Thursday, September 17, 2009

Throbbing Heart Beat By Knee

The death of Socrates in the Phaedo

POEM OF BEING (by Parmenides of Elea)

The horses drag me as far as the mood took me longs
. And once at the renowned
path of the Goddess I had position, which takes the wise man through the villages, led me there.
By working there I had the
horses pulling the carriage, the girls showed the road. In dizzying, from both sides) when they hurried to escort the girls
Helias, abandoned dwellings and
night into the light, having their hands head veils removed.
There [are] the stakes of the paths of night and day
and around them, lintel and threshold of stone,
and themselves, ethereal, enclosed by huge swing that leaves
of Dike, that of multiple punishments, the dual-use keys stored.
They spoke with soft words maidens
and wisely persuaded that the interlocked
promptly locked the doors were removed. And they
input produced the vast chasm opened. The bronze
posts on its hinges, one after another turned
of pins and bolts trimmed. And through the doors,
right down the road, a car and drove horses maidens.
and benevolent goddess received me, with his hand grabbing my right hand
with these words addressed to me:
Mancebo, charioteer immortal companion companion
with their horses that bring you to our home arrive,
cheers, not a bad moira
sent you to follow this path (as was the path of humans is), but Themis and Dike
. And so you have all that out,
both really well-rounded heart
imperturbable as the opinions of mortals in which there is no real loyalty,
and also learn this: how multiple pareciente
had to be acceptable, pervading everything everywhere.

Way of Truth. EXTRACT
Well, I'll tell you, watch your heard the word "
the only ways of inquiry that are clearly seen.
The first, which is and that it is impossible not to be,
of persuasion is the path (because the truth is).
The other, which is not and need not be,
a path, I say, entirely impracticable. Well
not know what no body (it is not practicable)
could not put into words.
... well the same is to be intelligible.
But look: what is absent is both firmly in mind for the nous,
because [nous] did not aim the body of your connection with body, or dispersed
everywhere and of all the modes in the order,
or compiled into a solid consistency. EXTRACT
Preference is for me where to start, it will return there again.
and intelligence is needed is that being is. As is to be
but nothing is. I intimate this to think.
And first of this line of inquiry I sent you away, but then also
that where mortals who know nothing
go wandering, two-headed: for the confusion in their breasts
directs the wandering nous. Dragged
aa while deaf blind, stupefied,
undecided masses for whom being and nothing are the same
and not the same, and the path of all revertant. EXTRACT
Well it never will master: to be non-entities.
away your thinking this way of inquiry, nor custom
for it forces you to shake the eye without seeing and hearing rumbling
and tongue logos more discerning with the controversial criticism expressed
for me. EXTRACT
A just say even as a way
is: it is. In this way, distinctive signs
many: that innate body is imperishable.
because it is unique, undisturbed and without end. how, where grown? Do not leave "from non-entity"
say or intelligible, as neither predictable nor intelligible
it is not. And what need would have impelled
after or entities, if started from nothing, to get? And
or every necessary or not [be]. Neither
as no body never allow the force of persuasion
I got to be something with him. Wherefore neither become
no longer be allowed Dike, loosening the chains but retains
. The decision on this is as follows:
is or is not. But already decided, as [is] necessary,
that [the way] is unthinkable and nameless (because it is not true
way), however, the other is and is genuine.
How could then cease to be the entities? How would it be?
If you came to be, is not, nor whether it will ever be.
And so is extinguished and unknown origin [is] the ruin.
Nor is divisible, it is entirely the same.
Neither is something else here that would prevent him from being compact,
or less, since it is entirely full of beings. And so it is entirely
compact. For what agency bordering beings.
But still on the edge of huge links
is without beginning, without cessation, since genesis and ruin
far were removed; expulsólos real firmness.
himself staying in the same lies in itself, and thus firmly
is right there. As the powerful Ananke
What links retained in the cap, which closes it around:
so, what provision is divine being is not inedible,
because they are indigent, in exchange, if the non-entity, all devoid.
The same is the intelligible and that and that for which the intelligible is.
For not without the body, on which, once expressed,
find the intelligible. Nothing is or will
outside bodies, as Moira
tied it to be whole and immovable. And so on
name will be established when mortals, hoping to be true:
become and cease to be, being, and not [be],
and change of place and change the color shining.
But being extreme limit, is perfect
everywhere, like the mass of well-rounded sphere, center balanced
Nothing more and nothing less can be here and there,
nor as being is not, that would prevent
achieve equality, or what entity, to be the body
more here and less there, for all integers is intact.
And being everywhere equal to itself, appears also in its limits. This term
for you logos
reliable and thinking about the truth. From here the views fatal
learn, listening to the order of my words misleading.

