Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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religious founder of the nineteenth century

Clement Maria Hofbauer (+1820 to 69 years), Redemptorist called the 2 nd founder, Apostle of Vienna. Born in Moravia, the 9 th of 12 children, founded in Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Romania, etc. Napoleon expelled from Warsaw, closing his house, and ended his prolific life in Vienna spending many hours in the confessional as it is forbidden to preach by decree of the emperor.

Andrew Hubert Fournet (+1834 to 82 years) is cofounder of the priest Daughters of Isabel Cruz Bichier des Ages, also called "Sisters of Saint Andrew." Was banned by the French Revolution not sworn to the new constitution and was forced into exile for 5 years did to Spain. As a student, in his books he wrote: "Andrew will never be religious or priest. " He was a rebel and bully, only her mother endured. When he began to study philosophy at Poitiers lost what little enthusiasm he had and was devoted to worldly life, parties and dances, but felt the emptiness in his soul. Military was no family member wanted to receive him. His mother paid the money to let him graduate and looked for a job but his handwriting was so entangled that no one hired him. Then he went to spend some time at his uncle's house, holy priest and there changed his life.

Gaspar del Bufalo (+1837 to 51 years), priest, founder of the Missionaries and Sisters Precious Blood was strong and stubborn, and denounced the abuses of bishops and cardinals of his time. Propagator of Adoration. By Order of Pius VII and Leo XII was devoted to "missions" in the Papal States to inflame the devotion to the Precious Blood of Christ. He was imprisoned for refusing to swear allegiance to Napoleon. Small had a serious illness and its cure is attributed to St. Fco Javier who venerated as heavenly patron of the Congregation he founded. He gave himself a tireless work especially among Masons, bandits and criminals. Maria de Mattías founded the Sisters of the Precious Adoratrices Blood. Canonized by Pius XII in 1954.

Champagnat Marcelino Jose (+1840 to 51 years) is the priest founder of the Society of Mary (Marist) . Born year of the French Revolution in a single group of workers of the petty bourgeoisie, was the 9 th of 10 children. His father, a fervent Jacobin who held various public offices, learned the humble delivery and social advancement of his mother Marian devotion. The seminar was a companion of the priest of Ars. The day after he went to management a dozen colleagues to the shrine of Our Lady of Fourvière and there were devoted to Mary, born the commitment to found the Society of Mary. With two young villagers and a house foundation began in January 1817 for a peaceful revolution in teaching, active learning and intuitive, with God as the center. He died of stomach cancer, leaving 40 houses Marist brothers are now nearly 5,000 (not priests, teachers) in 870 homes, dedicated to education, and a "legion" of lay people in 77 countries. In 2009 celebrated its 73 st General Conference brethren who represented them. Canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1999.

José Benito

Cottolengo (+1842 to 56 years) is the priest founder of fourteen congregations. Firstborn of 12 children in industrial Turin and while industrial revolution broke out across Europe. Studied for the priesthood in secret by the Napoleonic invasion of their land. Was called to belong to the Congregation of Canons of the Church of Corpus Domini, but was dissatisfied and inactive. He discovered his vocation when one day, September 2, 1827, a simple woman 6 months pregnant with husband and three children, called his door looking for help. With 45 years, and penniless, he founded "Little House of Divine Providence which, by the grace of God, became a company, a bank and a miracle of Providence. A French writer who traveled there said this was "the university of Christian charity." He began collecting in the streets for orphans, epileptics, the disabled, terminally ill, elderly, terminally ill, etc. Exhausted before he died said: " the donkey can not go a step further ." Died of typhoid fever that swept the city then. Glossed Benedict XVI (General Audience 100,428) with San Leonardo Murialdo, priests models to consider in the "Year Priests, both in Turin and John Bosco.

Antonio Maria Gianelli (+1846 to 57 years), ligoriano, Bishop of Bobbio, was founder of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden in 1829 while he was pastor for Genoa wanted to revitalize the spiritual life of the faithful with the energy of the leadership of the clergy. Women started the foundation to be more than mothers of orphaned girls who should be educated to be good citizens and exemplary Christian. In America, the nuns are known as "Sisters of the garden and in Europe as" gianellinas. " Died exhausted by his apostolic work was not normal to the bishops of the time. Canonized in 1951.

