Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bedding Set With Sequins

Founders of the twentieth century (1 st half)

Leonardo Murialdo (+1900 to 72 years), a priest from Turin, founded the Congregation of St. Joseph. Was glossed over by Benedict XVI (General Audience 100,428) in the "priestly jubilee year" with JB Cottolengo as exemplary priests. It was the 8 th child of a single family, as a catechist in the Oratorio del Angel Custodio, he met Don Bosco and 73, with all the money from the estate, founded a new congregation (the joeboys) for the training of poor youth and abandoned. The core of his spirituality was the conviction of divine mercy.

Josep Vives i Manyanet (+1901 to 68 years). Lleida, Urgell priest, founded the Sons of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph , and Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth to imitate, honor and spread the cult Holy Family of Nazareth and seek Christian formation of families, open schools, colleges and shops and other places of ministry in several towns in Spain. Today, both institutes are present in countries in Europe, the Americas and Africa. He lived among many difficulties and did not lack painful physical illnesses. His last words was the aspiration that was repeated many times: Jesus, Joseph and Mary, received when I die my soul . John Paul II at the beatification, said he was called by God " so that his name be blessed all the families of the world. The Spirit made his personality so boldly announced the "Gospel family". " Canonized in 2004. Promoted in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe temple of the Holy Family atoning work of the architect Antonio Gaudí servant of God and Benedict XVI consecrated the 7-XI-2010 and rose to the rank of minor Basilica.

José María de Yermo (+1904 to 53 years) Mexican priest founder of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor . Called "giant of charity" built a home for abandoned and needy, schools, hospitals, orphanages, rest homes for the elderly, a home for the regeneration of women, and also worked on the difficult mission among the Tarahumara Indians Northern Mexico. canonized in 2000.

Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro (+1905 To 68 years), will be canonized in October 2011, beatified in 2003, is the founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph to social and Christian promotion of women workers, encouraged by the Jesuit Francisco Javier Catalan i Butinyà Hospital (+1899 to 65 years).

few years later, by some ecclesiastics who sow disunity in Salamanca and marginalized by her spiritual daughters, Boniface was dismissed as superior and guiding the Institute. Faced with humiliation, scorn and slander he received, his response was silence, humility and forgiveness. Venerated as a saint, died in Zamora on August 8, 1905 leaving a legacy a path of spirituality based on the sanctification of work together for prayer in the simplicity of everyday life.

The beatification ceremony, John Paul II said: "In simple and hidden life of the Holy Family of Nazareth found a model of spirituality of work that ennobles the individual and makes any activity, however humble it may seem, an offering to God and a means of sanctification. "

Arnold Janssen (+1909 to 72 years) . German priest founder of several institutions with ecumenical and missionary zeal on hard times in the Germany of Bismarck and the Kulturkampf (struggle for culture). With the support of several bishops, opened in Steyl (Netherlands) the Divine Word Missionaries (SVD) , a community of priests and brothers, and Servants of the Holy Spirit . In 1896, he formed a branch closing, the Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration , uninterrupted service of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Today, more than 6,000 Divine Word Missionaries in 63 countries. The Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit are more than 3,800 and more than 400 the Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration.

Divine Word Missionary (SVD ) is Giuseppe Freinademetz (+1908 to 56 years), canonized in 2003. was a small hamlet of five houses in the Dolomite Alps of northern Italy. Concerns missionary priest, made contact with Fr Arnold Janssen. On March 2, 1879 he went to China with another missionary SVD. Soon realized the importance of a committed laity to the first evangelization, especially catechists, and prepared for a catechetical manual in Chinese. He wrote to his relatives: "I love China and Chinese, among them want to die and be buried among them." There contracted tuberculosis and typhus and died on 28 January. Benedict XVI visited (August 5, 2008) birthstone in Oies home near Bressanone, where he spent his summer vacation after the WYD in Sydney.

Fr Jaime Bonet, Mallorca, is the founder of Dei Verbum in 1963, an institution of pontifical law passed in 2000 whose charisma is the service of the Word of God. In 2007 took place the Third General Congress in the presence of the founder for the election of new president for the next six years. The Institute live the spirituality of communion and the spirit of collegiality. It has a male and one female branch of celibate, and third marriages. Is present in 30 countries on five continents.

