coincidence is that Tsongkhapa (+1419 to 62 years) reformed the Tibetan religion and founded the Gelugpa sect the Community "yellow" as opposed to the old "Community "Red Padmasambhada. In Europe, the Benedictines, who dress in black, were reformed by the Cistercians who will wear white as then the Dominicans. The reform emphasized the monastic discipline, celibacy of the monks and the study of texts. Tsongkhapa founded the great monasteries of Sera and Depung near Lhasa who became lamaica education campuses with specialized faculties. Salta single question: Who is copying who?

Evidently the mentality of the time "warranted" to each other, here and there, acting the same way, have the same policy. The Catholic Church mounted its Inquisition and has been doing as Tibetan Buddhists and Christians will Calvinist reformers and more religious groups here and there.

In early Christianity, as taught by St. Paul, anathematized the heretical or, as John said, the antichrist, but obviously not even tip him a push. The thing is the gospel twisting and away in the fourth century when Christianity is decreed by the emperor as the sole state religion. There is mounting the mess. Still in the V century Augustine adopt-albeit limited-state action against heretics as the Church is in general disapprove of corporal punishment but boasts that they are public penance for sinners repented and confessed.

During the first Christian millennium was always heretics but simply condemned their errors in provincial synods and councils "universal" and hence, it is known, it is not happening. 1184 was the year that the Inquisition was founded by Pope Julius III in the bull Ad abolendam , was the embryo of the Tribunal of the Inquisition and then called the "Holy Office" in the twentieth century the name changed again to called "Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith." Was by Vatican II which deleted the word "sacred" and became the congregation to dry (CDF). No longer shake the church-like Pilate washing his hands, ordered the punishment to the laity, once they had delivered the sentence.

shame for themselves and others, the bull said: "A previous [...] add provisions that any archbishop or bishop, by himself or through his archdeacon or other honest and appropriate, one or two times a year, inspect the parishes in which suspected heretics dwell, and there compel three or more men of good repute, or appears necessary for the whole neighborhood, under oath indicating that the bishop or archdeacon if they know there heretics, hold meetings or some hidden or detract from the life, customs and treatment of the faithful " .

history began in the Languedoc, in times of Dominic and Dominicans, for dealing with the Cathar or Albigensian heresy. In 1249 was founded the kingdom of Aragon, from Ferdinand and Isabella, by uniting the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon to form the single kingdom of Spain, called the English Inquisition.

The first director of the Inquisition of Hungary was Hungarus Paulus, one of the first Dominicans, who defended the pagan Hungarians shamans using his great influence with Pope Innocent III, and even said that they worshiped the sun worship the supreme being who was God, so there was reason to condemn people. However, Paulus was removed and replaced by a stricter religious to 1232.

The Inquisition of the Christians of the Lutheran Reformation also persecute its heretics, Anabaptists of all, and will focus on the so-called witch-hunt. His mentality was assumed that the number of run @ s was much higher than the Catholic. But it is sad that over the centuries, Catholics still contented with saying, "and you more."

Some exploits of the Inquisition

The February 17, 2000, to commemorate the 400 anniversary of the condemnation of the Dominican Giordano Bruno (+1600 to 52 years ) the then Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano, and President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Paul Poupard, on behalf of John Paul II apologized for the decision of the Inquisition that led Bruno to the stake. This does not mean that the Church retract his condemnation of doctrinal errors. Giordano Bruno Copernicus tried to reconcile and Democritus but fell into the materialistic and pantheistic error of identifying the universe with divine power. The Teacher asked her to resign to show that pantheism and suffered imprisonment. The case is different from Galileo to recant itself is a (logically) the conviction of those scientific theories in which neither the church nor the church have no power or average.

John Paul II, to the historical and theological Congress studying anti-Semitism and the Inquisition, he apologized for the attitude against Jan Hus, Czech reformer and rector of Prague University, who two centuries earlier had also been burned alive at the stake in 1415 by decision of Council of Constance. Preached denouncing the vices of the clergy and weaknesses of the Church, but assuming some theories of English Wyclef. He had been excommunicated in 1411 and 12 but never recanted.

When Florence was defeated by Milan in 1433, fell the Medici and established the Republic (1494-1512), then had another Dominican, Girolamo Savonarola , Abbot of a Florentine convent, which was rigorous and also preached against the corruption of the clergy and the Church. Was an enemy of Alexander VI, and disobey the pope, was excommunicated. He challenged the pope to the acid test: he accepted a Franciscan Florentine (which was outside of these messes), and the people passionately want to see proof. But the Pope forbade the two fires were lit, there was general disappointment when it came Savonarola, but another Dominican. The Franciscans protested and city leaders sent people home. A Dominican Savonarola and 2 others were hanged and publicly burned.

Savonarola tried to establish a theocratic popular democracy but he cut short the bankers, after Charles V restored the Medici as Duke in 1532. Suarez and Bellarmine taught democracy but could not influence the Catholic world, only in the Protestant universities and in the Constitution of the USA (cf. Francisco Martin. History of the Church (II), Word (2 nd ed) 2000, pp 22 - 23).

Also in France was executed Joan of Arc (+1412), aged 19, burned alive by the Inquisition to be tried heretic and put the sentence in the English secular hands. At age 13 he had inner voices they said they would deliver it appeared Orleans and St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret. At 17, he persuaded the captain of the king to allow him a horse and an escort, and dressed as a man went to meet him. The fool tried doing that King Charles is disguised as an either while another had him dress as a king. To the general amazement, recognized the king concealed among the attendees. She was canonized in 1920 and 10 July is the French national holiday memory.