Vincent Pallotti (+1850 to 55 years), founder of the Roman priest Society of Catholic Apostolate for lay (the Pallottines ) promoting the vocation of all baptized. His idea conflicts with the natural clericalism of the time. Know that God loves all men and women, always and above all, and loves us infinitely. The female branch is independent. The 3 of 10 children of a humble trader and, as a child, stayed with an aunt because her French convent Claris had been destroyed. The doctor forbade him to be cappuccino by ill health. Died exhausted by his apostolic work. Canonized by John XXIII in 1963.

William Joseph Chaminade (+1850 to 89 years) Blessed, priest, founder of the Marianist family . Brother of John the Baptist, Jesuit, with the French Revolution and the suppression of the Society of Jesus, went to the secular clergy and helped William Joseph to be a priest. Terror stage spent in Bordeaux baratijero disguised but to cease trading and encouraging illegal priestly many other priests. The Board, upon the death of Robespierre, opened his hand but was exiled to Spain in Zaragoza, at the foot of the Virgen del Pilar, "saw" what he had to do: all for love of Mary. Had 300 boys and 250 girls and many fathers and mothers where the fraternities and will Marianist Lay Communities . On February 2, 1801 he founded the Congregation of the Immaculate to the congregants lived baptism with all its consequences and thus re-Christianize society. Used to repeat "each other more" and so the organization went through the roof. From there, Jean Baptiste Lalanne, 22-year congregant and student of medicine, founded the Company Mary for priests and lay people (intellectuals and workers) who work on an equal footing. His partner Charlotte of Lamourous Teresa founded the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy and Adele de Batz de Trenquelléon founded the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate. Beatified in 2000 along with John XXIII and Pius IX and two other men.

Gaspar Bertoni (+1853 to 76 years) is the priest founder of the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ . Born in Verona, Italy, the son of a notary and a notary's daughter. Instituted the new Congregation whose members assist the bishops in their ministry. As a priest, had 400 boys in catechesis and spiritual director of the seminar being, as his mother had died, lived together with two others was the seed of its founding. Preached the "good news" he was gay, played several musical instruments and had an irresistible comic vein. The boys followed him willingly. Canonized by Pope John Paul II.

Frederic Ozanam (+1853 to 40 years) blessed, married, co-founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul . As a college it was a natural leader, who encouraged for his burning zeal, his colleagues arranged for a lay apostolate movement with universal screening. Sister Rosalie Rendu, superior of a convent of the Daughters of Charity, had a decisive influence and can be considered co-founder and pioneer. On April 23, 1833 held its first meeting, Federico and six students. Ozanam wanted this association was always: " deeply Christian, Catholic, but quite secular ." Paul VI was able to say that " read the signs of the times and interpreting them in the light of the Gospel ." Died as a child and exemplary husband, loving father and as untiring apostle, when his work began to expand throughout the world.

Antonio Rosmini (+1855 to 58 years), Blessed, priest founder of the Institute of Charity and Sisters of Providence Rosmini. Called "the cultural giant, helped restore friendship between faith and reason between religion and public service ethical behavior of Christians. In his time he was misunderstood, two of his works were put in the "Index" and 40 of his propositions were condemned, but now his work is recognized by the encyclical Fides et ratio of John Paul II. On July 1, 2001 a "Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, signed by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, away all shadow of doubt on their presumed guilt. His laborious existence has allowed the Church to recognize the signs of the virtues practiced so heroic. The universal call of all Christians, the laity, to holiness, made by Vatican II, literally repeating a phrase of the highest perfection of Rosmini. Paul VI called "prophet" by his liturgical initiatives: he had a separation between the faithful and the clergy to be the Mass in Latin. Beatified in 2007.