Way of Doxa.
agreed to form two ways, both
one is not needed, as are wrong. Separate
opposites for its workmanship and put
signals that isolate each other, here's the ethereal fire calls,
benign livianísimo, himself everywhere identical to the other
not identical. More
also that which opposes it: dark night, thick and heavy strokes. All this apparent
I offer you that no trial will exceed deaths. EXTRACT
But it was all light and night and they named
, According to their potentialities [were attributed] to such and such things all full
is, at once, night light and invisible,
both equal, because Nothing is beyond these two. FRAGMENT 10

phisis will know the ethereal and ether
all the signs, and the sun shining, pure
torch devastating works, and where they came to be. And the works circulating
findings of the round moon
axis and its origin. Know the sky that holds [all] around,
emerged where and how they forced impeller
Ananke to retain the limits of the stars. How
earth, sun and moon and ether
common celestial Milky Way and Olympus
end and the stars burning force, were compelled to become

narrower rings were filled with unmixed fire,
the following night, and is projected portion between flame.
And in the midst of these, the goddess who directs everything, everywhere
governed since the painful birth and the mixture
sending it to blend masculine and feminine, in turn, in contrast, the male to
female. FRAGMENT 13

First of all the gods Eros invented.
noctilucent, around the earth, wandering, His light. FRAGMENT 15

always inquisitive facing the sun. EXTRACT
[The land is] acuarraigada
Well the way each has lost mix very well nous
members is available to men. Same thing is what reflects
, physis of members for men,
to everyone and everything. For what else is thinking. FRAGMENT 17

Right young, left the girls ... EXTRACT
When women and men mixed together seeds of Venus in the veins
shaper strength, blood diversas procedente,
guardando un justo equilibrio, plasma cuerpos bien dispuestos.
Pero si, al mezclarse los simientes, las fuerzas pugnan
sin hacer una sola, mezclados los cuerpos, funestas
resultarán por su doble simiente el naciente sexo.
Así, pues, emergieron, según el parecer, estas cosas y ahora son,
y, a partir de aquí, habiendo madurado, acabarán.
A ellos los hombres nombre impusieron acuñado para cada cual.

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Plato Parmenides' Poem of Being



Honra, en primer lugar,
y venera a los dioses inmortales,
a cada uno de acuerdo a su rango.
Respeta luego the oath, and reverence
illustrious heroes, and also
underground geniuses:
they will fulfill the laws mandate. Honor

then your parents and your blood relatives.
And others, make friends
which excels in virtue.

the kind words and do not stop to acts helpful.

not resent the friend on a misdemeanor.

These things make them the extent of your strength,
as is possible with the necessary

Compenétrate to meet these requirements, but atiénete to dominate

of the needs of your stomach
and your dream, then the starting

your desires and your anger.

never to commit a disgraceful action,
not with anyone or alone: \u200b\u200b
Above all,
Respect yourself. Then

to practice justice,
in words and in deeds, not behaving Learn

no reason ever.

And knowing that death is the fatal law for all the riches
, sometimes

you please win them and lose other you please.

of the suffering that fit
to mortal divine plan,
the part that corresponds to you,
endure them without indignation;
but it is legitimate to seek remedy as far
your strength;
because there are so many
misfortunes that fall on good people.

There are many voices, some unworthy
, other nobles,
who come to hurt the ear: Do not be troubled
not hear back for you.
When you hear a lie,
bear it calmly.

But now I need to tell
always fulfill it:
Nobody, for his statements or his actions,
move you to do or say
anything but the best for you.

Think before acting to not make nonsense:
mindless act and speak
is poor people.
not go into matters that you ignore,
more learned what is needed: this is the norm
a pleasant life.

do not neglect your health,
have moderation in eating and drinking,
and the exercise of the body. For moderation

understand what you do not get hurt.
Get used to life without softness,
and beware of what may attract envy.

not be lost on your expenses and make

ignoring what is honesty,

but not stop being generous:

there is nothing better than moderation in all things.

