Friday, June 4, 2010

Dbz Bulma In Shower Episode

MARM plantings in the south for 2010 is 9,402 ha. (11,954 ha. in 2009 and 13,571 ha. 2008), with an estimated production of 548,000 tonnes of beet. (812 000 t 2009) and pulp approximately 27,400 MT.
factory prices have not changed with the addition of Guadalete in the South, going from 114 € / t in Toro and La BaƱeza and 110 € / t in Miranda. In stores near the factories range on the 123 € / t rather than less, but with little movement. And Achor, with few stocks, prices rise to the 130 € / Tm.
ports seem to rebound somewhat closer to 130 € / Tm. mainly due to the strengthening of the dollar against the euro, which so far has entered a phase without a clear side.
The forecast is price support, while there is no fundamental that we can orient to where prices are on track. Cereals despite the rise mainly maize and climatic conditions, we do not see can vary much more to harvest, which will ultimately determine prices. SOYBEAN MEAL

Spectacular rise
future soybean meal yesterday, they say for good weather in the U.S. (unless you. For soybeans), the stress of U.S. stocks and the funds were clearly oversold. So today to see how it behaves the future as this news was already known and it smells a little situation.
data to consider:

1 - From Argentina is expected that during the month of June, leaving 2.53 mill.Tm soybean meal (2.78 mill. May).
2 - According to Oil World Argentina harvest probably down to 51 mill. Tm (forecast of 54.3 mill. Tm) and Brazil falls to 66.5 mill.Tm (67.86 mill. Tm) according to recent perspectives.
3 - World Oil also expected soybean stocks sold in the year 2009/10 will increase to 70.3 mill. Tm (45.8 mill.Tm in 2008/09)
4 - And for the USA estimate that the soybean crop down a little on the 91 mill.Tm (91.42 mill. Tm previous estimate).
5 - Argentina forward already to harvest 95% of the suitable area despite the rain, with a projected total of 54.8 mill.Tm. finally For the next few days no rain is expected.
6 - The USA is the ideal time for soybeans, takes 74% of soybeans planted and nearly 45% have already emerged.
7 - Last week, exports soybeans fell 38% to 295,000 MT.
8 - Finally, the Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario in Argentina, estimated in its May report that soybean production will increase to 54.6 mill.Tm (53.9 mill.Tm in April).
still do not know where to go, but America seems that almost going to have a supercosecha and USA so far so good. Port so we tend to think that "ceteris paribus", ie, if nothing changes we might see as soy goes down to levels more interesting. There are experts who say that by the end of the year could see the future about $ 180. Time will tell, so far it does seem certain is that they will get it months many ships with soymeal we guarantee at least the physical commodity.


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