Monday, March 7, 2011

Create Frequency Table In Word 2010

extravagant Christianity sects of Christianity

there sects in mankind since the world began and in all civilizations and for having so strange not also appear in the Christian world . We are all from the same cloth: the clay of the earth. Some have the itch to be secret but now also "cool" advertising and campaigning.
Human beings are not just a rational animal but a spiritual or religious animal because the religious fact is undeniable, even atheists. The man needs to believe (even if at all), you need to share something transcendental. As there is usually a clear distinction between religious and political spheres, but instead, are mixed inseparably, the sects have always a religious aspect but to engage in activities that are not precisely say.

in every sect, understood in the pejorative sense, there is always leader who is sick, is a fan, often call themselves a guru, teacher, pastor, reverend, prophet etc. and of course intends to exercise divine power. The leader is one who knows everything and provides all, nobody can doubt his claims, nor of his writings or his orders to become more irrational is accepted without question.

not lack in any fan intolerance can not conceive it to be contradicted. Not support the other's arguments because you are obligated to question their beliefs and open cracks in the monolith. Therefore prefer to proselytize and convince him to others.

In the modern age of Christian Europe in hybrid political issues, ideological or religious, with the Enlightenment, deism and rationalism, sprouted branches of Freemasonry and the various movements pseudomísticos theosophical and occult ideology, as Theosophical Society, which flourished in the late nineteenth century also relates to Freemasonry.

This Society was founded by Helena Petrovna Blavataski, Henry Olcott, William Judge and others in New York on November 17, 1875 search for divine wisdom, occult or spiritual wisdom .

not easy to find the exact time of birth of all these movements or esoteric Masons because genetically, going back, you can always find some germs. In a not too distant back ou p assumed (do not know if it would be easy to prove) that Christians have been lead to resentment from heretical sects condemned by the Inquisition or abolished by a pope at the request of a Christian king. Also Christianity was born directly between the Jewish people that already gave sects or sectarian groups is not surprising that some, through ignorance or for reasons they know, they have seemed "appropriate" organized as follows: self-love always , vanity and all those things look the same course solution, both in civil religious. The Jewish people did not live in a bubble and its contact with the Egyptians 400 years and more than half a century after the Persians would leave "some" footprint.

Among the extravagant contemporary esoteric sects or be considered ultraconservative schismatic "Old Catholic " who did not accept the Vatican Council (1864) or the like lefebrerianos who condemned the Vatican II (1964), on especially following the council document on religious freedom, but also refused to recognize the ecumenism, collegiality and the liturgical reform that seemed protestantizante. Of However it is sad that for so many centuries officially not recall such truths-freedom, collegiality, etc .-, from St. Paul, and that sounded a revolutionary such claims.

Ni "by the wounds of Christ", as he told John Paul II to Archbishop Marcel Lefrebe (+1991 to 86 years) in the near agony, got off the donkey, and today is at least willingness to restore unity in diversity. It was the tip of the iceberg of the traditionalists and set out to establish the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X. To ensure his succession, in his eighties, he spent 4 bishops. Have recently had talks with Vatican but his top general, Bernard Fellay, has said it is a dialogue of the deaf.

bizarre sect are palmartroyanos and some others are just sad stories but inevitable in the course of history. Los del Palmar of Troy were led by Clemente Dominguez proclaimed himself Pope Gregory XVII. The sect was forged in this town near Seville, where, since March 1968 the Virgin appeared to four girls and there Clemente and teammate Manuel Alonso Corral, homosexual couples, set up their show. Both had been expelled from his job as the administrative work of St John of God. In 72 received the donation of 16 million pesetas donated by an old baroness and thus bought the farm of the Caper, which had given the alleged apparitions.

In 1974 he toured Europe and America and found a Vietnamese bishop, deeply angry with the Vatican II, which persuaded to order five priests. Thus was founded the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face. In 76 palmartroyanos bishops suffered a traffic accident that Clemente was only wounded, losing both eyes that were enucleated. Upon the death of Paul VI, Clement said that the same God the Father had appointed him as Pope name Gregory XVII. Appointed 24 cardinals, established in perpetuity the Tridentine rite Mass, raised to the altars thousands of people like Francisco Franco, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Carrero Blanco, Calvo Sotelo ... and say Hitler.

Among his extravagances could not miss distorted conception of millenarianism as claim to be the last and only order to be prepared for the Church and humanity to the end of the world's second coming Christ (parousia). Nor could miss the hint of sexuality or sensuality as being sick and prohibit sexual pleasure.

In Africa there is an exceptional growth of religious communities that some claim to be Christian Churches calls (3.5% per year), but others openly treated as satanic movements. In Nairobi there is a " African Association for the Study of Religion" trying to study the issue. The group of so-called "mainstream Churches " import meets colonial churches, without regard to its doctrinal and disciplinary differences. Brought from the West soon emerged a second group, the independent African churches or indigenous founded by Africans disenchanted with the contrast between what the missionaries preached and practiced by their fellow laymen. Most of these foundations do not extend beyond ethnic boundaries, and its members are of the same tribe.

In the decade of 1840, the German Protestant missionary Ludwig Krapf began translating the Bible into Swahili . In 1914, there were translations of the most common native languages. Africans did not take long to realize the division of Christians as there were missionaries who, instead of collaborating, they waged war to each other. So we concluded that if they did, Africans why not. Except for some intellectuals, in general the truth is not very critical for these people, who prefer the colorful and loud. Some of these churches liturgical services are up to 16 hours, sometimes lasting all night. When you can buy powerful speakers for all to hear services in a radius of 2 miles.

schismatic groups saw their independent church as a safe haven for the community where they feel at home. The colonial government banned them until 1958, when they were given license to operate, provided they are not meddling in political affairs.

The African continent is becoming fertile ground for preachers who promise a better life. In the second half of the twentieth century has been a boom in evangelical churches and healing whose health and wealth preachers promise a reward for devotion. It is the "theology of prosperity" which tries to attract the poor and displaced. According to Stephen Jubwe, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Monrovia, "what people are looking for is a miracle. And we want them here, not the other life. " For its part Hubert Van Beek, World Council of Churches said "Neither the independent churches and the mainstream Churches are being able to face major economic and social problems" .

The great social upheavals they sprout the search for God, as occurred after the Biafran War between 1967 and 1970, or Liberia, where civil war (1970-1977) left more than 200,000 dead, 1 million displaced and the country in ruins.

World Council of Churches welcomes with misgivings about the modus operandi of these types of communities and few independent churches are in this institution. Silvia Opoku, 25, a student of philosophy at Ghana, went to an independent church, but ended up disappointed. As stated in Time , "faith promise you now. I promise that your business will be prosperous now. Everything is instant. But God does not work that way. There is a coffee machine. "


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