Saturday, February 26, 2011

Poitiers Brazilian Waxing

Christianity (III)

Sects in Christendom medieval (2)

The "Moravian Brethren" or Unitas Fratrum

The St. Anthony

Unitarian =================

Juan Pablo II, to Congress theological and historical studying anti-Semitism and the Inquisition, and itself Czech Republic and 95 in 1990 apologized for the attitude of the church with Jan Hus (+1415 to 43 years), burned alive at the stake in 1415, following the decision of Council of Constance. On the first trip said that "no one can deny the integrity of life and commitment to education and moral formation that characterized the nation (...) Jan Hus commend the experts and in particular the Czech theologians, to determine what role should the Church as reformer. " In the second trip said: "I, Pope of the Church of Rome on behalf of all Catholics, ask forgiveness for all the injustices inflicted on non-Catholics throughout this painful history. " was Pope Martin V (+1431), who ordered the crackdown, chosen to overcome the schism of Avignon and annihilate the council.

John Hus lived when the Church had two or three potatoes, during the schism of Avignon and protested against the scandal of indulgences in 1412 when Pope John XXII launched a war against the king of Naples and offered complete forgiveness of sins to those who support him.

picked up the ideas of Wyclef English (+1384 to 60 years), both began motivated by a sincere desire to reform the Church because they saw that the Roman Church had bottomed on corruption. But when confronted with an impregnable wall, not a few opted for the radical, without hierarchical authority, only the Bible, etc.. (A century before Luther) although some more moderate, requiring only the communion of both kinds for the laity and the free preaching of the Gospel.

The "Moravian Brethren" or Unitas Fratrum

The small remnant that remained after extinction of the Hussites, seeing who could not get into politics, chose to hide in privacy. William was the founder of the new group of the Brotherhood of the "Moravian Brethren" or Unitas Fratrum to start the new church, the persecution he fled to the mountains of the Lordship of Riechenau.

This new group " Moravian Brethren" or Unitas Fratrum is the fusion of the "Unity of brothers" with the sect "Jednota Bratrská" founded by Peter Chelcicky (+1460 to 70 years) a rich owner of Bohemia, inspired by the Waldenses, inveighed against the Church considered corrupt official at the time since Constantine. They said that the cult of the Virgin and the Saints is an aberration and the Exposition of the Blessed and the splendor of the liturgy. Proposed flee the city to the country and considered a mortal sin to do national service, be political, stylish and fun clothing. Saw science as useless and dangerous and only manual work is something worthy.

sought to Valdese to three bishops ordered them yours. The rich were required radical poverty, the Brotherhood deliver their private property. Accepted the public confession of sins and lived public Eucharistic communion of the two species (Calico or Utraquism). As the chalices were denied the sacraments, created their own clerics. Pastors were required to poverty and celibacy, creating an Audit Committee to make it reality. His only law is the Beatitudes, and for them there is no swearing or violence. Make community life and apostolate among families and professionals.

In the 90's were broken in two and the small group (your boss is named Amos) was clinging to the strict mandates of the Beatitudes 6. The large group in 1500 were about one hundred thousand in 400 communities but his second in command and began to ease and the third infections "Reform." In 1535 drafted Lutheran creed, in 1624 knew the exile and the 28-to recatolicación of Bohemia and Moravia were illegal and were exiled to Poland, Silesia and Hungary. With its absorption into the Reformation, lasted 167 years.

Some of Moravia, raised by Christian David in 1722, settled in the mountain hut with permission of the Earl Zinzedorf: are called Hernutitas . Pietism that attracted artisans oppressed. It was a theology of the cross and the love of neighbor to solve social problems. In 27 founded an orphanage and from 82 boarding schools with major pedagogues (vgr. Schleiermacher). The sisters served needy and refugees. In 32 there is already a first group mission "reformed" for black slaves and Eskimos.

In 1857 the British and Americans became independent and the only point of union is the General Synod with every ten years. The 31-XII-1965 326,607 were also issued by Prussia, England and USA. Today his "orders", they publish each year of biblical phrases, and slogans are used every day in popular calendars on-table. since 1948 belong to the World Council of Churches.

Johan Amos Comenius (+ 1670 at 78 ) , Moravian bishop-president of the "Moravian Brethren" writer and educator, was a complete theory of Pedagogy harmonize the theories of Plato, Augustine, Descartes, Bacon, Calvin, L uis Vives. Melanchthon, etc. understand that man is a microcosm of the universe whom God, as innate ideas, only puts the first principles. The experience is f undamental reasoning and designed a lesson plan from early childhood through college. It was a revolutionary pedagogy and used as audiovisual, defended the need to educate women, which is sometimes more subtle than men, suggested that there was no corporal punishment and did not seem right to be exhausted to the student with many hours of class study and homework.

The St. Anthony

In the nineteenth century such a Unternäshser founded the "Antonian " , another dissident group whose leader was called Swiss Son of God and claimed to have come to complete the imperfect work of Jesus, to abolish all courts of the land and to cancel all debts. He was sentenced to prison but then locked him in an insane asylum where he died in 1824.

A so-called group also was the medieval Order of the Tau or Order of the Knights of St. Anthony , enigmatic, based on Egypt taking the name of Saint Anthony Abbot and when medieval Europe was ravaged by a strange epidemic, ignis (sacred fire).

