Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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DINCOTE AND FISCAL rages with political prisoners

Magazine sense. The requisition made last weekend by the National Penitentiary Institute, INPE, particularly targeting the ward "B" Criminal Women's Chorrillos, where more than 40 inmates charged with the crime of terrorism, begun to expose their true intentions by the allegations made through various media by relatives, lawyers and by the same prisoners who were victims of a brutal assault during the police operation. According

complaint of the aggrieved, the incursion of more than 300 troops of the order, had the clear objective to justify the presidential announcement -Made a few weeks ago, with which García Pérez personally offered prevent "out a terrorist" Peruvian prisons, CONSCIOUS of the order of probation from a group of prisoners serving sentences for more effective 15, 20 and 22.

García Pérez, taking into account the requirements of the most conservative sector of the Peruvian right, which is now made this comment while also ensuring that the request for amnesty promoted by Amnesty Movement for Rights and Fundamental is-unusually for him crime of "apology for terrorism" and insisted that no will release any terrorists, declaring itself the power to grant or not to release prisoners and defendants in political crimes, in turn, showing their interference in judicial decisions.

The requisition has been deemed illegal by the lawyers and the same inside as it violates the provisions of Article 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure by not existed authorization from the Directorate of Penitentiary for the entry of police (presence which is expressly prohibited by law). That illegality itself reaches Provincial Prosecutor for Criminal Matters, Quico Rosario Palomino, who in addition to prevaricate, to have committed abuse of authority by allowing the brutal aggression against the 40 domestic and two babies.

like old times, Peruvian Gestapo acted with a vengeance.

the style of the nineties, about one hundred soldiers of the National Counter-Terrorism then qualified as a sort of Peruvian-Gestapo, the criminal involved Chorrillos Women's accompanied by two hundred soldiers of the Special Operations Group INPE armed with firearms, body armor, shields and helmets, with the aim of reducing by 40 women, most of them aged over 50 and 60 years of age.

After the violent attack, the cops came to beat the prisoners, naked and developing revisions to humiliating and degrading, stealing and destroying the few materials of domestic work and pray and the many complaints made by prisoners.

The images shown on television, is the complaint-only expose part of the story. Do not record the time of the assault and humiliating treatment against internal abuse has rejoiced the Minister Rafael Rey Rey and a media industry addicted to the regime's authoritarian positions. However, the reaction of some analysts and politicians are not left waiting. Rosa Maria Palacios itself, known for its commitment to intolerant attitudes said they could not seize books and documents, even those communist content. "What can be read by the Communists? Communist Literature!, Obviously, "said the reporter, clearly observing the ridiculous to seize books and documents in the library of the pavilion.

Certainly, this type of requisition was not in the past eight years, because all this time, the political behavior of the prisoners followed the strict respect of the prison rules, a situation that was central government's knowledge and INPE authorities. However, the search for arguments aimed at preventing that prisoners regain their freedom, even those that have exceeded the limit of his imprisonment, has become an irrational requisition which occurred amid a humiliating assault. Elena Iparraguirre

speaks of an operation referring to the disproportionate number of troops and form of intervention. This can be understood if one takes into account that the only flag resists facilities seating for 150 people and were more than 300 officers involved. To that number must be added the amount of internal crime of terrorism which total 40 and over 60 common crime.


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