Friday, March 4, 2011

What Is The Free Throw Line Distance


sects of American Christianity Cults


criminal Sects

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In the second millennium, with the "Protestant Reformation" Western Christian communities appear (Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, etc.) Than when they migrate to the new newly discovered continent in search of freedom, will lead to the creation of many sects Christian root. They dreamed up a new world and settle in a new way of life, absolutely free from all civil and ecclesiastical power in Europe. All new and different from the above, new companies and new churches, under the leadership of pioneer optimism, believing that they can innovate in ecclesiastical and religious matters, as if it were business matters.

Historically it was the Lutheran who began to distinguish between churches and communities and sects (in the negative) booking the appellation to the Anabaptists and Socinians. Since the World Council of Churches provides centripetal and unifying Christian denominations, were published simultaneously in her womb centrifugal forces and secessionist increasingly thrust. In England emerge the apocalyptic irving, popularized in the USA by the Plymouth Brethren and the Salvation Army, while in the United States also populate the Disciples, the cristodelfos, Adventists, Mormons, Christian Science, companies holiness Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses and other minor sects hundred more local type.

It is estimated that are about 50 million adherents of any sect in front of the 450 million "faithful" of the Christian communities of the West. So narrowly defined as a cult to " a religious community regarded as a Christian by faith in Christ and acceptance of the Bible as a source of revealed truth, but which at the same time, it lacks certain features inseparable the true Church of Christ . "

sects of American Christianity

The Salvation Army , almost military style, was founded in 1878 the Methodist minister William Booth and his wife Catherine, transforming Christian Mission which he founded in London in 1865. It is known as a private NGO and Hispanic countries as the "Evangelical Church Salvation Army." Their headquarters is at 101 Queen Victoria Street London. Wanted to reach groups of people maligned by the industrial revolution, bringing the message of Christ to the poor, alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, criminals, unemployed, etc. This led to them not a few disappointments. Booth and his proposed use not sacraments that supported the Reformation and also saw that many gave undue weight to the external signs and forgot the same grace.

The Mormons are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days "with headquarters in Salt Lake City (Utah) or the new Jerusalem. The founder Joe Smith (1805-44) was the 4 th of 10 children of a Presbyterian emigrant English family, who lived in penury, his father was a dreamer and a superstitious mother. At 18 years, says the angel appeared to her Mormon and 4 years later gave him some gold plates with messages from God for USA and the story of ancient America. Two years later, with his friend Oliver, said they had been secretly ordained by St. John the Baptist.

released in July 1830 Book of Mormon , in 1831 sent his disciples two by two, everyone, on behalf of God. Is polygamous by divine command. In the following decade (1844) and had 10,000 followers. His successor was a carpenter who died suddenly and left 17 women and 56 children. In 46 made the famous march from Missouri to Utah, Salt Lake City, came out 12 or 15 thousand and stagger down the road more than half. However his mother, his brothers and some others were in the south. The North were 1.4 million in 1956 and nearly 2 million in 63, while some 150,000 South.

In this church are called "official" lay people who volunteer and are directed by the President and Directors, where does the "Council of the Twelve Apostles" from whom, in turn, depend on consultants and the "Quorum of Seven." They had their first council in the 70's. NBA finance and Boy Scout . Each member pays 10% of their total personal income. They have rescue groups, education, entertainment, schools, seminaries and institutes. They are obliged to fast food twice a month that is intended Mormons for need. This is no passing Mormon needs, collaborate in making them work for the needy or fixing houses farms, factories, warehouses, etc.

The president of the American Episcopal Conference, Archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Francis George intervened on February 25, 2010, before a crowd unusual in college Mormon Brigham Yohung. To 12 thousand people in the stands of the Salt Lake expressed his appreciation for after 180 years, you start seeing faces each other to share the defense of common moral values \u200b\u200bas the defense of the unborn, traditional marriage and fight poverty. Sects


The pejorative sense of "sect" is not only about the implications of the religious sphere, sometimes takes on importance in other dimensions of life (cultural, political, economic ...) and then has to intervene when civil society and criminal concern their criminal activities.

The scrutiny of the Bible are USA millenarian groups who know the day and time of the second coming of Christ. The first group was called "Jehovah's Witnesses." Dead founder sprayed; about the "Community Free Bible ", believes that every day of the creation of those narrated in Genesis is 7,000 years and so do they balance their millenarian calculations for immediate parousia. only accept the spiritual baptism of faith, not the water. They have no central organization and support the dinner, but only as a reminder to drink the cup which means accepting the sufferings of this present life.

also appeared Dawn Bible Student Association, even less organized than the "Community Bible free." In 1917 another group broke away to form the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement (Movimiento national lay missionary), more addicted to Russell that "Jehovah's Witnesses."

The Jehovah's Witnesses are one of the bizarre and radical groups, so called since 1931. This expression of "Jehovah's Witnesses" is Isaiah 43.12. Its founder Charles Taze Russell (+1916 to 64 years), a family of Presbyterians, Adventists attended and they took a taste for the calculation of the end of the world and second coming (parousia) of Christ. In 1872 he left them and founded a newspaper and a society. He wrote extensively and toured USA, Canada, Europe, Asia Minor, Russia and the Far East, delivering speeches about 30,000 1,200 groups and founding scholars of the Bible. He was the inventor of propaganda "from door to door."