Manuel Domingo y Sol (+1909 to 73 years), Blessed, a priest founder of the Brotherhood Diocesan Laborer Priests of . Tortosa, passionate about the formation of seminarians and clergy. He founded the Brotherhood, ten schools in San Jose to promote priestly vocations, 18 seminars in Spain and show due and English Pontifical College of St. Joseph in Rome. Beatified in 1987.

Arcangelo Tadini (+1912 to 66 years), Lombard, priest and founder of the Sisters Operators Nazareth House . It is the saint of Rerum Novarum it was determined to apply to life the teachings of Pope Leo XIII. He died on 20 May. Canonized in April 2009.

Benito Menni (1914 with 73 years) is Milanese priest, founder of the HH the Sacred Heart Hospital Jesus . Worked in a bank but at 19 he entered the Hospitaller Order of St John of God, changing his first name was Angel Benito Hercules. A priest, Pius IX in Spain charged with restoring the defunct Hospitaller Order, which is why he traveled to Barcelona to open a home for sick children; then be a string with Portugal and Mexico home for the insane, war-wounded soldiers, etc. Ciempozuelos founded the Sisters Hospital. At his death left 22 houses. He became Prior General in 1911. Canonized in 1999.

Luigi Guanella (+1915 to 73 years), will be canonized in October 2011. Priest who founded the Congregation of the Servants of Charity and the Institute of the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence, to help the marginalized during the industrial revolution. Alongside them was the lay partners. One of his disciples Agostino was the famous psychologist Gemmelli (+1959 to 81 years) who was a freethinker and know he converted to Catholicism and became a Franciscan.

Alberto ( Adam) Chmielowski (+1916 71 years) Polish founder of l @ s @ s Servant the poor of the Third Order of St. Francis. Adam took part in the uprising of 1863 where he was wounded, imprisoned and lost a leg. Famous painter 35 years and may not be Jesuit by ill health, was devoted to the poorest and 87 made its foundation and took the name Alberto. When he died in Krakow in stomach cancer left 21 houses and Albertine Albertino . Glossed Benedict XVI (General Audience 100,616) as a friend of John Paul II as at 26 Karol Wojtyla dedicated the play "Brother of Our God." In his autobiography, Gift and Mystery (1996), wrote: "I found it a particular spiritual support and an example in my departure from the literature and theater, by the radical decision of vocation the priesthood. " Beatified him in 1983 on the plain of Blonie, in Krakow, in the presence of a million people, and canonized him in St. Peter's Square in 1989.

Zygmunt Gorazdowski (+1920 to 75 years), priest, founder of the RR San Jose . was called the "apostle of God's mercy." Polish noble family, jealous priest who created the priestly association "Pastor Bonus" and many works of charity for the poor and marginalized. With the initial partners founded the new tertiary Franciscan congregation. Beato in 2001, Benedict XVI canonized him in 2005 highlighting their piety in the Eucharistic celebration and adoration.

Filippo Smaldone (+1923 to 75 years), priest, founder of several congregations, he was an apostle of the deaf, diabetic and SSc. founded the League of Priests and Worshipers Eucharistic Ladies, was the superior of the Missionaries of St. Vincent de Paul and founded the Salesian HH the SDOs Hearts to teach deaf blind and destitute. Canonized in 2006.

Joseph Sebastian Pelczar (+1924 to 82 years), Bishop founder of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus . Polish priest at age 22 and a professor at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, who enjoyed great esteem and reputation of worship, good organizer and friend of youth. Opened numerous reading rooms and libraries and a school for maids. Founded in 1894 the new congregation whose purpose is to proclaim the Kingdom of Sacred Love. Heart of Jesus. He was Bishop of Przemyśl, also giving an example of deep compassion for the Mother of God. shone as a model and example of outstanding work coupled with a youthful enthusiasm . Canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II.