Do what you do not damage you,
and think before acting.
And do not let the sweet dreams seizes
your languid eyes without having reviewed

what you've done in the day:
"What have I missed? What have I done?
What I failed to fulfill duty ? Start Start
and all errors repróchate
and alégrente
and successes.

Here's what to do.
These things are
to engage in practice,
These things have to love. Through them you will enter

in the divine path of perfection.
For who conveyed to our understanding of Tetratkis
the source of the perennial nature.

Forward then!
settings to work, but not before

pray to the gods that
lead to perfection. If you look at these things

know the order which reigns among the deathless gods and mortal men
separate things and how they are attached.

And you know, as just
that nature is a
and the same everywhere, so do not expect

what not to wait,
nothing is hidden from your eyes.

will meet the men, victims of

evils that they are imposed, blind

goods around them,
not hear or see:
few people know
rid of misfortune. Such is the fate

clogging the spirit of mortals as child accounts

rolling from side to side, innumerable evils oppressed
inadvertently punishes Discord, and sad
its natural partner,
which must not cause, but

and give way to escape it.

Oh father Zeus! In many evils

bookstores no
men if only they hicieras
see what demon obey!

But for you, be confident,
because of a divine race
are made humans
and there is also the sacred nature

that shows them discover all things.
From all this,
if you take what belongs to you,
observe my commandments,
to be your remedy, and will free your soul

of such evils.

Abstiénete in food as we said, is for the purification
is to release the soul and reflects

judges all things and each, raising
higher your mind,
which is the best of your guides.

If you neglect your body to fly
to the free ether orbs,
will be an immortal, incorruptible,
no longer subject to death.

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The students of 2 º Bach. bearing pending the course of 1 Philosophy and citizens must recover as follows:

a) Attending the briefing to be held during recess of Thursday, October 1, 2009
Doing the job that at that meeting ask the students and should be delivered in two dates: December 21, 2009 (Block 1) and April 23, 2010 (Block 2 and 3)

a) THESIS READING AND BOOK OF TEXTS. Units 1, 2 and 3 of Block 1 (philosophical knowledge), Units 1, 2 and 3 of Block 2 (The human being, person and society) and Item 2 of Unit 1 of Block 3 (Are we free? What is freedom?) Item 5 and 6 of Unit 2 of Block 3 (Problems of Globalization)

1 - What is philosophy?
2 - Can we know reality?
3 - Differences between the explanatory models of science and philosophy

BLOCK 2 1_
Nature and Culture in humans
2_Los philosophers of suspicion

1_Argumentos for and against the assertion of human freedom
2_ effects of globalization.

b) Passing the examination will take place on Monday, May 17 at 15:30

consist of: a text on one of the topics and authors studied the questions to be proposed
a question definition of concepts
a dissertation on a topic studied

Friday, September 11, 2009

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Recovery Pythagorean Golden Verses of Philosophy 1 º Bach. pending in 2 º 1 º BACH

MINIMUM CONTENT 1. Fundamentals of psychology
1.1. History of Education.
1.2. Fundamentals of psychology of learning.
1.3. School organization.
1.4. Techniques and methods in psychology.
2. The process of learning throughout life
Piaget, Vygotsky or Ausubel,
2.1. Concept and learning theories
2.2. Forms and environments of the learning process.
2.3. Student diversity and individual differences, social, cultural
2.4. Learning disabilities: prevention, detection and treatment.
2.5. The education system.
2.6. Plan personal and professional development kit
skills and knowledge of both upper and syllabi of professional profiles
3. The educational and vocational guidance.
3.1. Orientation as a process.
3.2. Programs and counseling models.
3.3. Counseling skills throughout life.
3.4. Organization of educational and vocational guidance


focus on content is given in class on each of the issues and feature:
a) Review of text on which questions were asked regarding their content and must be demonstrated that the same understanding and ability to relate to the themes as well as aspects of daily life on the incident, if applicable.
b) Analysis of concepts, either text or abscess treated in class. The student must demonstrate their capacity to define and understand them.
c) Short questions of argument on topics covered in class.
d) Resolution of a case study between treated in class. _


a) Summary or outline of the topics covered, which contains the class notes.
b) Resolution of the exercises proposed text and comments throughout the quarter.
c) Summary and personal reflection on all the suggestions for practical activities.
d) Definitions of concepts proposed.
e) Work proposed reading books each quarter. _


Among the proposals made by the teacher in class. Each quarter set a minimum of work submitted for a full point, not to exceed the number 10 nor be less than 5. Consist in solving exercises in class and applying them to specific cases. After solving each problem should include a reflection on them.

