Monday, February 28, 2011

Altima Coupe Headers For Sale

The Inquisition in Christianity Cults (IV) in Sects

Sects in Medieval Christianity (3)

Reform needed

Brothers of the Free Spirit

"Today we have a sense of gratitude and responsibility " wrote John Paul II, as has happened in the history of humanity from the birth of Christ, especially the events between the Thousand and Two Thousand. In a very particular faith we look to this world of ours, looking at it all that bears witness not only human history but also of divine intervention in human affairs " (Tertio Millennio Adveniente, 17).

A look of faith, as suggested by Pope Wojtyla, lights and shadows, well done and the mistakes of men believers to make a serious examination of conscience and cross the threshold of the third millennium (cf. TMA, 33-36) with the dream and hope not to repeat the errors with the grace of God.

Reform needed

While in 1291 Acre fell in Turkish, Europe is bloodied and shaken with social conflicts. Fight over the imperial throne Albert of Austria, the enemy of Philip French IV the Fair, and Adolfo's done. France against England in the Gascony and Aquitaine. In southern Italy fight Angevin, friends of Pope Boniface against Aragonese-Sicilians, friends of the Colonna. Venice, Genoa and Pisa Eastern struggle for hegemony. In Tuscany fight Guelphs and Ghibellines . The Guelph are supporters of the bourgeois public (the aristocracy of money) and imposed on the old aristocracy of blood or old feudal nobility (the Ghibellines ). Dante, of old noble family, opt for the new Guelph. Over time, these are broken in two: the "white " industrial bourgeoisie lost in Florence at the "black" Dante belongs and that's why condemn him to a fine and two years in prison for what he never returned to Florence since went to Rome as ambassador. The "black " are workers and artisans who join the Ghibellines , namely the old feudal aristocracy.

attacks can give the church in Denmark, Portugal, England and France.

The fourteenth century seems the end of the Middle Ages as Philip the Handsome is no longer the service of religion, but considered a cog in their political interests, or the Church serves the State or the State uses the Church, the pendulum continues to swing from one extreme (clericalism) to another (secularism .)

church's meddling in temporal affairs, even by force of arms, is an eternal temptation and remember the gospel with swords in the Last Supper and in Gethsemane and other passages.

the middle of the first millennium, Pope St. Gregory the Great (+604 to 64 years) had accepted the request of the Emperor to direct the defense of Rome against the attack of Lombards. Since then, may be considered king of all the particular churches governed by bishops, princes who have the temporal power over the peoples of Europe.

Mental confusion identifies the religious institution (community of disciples of Christ) with society (civil) that is absorbed and buried. The following practice will want to abolish the democratic dimension of society (civil and religious) that seek to sprout in one way or another. The Church, as a multinational state, establishes the rigid centralism and the absolutist monarchy. The company has been anesthetized and laity in the Church are seen as a threat.

premiering the second millennium, Pope Gregory VII (+1085 to 65 years), elected in 1073, prohibited the secular power, under pain of excommunication, to bishoprics, which led to the unanimous protest of all the feudal lords. Emperor Henry IV of Germany was considered subversive and revolutionary. A few weeks after the Pope wrote 27 theses on the concept of papal power, calling attention to two of them: " has the power to depose emperors " (n. 12) and " impossible to separate the subjects of allegiance given to the wicked "(n. 27). Entirely new idea fruit of his personal interpretation of the Gospel (Jn 21.17 and 16.16 to 20 Mt) run thus: " if the Apostolic See has the power to judge of spiritual things, more so the time will have on that are worth less. Everything inside the church, is under the Pope, then the kings and emperors are subject to Pope. "

The Brothers of the Free Spirit

So they called the "heretical" or "stray German" imitators of the Cathars, perhaps called beggini in northern France, Belgium and the Rhineland as and are mentioned for the first time in a chronicle of Cologne (1209) encompassing Cathars, pantheistic and quietist in northern France.

exalt voluntary poverty and live on alms. Are pantheistic or quietist who seek paradise lost innocence and the deification of the formal, then the soul can not sin, is free, and practice freedom of spirit and flesh (free love). After the Council of Vienne (1311), which suppresses the Templars, the Inquisition, makes them disappear.

Beghards (men's) and Beguine (female) are religious movements XII and XIII, extravagant mystic called "Franciscans of the South" by the Germans or "spiritual" to others. In the current economic conditions and the "surplus" women in the nobility and gentry, Beguine bloom. Imitating develop Franciscans and even if they are, as the Guadiana River, re-emerge in the seventeenth although the French Revolution and modern life will lead them to extinction.

The Beguine are a female community of lay women, active and contemplative, without monasteries or common rule or mother-house dedicated to charity and intellectual work. single and widowed, with no votes, as "pious" English and "humiliate" Lombard. They live in crowded and enclosed houses, about 100 as a city, with nursing, streets, plazas, particular church, novitiate and convent for those who want community life.

born in Belgium in 1170 when the pious women fail to fit into the monasteries and comply with their own home or their parents. were founded by Father Lambert Le Begue, critical of the clergy and who died in 1180 accused of heresy. Cardinal Protector, in 1216, won approval Pope Honorius III. They spread through Holland, Germany, Austria, Poland, France, Italy and Spain. In Belgium and the Rhineland become 5% of the urban female population. In Ghent, one of three beginagios had 800 members! They are dedicated to works of mercy and textile crafts (sizing fabrics). Beghine famous intellectuals are Hadewyich of Antwerp (+1240) and the German mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg (+1282 to 75 years).

In 1310 Margaret died at the stake for translating Porete vulgar language to German mystic Johannes Eckhart. This encouraged to that, two years later, the Council of Vienne condemned. Pope Nicholas V in 1452 forced them to become part of the Carmelites, both people and goods but in the sixteenth century Reformation joined the Anabaptists .

In Southern Europe (Italy, Catalonia and Provence) is called "Beguine" to "spiritual" Franciscans and their successors, the "fratricelos" when they were condemned in 1317. Also called the monks and the world, and its affiliates. Are influenced by mystical visionary Joachim of Fiore. They teach that the Roman Church (carnal and sinful) has already ceded to the Church of the Holy Spirit. They habit Gray (undyed wool) and San Francisco by the Franciscans changed to brown, not infidelity, but by prudence, so that people knew who was who.

The Beghards are "religious laity" Belgian and Rhenish caregivers, dementia and plague. They use old abandoned convent. They have separate houses for men and women, although some (Belgian, Dutch and Koln) are only working men and fabrics: called weavers or Beghards . In s. XV away to the industrial crisis.


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