Gabriel Taborin (+1864 to years), founder of the Brothers of Sda Family. It was a French lay religious in his youth learned the awakening of the laity and served his home parish of animation and catechesis that will stand the charisma of its foundation in 1841 Gregory XVI approved. The Cure of Ars wealth enabled them to develop their charisma but at the same time, not without tribulations from the clergy, domestic difficulties and infamous slander. Died Nov. 24, leaving 157 siblings. In 1991 he passed the decree of its virtues: it is venerable.

Catherine Laboure (+1876 70 years), nun of the Daughters of Charity, founded Marian Association of the Miraculous Medal indicate that the Virgin, who appeared in 1830 as the Immaculate in the Rue de Lubac 140. It was Saturday eve of Advent Sunday, 1. After 5 years the Bishop of Paris, Mons Quel authorize the Paul P. Aladel mint, had spread over 36 million medals and were now 850,000 members of the Association. This medal is attributed to the conversion of the famous Jewish banker Alfonso Regensburg in 1842, among many other cases, encouraged the Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1854 declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Ratisbonne traveled to Naples and a train error came to Rome. Then he wanted to visit a family friend, Baron Theodore de Bussiere, a Protestant convert to Catholicism, who offered to teach the eternal city. Once converted, Alfonso became a Jesuit in the first 10 years he managed to convert to 200 Jews and 32 Protestants. In 1848 the Sisters founded in Paris and mission of Our Lady of Sion.

8th July 2008 to November 28, 2009 was celebrated the centennial of the Association met at the Vincentian Family Vincentians composed of parents, the Sisters of Charity and other religious and secular branches of spirituality inspired St. Vincent de Paul. The Association carries out its apostolate of prayer and evangelism through the home visits and with various media, primarily the mail. Thanks to this environment has created a huge network, both domestically and internationally, which connects people with a deep devotion to the Virgin Mary. Catalina

was simply cook in the convent door, and no one ever saw on the street. Mother Teresa of Calcutta always carry a few gifts. Your body is uncorrupted. Canonized by Pius XII.

Gaetano Errico (+1860 to 69 years) priest founder of Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary , prophet of divine mercy, devoted much time to the sacrament of reconciliation. The 3 of 10 children of the head of a small factory of pasta. Each year he retired to the house of the Redemptorist in Salerno for their spiritual exercises, in one of them, appeared St. Alphonsus Maria to tell him that God wanted to found a congregation and to build a church in honor of the Sorrowful Mother in Secondigliano. Once completed, not without difficulties and hardened militant opponents, Francisco Verzella commissioned the statue of the Virgin that made him much retouching until one day he said: "This was" (is he had seen?). Canonized in 2008.

Carlos Eugenio de Mazenod (+1861 to 79 years), bishop of Marseille was the founder of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate . son of a family of minor nobility, with the French Revolution was exiled back to Italy and was ordained minister in his native Aix-en-Provence. He was appointed bishop and senator by Napoleon III. Canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1995.

Miguel Garicoitz , (+1863 To 66 years) is French priest, founder of the priest of the Sacred Congregation. Heart of Jesus. He was superior of the seminary professor and Bétharram. Canonized in 1947.

Peter Julian Eymard , (+1868 to 57 years), Marist founded the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament and other associations, priests, religious and lay people to promote Eucharistic devotion among the people of all walks of life. Laid the groundwork for future Eucharistic Congresses started in 1881 in Lille. French farmer son of a bankrupt, was a priest and friend of the priest of Ars, then became Marist, and always devoted to the Eucharist.

Antonio M ª Claret (+1870 to 63 years), Bishop of Santiago de Cuba was a founder of the Missionary Sons Heart of Mary (Claretian) and Sisters of Mary Immaculate (Claretian Missionaries) . Catalan Sallent (Barcelona), a young man worked on the family loom and his father dreamed that he was a good industrial. Carthusian but wanted to be a spiritual director advised against it and went to Rome to become a missionary, proved to be a Jesuit but was only able to be connected to Propaganda Fidei for missions. Ordained in Vic, was pastor of 7 years Viladrau and then Bishop of Santiago de Cuba (1850-1957) on the recommendation of the Queen to the Pope. There, the Masons paid some thugs to kill him, claimed by the crown, became a confessor of Isabella II. In Spain he will attack with tremendous supposing the brain malignancy Queen Elizabeth Gray. Expelled the queen, he fled to France and took refuge in the Cistercian abbey of Fontfroide. In his missionary zeal traveled on foot and horseback Catalonia and thus was born, with 5 partners, the foundation of today Claretians are 3,000 in 385 households, and 650 in 65 houses them. He founded a religious bookstore since spread many books. On the brink of death intervened in the First Vatican Council Canonized in 1950.

