Friday, February 25, 2011

Athletes Tucking Their Penis

Founders of the twentieth century (2 nd half) and XXI

Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga (+1952 to 51 years), a Chilean Jesuit canonized by Benedict XVI in 2005 that called him, from his prayer and devotion to the Eucharist, was a true " contemplative in action "because" in love and total surrender to the will of God found the strength for the apostolate . " Ordained a priest in Belgium, returned to Chile where he founded the "Hogar de Cristo" to care for the poor homeless, without shelter or food. At age 51 he was diagnosed with cancer but still spirited, hardworking and happy as ever in those few months of life that remained.

Juan de Calabria (+1954 to 81 years), founding priest l @ s @ s Poor Servants of Divine Providence , canonized in 1999. Very poor family, was the 7 th and last child of Louis, shoemaker, and Angela, domestic worker. As a priest began devoting himself to serving homeless children and ended up founding the Congregation. His apostolic heart made him think the pariahs of India and in 1934 sent 4 children to Vijayavada . Cardinal Schuster sent carved on his tomb: " shone like a beacon in the Church of God ." Treveneto Episcopal Conference, in the letter itself postulatoria sent to John Paul II, he was considered a prophet of Wojtyla's ministry. Fr Calabria understood the importance of the contribution of the laity in the Church of the third millennium, and they founded "the Family of external Brothers."

Giorgio Preca (+1962 to 82 years), founder of the Maltese priest Society of Christian Doctrine , canonized in 2007. Born in Valletta. Ordained priest, returned to bring together young people with whom he had had training meetings beginning the foundation (MUSEUM) of what will be the first Superior General Eugenio who died in the odor of sanctity. Giannina Cutajar began with the female, also lay celibate. Spread devotion to the Incarnation, with the words "The Word became flesh" (Jn 1.14). Before the difficulties of his work, the 18 is placed in the hands of the Virgin and joined the Third Order choosing the name of Franco fra. He wanted all members of his apostolic work wearing the scapular of Our Lady of Carmen. Also spread devotion to Our Lady of Good Counsel and the Miraculous Medal. At 57 he invented the five mysteries of light rosary that would extend to the universal Church John Paul II.

Pedro de san José Bethencourt (+1968 to 81 years), Franciscan, founder of l @ s belemitas , canonized in 2002. Canario de Tenerife, lego tertiary went to evangelize Guatemala where he died. Homeless man who gave food to the hungry and clothed the naked. He tried the Baby Jesus, the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph and the charity was enough to seduce the men and women rich.

Giacomo Alberione (+1971 to 87 years), priest, founder in 1915 of Daughters of St. Paul together with the Venerable Sister Thecla Merlo, was beatified in 1996. And from "the pulpit of paper," dedicated to evangelize in today's world editing newspapers, magazines, movies, radio and television, having a chain of bookshops, etc. his pulpit internet surfing now, his work is the apostles' boat was prepared, as indicated by the Lord, "duc in altum!" he recalled John Paul II. Since 1920 Family Paulina is composed of ten congregations, institutes and lay movements, including the Pauline the 29-VIII-2007 General Chapter celebrated their 71 sisters to elect new officers for the next six years. There are 2490 members in 248 communities in 52 countries, dedicated to the apostolate with the book and the use of arts and new technologies. Is in the process of canonization of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo was the first priest and vicar general of his work.

Catanoso Cayetano (+1963 to 84 years), priest, founder of the "Pious Union de la Santa Faz”, que Juan Pablo II beatificó en 1987 y Benedicto XVI canonizó en 2005. Hijo de agricultores italianos, fue sacerdote fundador para impulsar a sacerdotes y laicos el amor al rostro de Cristo encontrado en la Eucaristía. Fundó también las religiosas “Verónicas de la Santa Faz” para ayudar a los sacerdotes de las parroquias más abandonadas y perdidas. Mortificado, penitente y piadoso, aceptó la ceguera de sus últimos años de vida.

Benedicto XVI visitó (1-IX-06) el santuario del Santo Rostro en Manoppello, una localidad italiana de la región de los Abruzos (Abruzzo), donde se encuentra el velo de 17 x 24 cm en el que habría quedado was imprinted the face of Jesus and whose features match those of the Shroud of Turin. The printed image, for the moment, has no scientific explanation, since studies confirm the absence of paint on the veil. Some argue that this image was the model for icons of the Roman catacombs of s IV.