The Chronicles say gangrene of the extremities (feet, legs, hands, arms), in severe cases, the tissue becomes dry and black tips, mummified, fell without any bleeding. It was in the ninth century when 9 men Dauphine French wanted to go for the body of San Antonio as the West ran the news of the miracles wrought by Emperor of the East since they discovered his grave in the desert. In 1095 Pope Urban II adopted its constitution. They were lay people with black robes and blue tau chest until in 1218 Pope Honorius III were forced to make vows.

Juan Baltazar, a gentleman Abyssinian or Ethiopian prince pretended, narrates the foundation of the Order in a book published in Valencia in 1609, edited by Juan Vicente Franco. Said that the Order had been established in Ethiopia in 370 by the Ethiopian emperor John "The Saint" for fight against the Arians of the moment and the spirit of Saint Anthony Abbot.

seems that the later Emperor Juan Felipe VII forced the faithful to have three sons to preserve and provide growth. This mysterious Ethiopian Order once had a convent in each city, a total of almost 2,500 monasteries. Blas Antonio de Ceballos assume the thesis of Juan de Baltazar in his book published in Madrid in 1686.

The Order was related to the hospice of St. Stefano dei Mori in the Vatican City and town Castrojeriz emblematic of the Camino de Santiago, were the first English convent, promoted by Alfonso VII of Castile in 1146. The monastery, now in ruins, had a good sanctuary and a hospital specialized in healing the "sacred fire."


Since 1955, all groups or movements are integrated into the universalist unit say promote universal truths received from the prophets and teachers of humanity and synthesized so immortal in the Judeo-Christian heritage on the principle of love for God and men. In defending the unity of divine persons, deny the Trinity which is they are not Christian.

Anabaptists now are the most radical among them as intellectual inquiry deny any religion and just saying things that are not said in the Bible. Of these exotic groups have emerged as the Mennonite movement which includes the Amish, the Hutterites , the brothers of Christ , etc. Like the Amish, there are groups who do not believe in the baptism of children, and groups already existed in early Christianity and medieval. Its exotic way of life may be known by the movie "Witness" about them. In 1536 the Dutch priest Menno Simons joined the Catholic Church and took the ideas leading Anabaptist Mennonite movement. They fled to America in search of freedom as in Europe were persecuted.

The universalist intellectual movements appear from the English humanism J. Valdés, M. Servet, etc., And Italian humanism Padua, Venice and Vicenza. In Venice there was a focus Anabaptist and were expelled from the city in 1550 as Camilo Renato Francesco fled to Switzerland and went to Poland Stancaro a professor at the University of Krakow, with King Sigismund (1548-1972) was tolerant. The Jesuits started after recovering Catholic because there were many nobles and theologians infected.


would have ended if not for Fausto was Socinus Rakow who organized a community and in Florence 12 years enjoyed the patronage of Isabella de Medici until 1574, when he was 40. Calvinists and harassed by the Inquisition, fled to Poland. In 1562 he wrote a catechism that copied the English "Latitudinarians" the ancient tradition of the English biblical scholar. From there they jumped to USA radicalized the Chauning preacher trained in Europe at the school of Kant and Fichte. He was there as a natural ethical movement which sprang the Universalists.

The universalist are a sect, a "name" tell them, and unusual because not all groups feel the same, not even all agree on whether God exists. Some are Christians, some Jews, some Buddhists. It is a religion a la carte and can change without changing theological community. Some who deny the eternity of hell and refreshes apocatastasis Origins of universal restoration of all to God.

Poet Naomi Shihab Nye (b. 1952), on an Arab custom, wrote: The Arabs used to say, / / \u200b\u200bwhen a stranger appears to your door, / / \u200b\u200bfeed it three days before asking who he is, where is, / / \u200b\u200bwhere you are going. Thus, / / \u200b\u200bwill have enough strength to answer. / / O then / / are such good friends that you no longer care.

Simpson In some episodes there are for them. Children Flanders (evangelical fundamentalists) Bart plays with a video game that shoot bibles. Bart shoots an infidel and shouts excitedly, I gave him! But a Flanders added, no, you've only touched. Now is a unit.

In Sweden, the Lutheran Bishop Emmanuel Swedenborg (+1772 to 84 years) founded this light, "church of the New Jerusalem" and the U.S. sustain most unit. So John Mesrray (+1815 to 74 years) founded the independent church Christian universalists "who opposed Calvinist predestination, will last a short time. Hosea Ballon (+1852 to 81 years) drove him more and 99 took shape five points, yet because of his philosophy, would not be called "articles of faith": 1) universal fatherhood of God. 2) authority and leadership son God. 3 º) credibility of the Bible by having Revelation. 4 º) certainty of just retribution for sin. 5 º) final harmony of all to God.

In November 2008, Walt Minnick, the Democratic Party and member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boise, Idaho, was elected to the U.S. Congress. It is the third member of U.S. Congress that is . Minnick is president and CEO of the company Summer Winds Garden Centers in Boise, the 10 th largest independent provider center garden supply in the United States of America. For 21 years he was an executive of the forest products industry in Idaho.

Madelyn Dunham, Barack Obama's maternal grandmother, a native of Kansas, a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Honolulu (Hawaii), died two days before election night that his grandson was elected President of USA.

In Mexico the Unitarian Congregation of Mexico League (LCUM). In July 2009 he was elected president a English-speaking by the UUA General Assembly (Unitarian Universalist Argentinos). The Assembly represents more than a thousand congregations USA and other countries. Thomas Jefferson, a Unitarian, was the president of USA who wrote the Declaration of Independence U.S..


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