Francis Coll Guitart i (+1875 to 63 years), a Dominican founded the Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Dominican was being unfairly exclaustrated 40 years by the civil law in 1835 but remained faithful to their vocation. Last of eleven children of a single family of a town of Girona, the Diocese of Vic worked with San Antonio M ª Claret, was an apostle of the rosary. He was apoplectic blind for 5 years before his death. women's foundation is dedicated to education and the promotion of women. Canonized in 2009, Benedict XVI recalled that "his passion was preaching to advertise and revive in the towns and cities in Catalonia the Word of God, helping people to meet with him a profound encounter leads a conversion of heart , to receive with joy the divine grace and an ongoing dialogue with our Lord through prayer .

Daniel Comboni (+1881 to 50 years) is founder l @ s @ s Comboni, @ s African missions, the first bishop of Central Africa . prophetic voice announcing to the whole Church, especially in Europe, it was time to evangelize the peoples of Africa. Participated as a theologian at Vatican I. It was original missionary bishop and in 1872 founded a colony and its first anti-slavery mission in Africa "Africa to regenerate across Africa " with what will then Comboni Missionaries and Comboni . He died in Khartoum (Sudan) where he began his work has not died. Like all the great realities that are "born at the foot of the Cross", men and women who continue to Comboni the hard way and fascinating mission among the poorest people in the faith and the most abandoned of human solidarity. Canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2003.

Scrosoppi Luigi (+1884 to 80 years) was priest, founder of the Sisters of Divine Providence . Priest of the Oratory of San Filippo Neri when we lived unification of the Italian territories in a climate that was anticlerical to the removal of his apostolic work and political plight destroyed all its material structure. Luigi was not discouraged or lose hope. In his old age gave the rudder of the ship to HH the congregation who did not stop recommending the fraternity. His last words were: " After my death, your congregation will suffer many tribulations, but then reborn to new life. Charity! Charity! This is the spirit of your religious family: save souls and save them with Charity. "canonized by John Paul II in 2001.

Father McGivney (+1890 to 38 years) is the founder in 1882 of the Knights Columbus . They regard themselves as a religious order of which there are 6 priests Mexican Martyrs in 1927 Cristóbal Magallanes and comp.: 22 priests and 3 lay martyrs of religious persecution in Mexico during the war "Cristeros." canonized by John Paul II in 2000. Then there were 400 members and will be about 6,000 years later in Mexico. McGivney was pastor of St. Mary in New Haven, in the Diocese of Hartford, Benedict XVI declared venerable in March 2008 when the association lay the world's largest with 1.7 million male members.

Joseph Marello (+1895 to 51 years), Bishop of Acqui, founded the Congregation of Oblates of St. Joseph . When I was secretary to his bishop, attended the First Vatican Council Canonized in 2001.

Zygmunt Feliński Szcęsny (+1895 to 73 years) Polish bishop of Warsaw and founder of Franciscan Sisters of Mary Family . In his canonization in 2009, Benedict XVI recalled that " zealously cared for the spiritual growth of believers, helping the poor and orphans. Ensured a solid formation of priests. He encouraged everyone to an interior renovation. By order of Russian Tsar spent twenty years in exile in Jaroslaw on the banks of the Volga, not return to his diocese. At all times kept a firm trust in Divine Providence " .

Enrique de Osso and Cervelló (+1896 to 56 years) is a priest Tortosa founder of five associations for men, women and children and Sisters of the Society of Saint Teresa of Jesus (Teresian) for the education of youth and now spans three continents. Alexia was a student of Teresian of Ganduxer (Barcelona). He died in the Franciscan convent of Gilet, near Sagunto. Canonized in Madrid in 1993.


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