Luigi Giussani (+2005 to 83 years) is the priest, founder of Communion and Liberation , an ecclesial movement that seeks a matured Christian education for its members and a collaborative mission of the Church in all areas society. Currently more than 45 thousand members in almost 70 countries.

The funeral was at the cathedral of Milan and the homily was given by Cardinal Ratzinger to recall details of his life as a kid and at 68 went to Brazil where he found extreme poverty and misery but not put down Christ. "Communion and Liberation immediately makes us think that self-discovery of modern times, freedom, and makes us also think about the formula of St. Ambrose" Ubi fides est libertas . " Cardinal Biffi has called our attention today, "said Pope Benedict XVI, on the near coincidence of this Ambrose expression with the founding of Communion and Liberation. Emphasizing freedom as gift of the faith, told us that freedom, to be truly human freedom, freedom in truth, needs communion. An isolated freedom, a freedom that is only for me, would be a lie and ultimately destroy human communion. Freedom to be true and therefore also efficient, needs communion, but not in any communion, but ultimately communion with truth itself, with love itself, with Christ, the Trinitarian God . This builds a community that creates freedom and gives joy. "

Roger Schultz or "Brother Roger" (+2005 to 90 years), religious founder of the ecumenical Community Taizé, in Burgundy France, was stabbed by a mentally deranged woman, during the evening prayer in the presence of many thousands, mostly young. The day before his death, had written a letter to the Pope in which he asserted the intention of the ecumenical community "walk in communion with the Holy Father." Benedict XVI, on the first anniversary, said: " their Christian witness of faith and ecumenical dialogue has been a precious teaching for generations of young (...) ask the Lord to sacrifice his life to contribute to strengthening the commitment to peace and solidarity of people who are concerned about the future of humanity "(General Audience August 2006) .

Tomás Morales (+1994 to 86 years), a servant of God, a Jesuit priest who in 1947 founded the Secular Institute l @ s "Crusade @ s de Santa Maria" which the Holy See on April 7, 2009 approved as an international private association of lay faithful. Its trunk is Ignatian spirituality and Carmelite wise. He had a special award in the Bachelor of Laws at the University of Madrid and "laurea" in the Juris Doctor degree in Bologna when he entered the Society of Jesus. Members of the "militia" are called to live the love of the Virgin, the apostolic soul to soul, and service to others in imitation of the Virgin in the mystery of the Visitation. Currently in Spain, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Cameroon.

In Quebec, Canada in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Etchemin was founded in August 1971 Community of the Lady of all peoples , known as the Army of Mary , which has been excommunicated by the Pope, at the request of the episcopate Canadian prohibited by their ordinations of deacons and priests. Negative things like this are a few of the blue planet.

But there are also positive but do not need to be or not believing the gospel because it is enough. But in the end.

"I am the Lady Mary, Mother of All Nations "is the title that Mary was presented in Amsterdam ISJE Peerdeman Johanna (" Ida ") on February 11, 1951. The apparitions took place between 1945 and 1959 and the visionary died in 1996 at 90 years.

E l Bishop of Harlem, Amsterdam, Bomers Bishop and his assistant, Bishop Punt, authorized in an official statement the veneration of the Virgin Mary with the title " Lady of All Peoples . In the same statement stressed that everyone is free to have a personal opinion of the messages, following his own conscience. A l declare supernatural events, said the apparition is a " help to understand the signs of the times and live more faithfully the Gospel ... The devotion to Our Lady of All Nations can help, in my sincere conviction, to guide us on track during the This serious drama of our time, the road to a new and special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, who alone can heal the great wounds of our time . " The Virgin said, "The Father and the Son want to send at this time to Mary, the Lady all peoples, as Co, Mediatrix and Advocate" (05/31/1951). "When the dogma ... is proclaimed, then the Lady of All Nations give true peace to the world "(31/05/1954). The sentence that made the Virgin was approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith when it was presided over by Cardinal Ratzinger and reads: " Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father , send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all people, to be preserved from corruption, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, Mary, be our Advocate. Amen. "


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