Assessment is continuous, so the latter can recover the first ever to achieve a 5 to make the weighted average as following:

Recovery of the first evaluation NOTE ----------------- = GREATER OR EQUAL TO 5

Recovery of the second evaluation
1, EVAL. x 25 + 2 º NOTE OF EVAL. x 50 + 3 º NOTE OF EVAL. ----------------------------------------------- x 75
-------------------------------------------------- NOTE ------------ = GREATER OR EQUAL TO 5

If the overall score, calculated with the formula for the recovery of the second evaluation, is a suspended wing shall conduct a comprehensive review similar to those made during the course. If the note of this test exceeds 5, the student will be approved. If the teacher considers it appropriate, also prompted the creation of a work, which asked in advance.
For each assessment is approved, the note of each of paragraphs (exams and class work) must be greater than 3 in order to make the average.

LANGUAGE SKILLS: This note will

90% overall subject. The other 10% will result showed appropriate language skills. Be distributed as follows:
POINTS will be added or subtracted to the note
_ 0.10 for each misspelling
_0.25 per 4 tildes
POINTS will be added or subtracted to note if the cohesion, coherence and argumentative are adequate.

The note will be the comprehensive review to be held on the dates indicated, together with the work that the teacher send to each student if appropriate and depending Part of the course that has been suspended. The means were made according to the criteria already set out the general course. OBJECTIVES

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minimum contents and evaluation PSYCHOLOGY

a) Recognize and analyze philosophical problems in their texts, look up information about them and establish with them a relationship of interpretation , contrast and critical dialogue.
b) to relate philosophical theories to the historical, social and cultural context in which they are raised and which are its expression, along with other manifestations of human intellectual activity.
c) To understand the relationship between theories and philosophical currents that have occurred throughout history, analyzing the similarities as differences in the way of posing the problems and proposed solutions.
d) Recognize the meaning and significance of issues to be permanently occupied with the philosophy and the relevance of the doctrines and philosophical debates of the past to understand the world today.
e) Discovering own cultural and ideological position as heir to a history of thought with which, moreover, must be placed in a thoughtful and critical.
f) Awareness of the need for full understanding of the other (text or party) as a condition of possibility of developing one's own point of view and a fruitful theoretical confrontation.
g) Develop strategies for collecting and collating relevant information from a philosophical point of view, critical analysis of rational discourse and expression of one's own way of thinking.
h) Assess the effort for intellectual rigor in the analysis of problems and the free expression of ideas and rational dialogue from all forms of dogmatism.
i) Assess the capacity of reason, especially in philosophical reflection, to regulate individual and collective human action.
j) Prosecute critically The conceptualization of exclusionary and discriminatory nature that have been part of philosophical discourse, as androcentric, ethnocentrism or others. MINIMUM CONTENT

Plato The Republic, Book VI partial reading (& & 18-21, from 506b)
and Book VII (& & 1-5, up to 521b)
1. Epistemological dualism.
2. Ontological dualism. The theory of Ideas and the Idea of \u200b\u200bGood.
3. Anthropological dualism. Theory of reminiscence.
4. Platonic Ethics. The moral intellectualism.
5. Educational theory. Mathematics and Dialectic.
6. State Theory fair and the philosopher ruler. DESCARTES

Discourse on Method, Parts I-II-III-IV
1. The Cartesian method: ideal mathematical certainty, methodical doubt
and criterion of truth.
2. Descartes idea concept and types.
3. Concept of substance in Descartes and their types.
demonstrative arguments for the existence of God and the world.
4. Anthropological dualism. Mechanism and freedom.
5. Moral provisional.

KANT Critique of Pure Reason, Preface to the 2 nd ed., From the beginning (B VII)
up "... and filodoxia philosophy" (B XXXVII)
1. Transcendental analysis of scientific knowledge.
1.1. Terms of scientific knowledge.
1.2. Transcendental conception of a priori.
1.3. The Copernican revolution.
2. Transcendental critique of metaphysics.
2.1. The distinction between phenomenon and noumenon.
2.2. Negative sense of criticism: theoretical limitation of the use of reason
to phenomena.
2.3. Positive sense of criticism: the defense of the practical use of reason.