Juan de Ávila (+1569 to 69 years) , priest, employer English secular clergy, was an apostle of Andalusia, but his Jewish ancestry was an excuse for him to investigate the Inquisition. He led many souls, including St. Francis de Borja and San Ignacio was a friend of Saint Teresa, Saint Peter of Alcantara, Fray Luis de Granada and San Juan de Dios. Paul VI canonized him in 1970.

one thing is clear that the doctrine or the Christian theory and practice or other act of some Christians who do not fit the theory. No theory can be neglected because there is one (s) that the live bad or vice versa. No words, that the Church has to change based on mistakes or scandals of some of its members. It is a fundamental point of dialogue.

Inquisitors illustrious

Calbó Bernardo (+1243), Cistercian abbot of Santas Creus when he was appointed bishop of Vic and then inquisitor of the Crown of Aragon. He urged the men to continue the reconquista.

Pedro (+1252), a Dominican living in Santo Domingo who helped create the Marian confraternities, and toured many cities in Italy, ended up in Milan where he was appointed inquisitor. He was killed in Fargo, on the way to Milan.

Raimundo de Peñafort (+1275 to 99 years) , Dominican Pedro Nolasco collaborator in the founding of Mercy , was charged with organizing the preaching of the Crusades and the Inquisition in Majorca. Influential in political, religious and scientific time, confessor of Pope Gregory IX and James I, he left his mark on the Parliament of the Kingdom of Aragon. Canonized in 1601 by Clement VIII. Patron of canonists.

Sixtus IV (1471-1984) entitled Piscator minority in the prophecy of Saint Malachy, is the pope who allowed the English Inquisition instrument outside of government. The people considered him more a prince and not the most powerful. He was General of the Franciscan Order, then a cardinal. He was pious and blameless priest but weak character. As they died the elderly cardinals of his time, he named many new, young, vicious and unworthy nobles, who will decide the election of Alexander VI. Without action to give, give and spend, it was called mare magnum ; gave indulgences to spray and pray : like a business either. Privileges given to princes to appoint bishops when it seemed that governments would by the state churches.

Juan Capistrano (+1456 to 70 years) , Franciscan patron of military chaplains, was governor of the city, near Naples, but when he met St Francis of Assisi, he left his promised, their dependents and property and became a monk. Was inquisitor to Italy and, given his diplomatic skills, 4 potatoes relied on him for the dirty or unpleasant jobs that nobody wanted. He was very vain and wanted to overcome this defect riding a donkey in a poor season and sitting upside down with a paper hat that had labeled "I am a miserable sinner." Certainly not gone unnoticed and people would throw garbage and you whistling. He struggled to subdue the Fraticelli . Everything done in the name of Christ but his uncompromising zeal is much criticized, as it was during his stay in Bohemia where he fought against the Hussites .

Pedro de Arbués (+1485 to 44), canon regular of Zaragoza, was Inquisitor General of Aragon with Torquemada. Heretics, as they tried to bribe and did not, he was killed Sept. 14 while he was praying in the cathedral.

To Luther ran out of patience because Rome refused to change anything and started to reform their own in 1517. It was not just a reform customs of the dogma but also because, first claimed the spirit of the early Christians but, blinded by pride, altered the doctrinal content as interpreted some aspects had a poor theological development and that too many theological opinions had become dogmas taxes by legal means.

Two decades after Paulo III (+1549 to 81 years), the 220 th successor of St. Peter's reform began "official", known as Counter-facing resistance from the Vatican Curia to any reform that affect her status. To do so named cardinals the reformers as Contarini, Caraffa, Morone, etc., and 37 managed to get the "party of reform" was mostly in the College of Cardinals. Caraffa asked to reorganize the Roman Inquisition to halt the penetration of heresy and, as a great innovation, prepared the "Index of Forbidden Books," seed of the "Congregation of the Index," which in 1557 created Caraffa being and Papa.

The old Cardinal Juan Pedro Caraffa 79, but amazing physical and spiritual force, was elected pope and took the name Paul IV (1555-1959). It's titled De fide Petri by the prophet Malachi. He died without wanting to eat or take medicines not to miss the fasts that had been imposed. Complex and paradoxical personality, I wanted to be a reformer but with the mentality of Innocent III, for it was ridiculous and anachronistic confrontation with Philip II. The Duke of Alva, Viceroy of Naples, Rome attacked (with support from theologians of Louvain and Melchor Cano) and the pope sought alliance with Henry II of France although they were defeated at San Quentin (10-VIII-57). In fact the Duke of Alba did not attack Rome, just wanted to make an exhibition of English power. Caraffa

belonged to the Society of Divine Love with St. Cajetan of Thiene with whom he founded the teatinos . Regardless of the council wanted to reform and with a seamless College of Cardinals, including the future Pope Pius V.

achieved much on the residence of the bishops of Rome swarmed over 110 bishops and 59 was no more than a dozen but to work in the Vatican. He wanted to assimilate the Capuchin Franciscans and the Jesuits pretending teatinos address the friars "dervishes" Vagrancy true of Rome organized a police force against them and made them disappear.

the death of organized riots, looting his family breaking his marble statue in the Capitol ,...: sign that he had acted repressively.

Pius V (+1572 to 68 years) , Dominican was elected pope on a proposal from St. Charles Borromeo, to succeed Pius IV, taking into the curriculum have been Commissioner General of the Roman Inquisition (1551), bishop of Nepi and Sutri (1556), Inquisitor General and Cardinal (1558).

Juan José de la Cruz (+1734 to 80 years) , is the monk who used Alcantarino reformer thirty years in broadcasting in Italy, the reform that St. Peter of Alcantara was established in Spain. Then ran the "Age of Enlightenment 'rationalism and he fainted in ecstasy, he read the hearts and announced the future, he drew on ulcers and spiritual pains of their neighbors. All these facts were verified by severe inquisitors.


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