Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pool Table Cake Recipes


A recent opinion poll in the magazine's blog With Sense (http://revistaconsentido.blogspot.com/) , which involved numerous contacts and surfers from around the country and even abroad, confirmed a deeply felt need in Peruvian society, the need that the current regime is reluctant to accept.

And, a significant portion of Peru, sees fit to start, and with the reconciliation process, but in a real reconciliation, genuine and urgent to put an end to the vestiges of the most violent armed conflict throughout the Republican period , to end the rancor, the revenge, the hatred engendered by the conflict, then, these feelings, only benefit the sectors that have not directly suffered the horror of war and prevent the development of Peruvian society in the process of nation building. What sense would do otherwise, if the protagonists of the war, the State through the security forces and the guerrillas that declared war on the first-do not participate in the reconciliation process? That's what concerned: a true reconciliation that is away from the hypocrisy raised by the so-called Truth Commission and its supporters (who are motivated by economic interest of the fabulous income that extracted profit commission).

A reconciliation, as we have said many times in the pages of the magazine suggests no obvious sense, a reconciliation class, but a political process to close the final chapter of what was the internal armed conflict. At the same time helping to heal the wounds of those affected in general, to the detriment of those who profit from keeping open wounds.

The general amnesty is another must

many would say a strange coincidence to hear about the same theme characters from opposite hills, Valle Riestra, Armando Villanueva and some generals of the armed forces on one side and Abimael Guzman, Elena Iparraguirre and his followers, on the other. But no one who prides himself on knowing something about the history of our country and feel identified with the need to give an output policy to a political process, as was the war of the eighties, "can remain silent or stand up against this need.

been 30 years since the beginning of the civil war and just over 17 (years) of the end of it and its aftermath have been extremely dramatic.

During the first two decades, according to Amnesty International's information, 21 thousand people have walked on prisons and prisoners continue to just over 370 (350 accused of "terrorism" of the 21 000 and 18 military personnel for violation of "rights human "), processed over 748 military, 70 people dead, 4,500 clandestine graves over 15 000 missing, about 5 000 requisitoriados, hundreds of expatriates, millions of homes primarily in the field in a complete abandonment and anti-terrorism legislation, made for the war and now, under its provisions, the rule against of social protest. That is what is observed after the end of the war, a war that, beyond the desire of many, when you think that should not happen ever, "just happened and the truth is that over, but with results demand a political solution.

A political solution to all of you, not for one or for others, but for everyone! An outlet that allows the commitment of military to go by locating the graves and bodies of human beings disappeared (mainly during 1983 and 1984), without the splint subsequent criminal penalty after 20, 25 and 30 years is more meaningful. And if you are accused of being in favor of impunity, the answer is clear: the problem of state impunity is not timely enacted and received the "blessing" of the Truth Commission, allowing some people even die without assuming their responsibilities (if Belaunde, Noel Moral, etc.).

History must close this chapter and open another. Closing a chapter of recent history by giving political solution to the problems of war internal.

A new and good trend

vengeful behavior displayed by a group of Miraflores against the U.S. release of Lori Berenson, sentenced to purge a conviction for "terrorism" has happily gone from being an almost anecdotal and, revenge, hatred and resentment, have ceased to be a trend in the country.

Moreover, that position-restricted to a certain sector of Peruvian society, even seems to have been useful in some sense, it has to balance the current state of perception of Peruvians.

One trial (see table below) of what they may mean large-scale assessment and a larger sample volume of Peruvians, raises that possibility. The majority (88%) is not for revenge: it is not in solidarity with expressions like the one that is launched against Berenson: "It's a terrorist, does not deserve the forgiveness of society", however the idea that "internal war complete. It is time to end the vendetta, has started to take shape.

A political solution, a political solution is a necessity.
; Source: Survey on the blog http://revistaconsentido.blogspot.com/ between 2 and 6 June 2010.


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