NIETZSCHE Twilight of the Idols: "The problem of Socrates," Reason "in philosophy"
"How" real world "eventually became a fable "
" Morality as anti-nature "and" the "best" of humanity "
1. "The Twilight of the Idols' critique of Western culture.
1.1. Critique of morality and religion.
1.2. Critics of the concept of God. Nihilism.
1.3. Vitalism. The will to power and the superman.
2. "How is philosophy with a hammer 'critique of philosophy.
2.1. Decadent critical rationality.
2.2. Being and becoming. Appearance and reality or truth. "
2.3. Critics of the metaphysical world.

EVALUATION PROCEDURES Students will be evaluated by testing text commentary directed at the end of each didactic unit. Such tests consist of three questions about the text and a free writing. This test is intended for students to be able to comment critically and prosecute a philosophical text.
The final grade will be the result of the average of grades obtained in the four units. Any grade below five will be considered as suspended. GPA will not be among the many questions that do not always get a minimum of 20% in each of the parties (short questions 1, 2, 4) and dissertation (3)

Structure Length the test is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Model
review and correction criteria
The exam will consist of text and four issues: the basic reference of the first two will be the text and the last two thematic area delimited in relation to the author's thought
review Texts Sources
texts: The text of review will be an excerpt from the default selection of readings on the agenda of philosophers. To avoid excessively long review text fragment may be cut internally with the corresponding indication to notice. Question 1 ª

Score: 2 points to
type of question: Unless the question requested, exceptionally, the reconstruction of an argument from a particular set of text, its formulation invariably expressed in these terms:
"synthesizes the ideas of the text showing on your resume argumentative or narrative structure developed by the author." Criteria According to the general criteria above, the synthesis that is asked in response must show that it has been understood:
1. What are the ideas or main arguments of the text.
2. How they relate to each other in expository or argumentative structure to reach the general thesis or conclusion.
Rating: The two criteria are worth equal to 1 point each. Question 2 ª

Rating: up 2 points
Question Type: Definition of a term (or two, if they are related) present in the text. Formulation
'Define the (those) term (s related) .. ..., based on information provided by the text and supplementing it with the knowledge you have of the philosophy of the author. " Criteria
should assess the ability to define philosophical terms, or expressions, analyzing them from use in the text of the review.
1. The response should include an express definition of the proposed (or, where appropriate, of the proposed two, clarifying their relationship.)
2. The definition must be drawn from the information given by the text, making explicit references to the term or terms therein.
3. The explanation of the term or terms must be supplemented by general knowledge about them from the study of philosophy of the author.
Rating: The three criteria are worth equal to 1 / 3 of the 2 points each.

Issue 3 ª
Rating: up to 5 points
Question Type: Writing about a topic in the philosophy of the author of the text
Criteria for correction:
should assess the capacity to develop the proposed topic focusing on its
specific formulation and application general knowledge of the full text and the author worked in class.
1. The contents of the editors should focus on responding to the specific formulation of the statement, without unnecessary digressions and including in its development and justification of the ideas presented.
2. Editor's exposure should be, in turn, clear and tidy.
Rating: The first criterion is measured up to 3.5 points and the second to 1.5 points.
Question 4 th
Rating: up to 1 point
type of question: Its formulation invariably becomes:
"Discuss briefly any aspect of the thought of the author of the text you deem important in any of these ways: on its relationship with other philosophers with relevant historical events (especially if they are contemporaries of the author or are related to their life) or significant features of the contemporary world. " Criteria
should assess the ability to apply or relate the author's thought anyone
aspects suggested in the question.
1. It valued the contents of philosophical interest exposed.
2. Will evaluate the originality of the proposal of the student or the student and her thoughtful and reasoned exposition, avoiding rote or stereotyped responses.
Rating: The two criteria are worth equal to 0.5 points each. RECOVERY PROCEDURES

test was carried out for each block recovery suspense She will present the students suspended and voluntarily, those who wish up note. The score on these tests will be the ultimate recovery, albeit lower than that obtained in initial test.
Finally, all those students who fail the subject in June (as a result of applying the criterion of the average between the different blocks) was submitted to the special examination in September.

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2 º bach. Minimum and ecoethics


GM Food

What are transgenic foods? These organisms, plants or animals that have been genetically modified. How do you handle? Using especially the biotechnology of DNA recombination: in implanted cells of certain organisms such as plants, genetic material from other organisms endowed with certain qualities, with the aim of providing these qualities to the receiving agency or manipulated. Thus, transgenic foods are genetically modified organisms. What are the effects produced in animals or humans that eat? That is the question of conflict, much as researchers involved in the Human Genome Project have argued that the risks are unknown.

international institutions have warned of new dangers posed by transgenic foods. It is feared that a black list of toxic and harmful effects caused by the large number of pesticides and chemicals are inadequately controlled must add the effects of currently unforeseeable, caused by GM contamination, even more serious than chemical pollution.

