Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Informacion De Motoneta Sundiro 50 Cc

pulp sales are low ebb, with a view to short-term continuation. Spring we have in Spain today is excellent, allowing consumption of livestock products that do not follow the usual channels. However, if the summer heat continues, consumption will gradually show.

also noted that the barley crop is beginning to what the consumer can be directed towards it, provided that maintain or lower prices.

Domestic prices remain this week about the 114 and 110 € / t pulp origins as Ebro and 125 € / t for Acor. No price changes are expected in short-medium term.

South The campaign is scheduled to begin on Tuesday 22 June at the only factory that is active in Guadalete , with an estimated production of 400,000 tons of beet (600,000 metric tons last year). Remember that this year heavy rains caused flooding that have reduced the production of beet.

The import seems to want to go up a bit this week, but frankly with the small rise of the euro (which may continue) do not see that is maintained for long.

As news, the Confederation of French beet (CGB) supports the maintenance of the beet quotas for the period 2015-2020, to maintain the balance between supply and demand and income to farmers with a guaranteed minimum price. Reject the opening of the Community market, which according CGB would bring the price of sugar in 450 € / t compared to 470-80 € / t today.


seems that soy has finally peaked and is about to lose the next few days (and give us some joy). However we still believe that the situation is not for big drops and both Argentina and Brazil will not give in so easily. Here are some details:

1 - According to the USDA is being planted 91% of the suitable area (90% average last 5 years), with good weather, so good.

2 - Harvest Fyo Argentina under about 50% of the harvest is sold (not withdrawal ) but only 30% is priceless, dangerously low percentage.

3 - there Fyo Also according to the high retention of the producers who make soy comes with trickle to the market and keeps prices. However as the producers do not want to sell low and exporters do not want to buy expensive, almost no market transactions.

4 - Soybean exports in Argentina have ranged between Tm 400/500.000 week (average 600,000 tonnes).

5 - Rumor there could be further strikes in Argentine ports, follow the news.

6 - U.S. exports last Thursday reached the 550,000 tons (148,100 metric tons last week), of which 420,000 MT were of the 2009/10 season.

7 - is talk of the possibility of a dry summer in USA that could affect the main producing areas.

8 - Futures Co. For Wanda soybean imports by China were lower than expected, 4.37 mill.Tm in May from 5 mill tonnes estimated. According to Chen Jilin Baomin manager Grain Group Co., there is an oversupply in China, sales of soybean meal and oil are very weak and margins are falling much with a bearish demand outlook. However soy purchases by China of five were of 19.6 months compared with 17.4 mill.Tm mill.Tm the same period last year. It is estimated that China may import a total of approximately 47.5 mill.Tm (41.1 mill.Tm last year).

9 - Above According to the Brazilian, Brazil, by 2010/11 it exported about 13.2 tons of flour mill Soy (13 mill tons last season).

10 - Argentina's delegation in China has reported the lack of progress on trade issues soybean oil. It is rumored that China is preparing to take imports from Argentina for the rest of the year and soybeans.

soybean futures continue without a clear direction in the short term and the information either. Yet we continue to believe that soy can make a small short-fall in price term due to the buildup of supply in the ports and a rather thin claim.


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