In Brooklyn, a suburb of New York, had founded a printing and publishing. Its director, Joseph Franklin Rutherford (+1942 to 74 years), succeeded him and who gave strong impetus to the current combative nature with violence directed several campaigns against the Christian denominations, especially Catholicism. The following presidents have given an air of courtesy and less aggressive. His propagandists have two levels: pioneers, who are devoted to this work at least a hundred hours a month and are modestly paid, the proclaimers employing ten or fifteen hours a month, without compensation but may make a profit by selling publications.

Rutherford As organized, are a "theocracy" is, in theory, a company managed directly by God, and, in practice, a centralized organization in which the election has been replaced by the appointment to all levels of a rigidly structured hierarchy and authoritarian. Her despotic nature has caused many divisions (perhaps a dozen), most notably the Geneva driven Freytag, who split in 1920.

The base unit of movement is called group consisting of all witnesses locality. They have five meetings a week and on Sunday, which usually consists of a speech, let supporters attend. The higher level circuit, comprises ten to twenty groups, then the district that usually corresponds to an entire country, then the branch and finally, the top step is company with President and seven senior members, with headquarters in New York.

only have faith in one God, denies the Trinity they deny the divinity of Christ that only "the first of creatures" and thus the World Council of Churches, based in Geneva, denied their federation considered not Christian. To them Jesus, before coming to earth was the Archangel Michael, it was the Messiah in John's baptism in the Jordan. Now consider all religion, all government, all civil or religious group as satanic as they believe that between 1914 and 1918, Satan was cast out of heaven and cast to the earth, but in turn, also from 1914, Jesus Christ has been entrusted with the power real and began to reign.

witnesses The Lord has raised humanity should prepare for the second coming and replace existing earthly governments will be destroyed soon after the battle of Armageddon. Since 1914 has begun "the millennium" apocalyptic glorious reign of Christ over the world. Just go to heaven only the 144,000 of Revelation (some characters from the AT, the Apostles and a number of witnesses ), the others just live forever here on earth, with a new earth, the rest, those who have not accepted the kingdom theocratic, will be annihilated.

The Adventist or Adventist Church Day 7 "was founded by Farmer Miller (67 to +1849 years) of the State of New York who was a Baptist . He believed that Christ returned in 1843, then said it would be 22.X.44. His subsequent leader Ellen Gould Harmon (+1915 to 88 years) saved the motion saying that Miller wanted to say that Jesus Christ, since 1844, had already begun to judge the dead, then the living will, and then will be the second coming.

is the 8 th Christian group in the number of members, that focus on keeping the Sabbath, emphasize the diet and health and promote religious freedom. Its members are almost 20 million missionary presence in almost all countries. Have a global humanitarian organization with numerous schools, hospitals and publishers.

The " serious researchers" were set up after the disappointment Adventist 1844.

criminal Sects

From the collective suicide of a group of adherents to the "Order of the Solar Temple " in Switzerland (Fall 1994), the French authorities increased surveillance sects because the civil authorities must ensure public order and therefore police should pay attention to alter it: the crime.

Of the 800,000 reported associations in France, only 5% benefit from tax exemptions recognized public utility (welfare or social assistance). Are conscientious objectors and refuse military service as both the civil service because they say that all governments are Satanic. They refuse to salute the flag because it is the emblem of Satan. They abstain from the elections and stay outside all political and social activity. Do not hold any party, civil or Christian, because all they say, are satanic. Only commemorate the death of Jesus on 14 Nisan, after the sunset.

also considered these sects the health Cults, Sects saving the , the Cult of holiness , etc. The list seems endless: in 1998, a list of Internet displayed more than 20 thousand.

The " Brazilian Society of Urology" energetically condemned mass sterilization that the controversial fundamentalist leader Edir Macedo had attached to the pastors of the "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God." The reason I argued that President Medical Society was the illegality of such practices (no morals) as there vasectomy was banned for "patients" under 30 years and no longer had two children. The Brazilian sect, founded in 1977 in Rio de Janeiro by Edir Macedo, self-proclaimed bishop, is widespread in all states of Brazil with more than 2,000 temples, some 6 million members, having a bank and a complex network of media with two newspapers, a magazine, thirty radio stations and a television network with 30 repeaters in Brazil. Is more than 40 countries but in recent years has been questioned for their criminal activities as wireless with the Cali cartel and also for money laundering and tax fraud. Edir abandoned Catholicism in his youth and joined the Pentecostal where he stayed 10 years. Now with his sect keeps the appearance of the Evangelical Pentecostal and disseminates the fight against the demons and the theology of prosperity.

Jerome and Christian Kohler are two brothers of a Swiss Calvinist family in 1745 founded the sect Brügglen " , a village 15 km from Bern. Was the result of a pietistic revival that even the children began to prophesy and see visions. They attacked the Calvinism of his Swiss region and announced the immediate coming of the anti-Christ in preparation for the end of the world. Jerome and Christian, joined a famous woman doubtful, Elizabeth Kissling, were identified as the Holy Trinity. Christian is also devoted to mediums claim to have powers to take souls from hell. They were pursued by the civil authorities and expelled from the territory, but reentered illegally. Geronimo was captured and burned alive in 1753, Elizabeth was imprisoned and Christian, under torture, retracted his errors.


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