Multinational Specialized in transgenic manipulation, such as Monsanto, are the most interested in any information about which foods to avoid participating in any genetic manipulation, arguing that virtually no difference between them: any indication of GMOs (genetically modified organism) would be economically harmful. But on the other hand, are quite the experts who argue that "today nobody can predict toxicities, invasions competitive or other unintended consequences of transgenic plants." Therefore, in May 1996, a hundred scientists made pubic in Paris, a manifesto proclaiming the "need for a moratorium on the spread of organisms into the environment genetically modified. "

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Moreover, the seeds of transgenic plants, which can increase yields by 15% to 20%, introduce the issue of patents of plants or animals created. If a multinational company, with investments worth millions, has managed to create a wheat or rice, high yield, the farmer who buys the right to replant them again and again? Certainly, since more than 10,000 years, farmers have booked part of the seed obtained from harvest for replanting or exchanges, however, argue that multinationals are creations patented transgenic seeds and purchase only entitles you to plant them once, which are listed in the purchase agreement. Aiming

not escape the benefits of investment, the multinational agricultural biotechnology have patented the "technology protection system" (Technology Protection System, TPS), a contentious and controversial protection system that involves the sterilization of seeds. Modifying the three genes is achieved then neutralize the seeds obtained from the harvest: REpLANT if the seed does not germinate. TPS These seeds are known for their many critics with the name "Terminator." The environmental, economic and social Terminator seeds are incalculable.

_ Write a short presentation setting out the arguments for and against the handling of food using genetics.

The anthropocentric view of human relationships with the environment
, typical of our society, is not generalizable to other human cultures. There are other people whose cultures are clearly biocentric. Most of them were considered "savages," "primitive", "backward", "uncivilized" and so on. by dominant cultures. Thus, their legacy has never permeated the powerful. Now we begin to regard them with respect and understanding they deserve. They are they who have to learn from us (from the ethical point of view) but on the contrary.

2 - Write a short presentation setting out arguments for and against anthropocentrism. Do you think that rights are extensible to other beings, living or not? You can serve the reading of the text that you then
Philippe Descola
"(...) The Achuar are not exceptional in the Amazonian world. Some miles centenera further north, for example, in the jungles of eastern Colombia, the Indians Makuna have an even more radical theory definitely not dualized world. Like the Achuar, the Makuna categorize human beings, plants and animals as "people" (mass) whose main attributes, mortality, social and ceremonial life, intent, knowledge-are absolutely identical. In this community of living things, the internal distinctions are based on the particular features the mythical origins, diets and playback modes provide every kind of being, and not on the degree of proximity of such classes to the paradigm realization that the Makuna offer.
(...) So, like the peoples of the Amazon, the subarctic region to understand their environment so a dense network of relationships governed by principles that do not discriminate human and nonhuman. "3_

Cousteau Foundation has launched a campaign to seek adoption by the United Nations of
. It demands a global recognition of the fundamental objectives of the environmental movement: the conservation of environmental assets, in the same or better state than we inherited from our ancestors, for generations.

3_ From reading the Bill of Rights of future generations, reflect in writing on the topic: Should we extending the rights to future generations? How can we have what we have around us as our own?

Bill of Rights for Future Generations
Article 1
Future generations are entitled to an Earth without pollution or destruction to your enjoyment as the stage of history, culture and social bonds that make each generation and individual, member of the human family.
Article 2
Each generation, sharing the heritage and land space, has a duty as administrator of future generations to avoid irreparable and irreversible damage to Earth's life, liberty and human dignity. Article 3
therefore monumental responsibility of each generation to maintain constant vigilance and careful assessment of technological disturbances and modifications adversely affecting life on Earth, the balance of nature and evolution of humanity to protect rights of future generations. Article 4

be taken all appropriate measures, including education, research and legislation to guarantee these rights and ensure they are not sacrificed for convenience in mind. Article 5

Therefore, governments, nongovernmental organizations and individuals must use all their resources and imagination to implement these principles, as if they were present for future generations whose rights we seek to establish and perpetuate.