Hannibal M ª de France , priest founder of the Daughters of Divine Zeal and Rogacionistas (+1927 to 76 years). Italiano, son of the noble lady and gentleman Anna Toscano Francisco, Marquis of Santa Caterina dello Ionian Papal Vice-Consul and Honorary Captain of the Navy. Three of 4 children, developed a great love for the Eucharist, so he received permission, exceptional in those days, to approach each day to commune. Priest and in 1882 began its orphanages Anthonian (placed under the protection of St. Anthony of Padua) to comprehensively educate the person a real family atmosphere. 2 founded the religious families, now present in the 5 continents. The Rogationist are committed to living the Rogate with a 4 th vote to pray for vocations. He instituted the Holy Alliance for clergy and Pious Union of the Evangelical Rogation for all the faithful. Led to Paul VI in 1964 to establish the annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations . He died in Messina comforted by the presence of the Virgin. In his beatification (1990), John Paul II described him as "jealous forerunner and master of the modern vocations." Canonized 2004. Benedict XVI (100707) blessed the statue placed in the first outside niche of St Peter, near the Arch of the Bells.

José María Rubio y Peralta (+1929 to 65 years), Jesuit martyr, founder of Marys of the Tabernacles . Almeria, son of large family, priest and chaplain of the Bernardine Sisters. He entered the Society of Jesus and a deep spiritual life, nourished especially love the Eucharist and devotion to the Heart of Jesus, was devoted to reconciling penitents in the confessional, preaching the gospel in a simple way to pastoral care and social development in the poorest neighborhoods of Madrid and the training of lay people to act as Christians in the family, profession and society. Now in its time it was called: "the apostle of Madrid" . Canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II.

Guido Maria Conforti (+1931 to 66 years), will be canonized in October 2011. Bishop of Parma and founder of the Society of St. Francis Xavier for Foreign Missions (known as missionaries Javerianos ). He was 8 of 10 children and the day of his episcopal ordination took religious vows. Before it was Bishop of Parma Ravenna and that was 25 years during which five times he made pastoral visits to parishes and held two diocesan synods.

Pedro Poveda Castroverde (+1936 to 62 years), the founding priest Teresian , martyr during the religious persecution in Spain . In 1911 he founded the "Teresian" true international partnership, private, of Pontifical Right, comprising 4,100 men and women who bear witness to the human and Christian values \u200b\u200bin the structures of society through education, science and culture. The first director was Josefa Segovia (+1957), which opened new pathways to faith, opted for the dignity of women, built bridges between faith and culture. Is now present in 32 countries on four continents. Prophet was encouraging Christian consciences, receptive of the new, unrelated to any factions. When Catholicism suffered from the stake of the public, compulsory, free and secular, proposed an original way, convergent, open and pluralistic spirit through a pedagogical approach with the participation of the laity, especially so for women. He never lost the serenity to be put in the crosshairs of religious persecution that occurred in Spain. Executed by militiamen. Canonized in 2003.

Luis Orione (+1940 to 68 years), priest founder of several institutions . began as Franciscan, then Salesian, a disciple of D. Bosco, later priest until he found his vocation dedicated to solidarity, especially after the earthquake of Messina in 1908. founded the Sons of Divine Providence for priests, lay brothers and hermits, with a special 4 th vote "allegiance to the Pope." Work " to achieve the union of the separated Churches ." His work is "a single plant with many branches," which also welcomes the Little Missionary Sisters of Charity , the Adoration Sisters Sacramentine blind, which was added after the Contemplative Jesus Crucified. Organized the lay associations of the "Ladies of Divine Providence", the "Alumni" and "Friends." Then the body will Secular Institute Orionine and Don Orione Lay Movement . His body was intact at the time of the first exhumation in 1965, was placed in the shrine of the Virgin Tortona Guard after his beatification in 1980 by John Paul II canonized him in 2004. In the Roman center, on top of Monte Mario, Benedict XVI blessed (24-06-2010) repaired the statue of Mary, Salus Populi Romani , a strong gust of wind knocked her down a few months earlier. It was settled in 1953 in response to a popular vote for the 2GM, more than a million signatures were collected. The oronianos are the owners of the land. The Romans called the Madonnina.

Maximilian Maria Kolbe (+1941 to 47 years), Conventual Franciscan martyr in Auschwitz, patron of amateur . "Man one truth but fundamentalism, aspired to conquer the world with the power of love " he said of John Paul II to canonize him in 1982. Raymond, Poland, was a Franciscan priest, missionary in Japan and with great devotion to the Virgin Mary, founded a militia whose members Immaculate (Knights of the Immaculate) seeking to win souls, one after another. In Auschwitz, the great Golgotha \u200b\u200bof the modern world for Pope Wojtyla "was offered in exchange for a convict who had a wife and children. He especially public apostolate founded two newspapers and a radio so in Poland and Japan.


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