Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dimmest Star In The Orion

Sects Sects in Islam in Judaism

In the Arab fakir called (need), who needs God, a religious mendicant, a dervish , belonging to a kind of brotherhood . In the West and from the s. XVIII applies to Muslim ascetics of India and by extension to all the beggars in a more or less religious than live on his hypnotic powers, real or supposed, and demonstrations of sleight of hand. In India, so called Muslim ascetic practices performed strange and sometimes repulsive, like some Hindu religious beggars.

are distinguished from the Yaqui whose practices are carried out usually in secret, without any advertising or desire to collect alms.

s. In XII beggars formed a fraternity, sorority or association dervishes, Islam only community organization. The first was founded in 1166 by Abd al-Qadir al-Yili (the Qadiriyya ). Other groups were founded later and mystics are orders that recognize 32 branches, many of which have already disappeared and others have become in sects. Each has a founder, a convent, special garments and ritual whirling dances may be seeking collective hypnosis. Side orders of dervishes , there are also many laymen.

Walies The are reputed healers and possessing supernatural powers. There are groups that follow Islamic law, but others reject all moral law.

Order Sannsiyya , most recently, is austere, puritanical and orthodox. You want to join must pass a novitiate under the strict control of Sheikh , with a very severe discipline.

The Sufis origin is the movement of Islamic fundamentalist whose doctrine includes, however, elements of other religions and philosophical thought. In the geographical and cultural pre-Islamic, Saudi, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia, before Mohammed, monasteries and Christian monasteries existed, well known for Bedouin tradition.

The Sufi is a spiritual movement based on Islamic principles of the Koran and Islamic practices, whether Christian or neo-Platonic, or Hindu techniques. Some groups have helped to spiritualize Islam, but others are opting for the trend-pantheistic enlightenment and Iranian areas have Gnostic-dualistic tendency.

Si'íes The or Shia (the sî'a ) are numerous other Muslim groups with the common belief that the Imamate, or succession of Muhammad corresponds to 'Ali and his successors. During the last illness, Abn Bakr Muhammad instructed the direction of prayer on Fridays and "companions" of the Prophet believed understand that it was his implicit will appoint a successor.

This concept led to the emergence of multiple and intricate network of sects, among which the Zaydi , the gulat (Qarmat, Isma'ili, Druze, Nusayri, ...) and Imami ( waqifíes, qat'íes ...). There are many groups Qarmat, Fatimids, hasisiyyun (murderers) and the powerful groups Isma'iliyya Iraq, India, Pakistan and Turkistan as part of the sí'a septimana whose leaders are considered representatives of " seventh hidden Imam. "

The Sunni and other groups are attributed all sorts of heresies, crimes and vices. The Hasisiyyun , secret group of Isma'ili using extracts of cannabis (hashish) that causes euphoria and can kill or face death without fear. The drug use is not unique to the Arab world as already quoted in Dioscorides and fakirs used . Other groups are credited with sodomy, orgy ritual and common use of women.

The sect is undoubtedly most famous Al Qaeda or Al-Qaida some Western countries have labeled the international terrorist movement for being the cause of terrorist acts in several nations. Obviously it is a jihadist organization, paramilitary, founded in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden whom the U.S. President Bush (son) started looking after the S11 and the destruction of the twin towers in New York in 2001. Osama is a multimillionaire who had studied in Anglo-Saxon universities and, initially, was funded by the CIA uses for its political interests of Muslim countries for oil and to curb the invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR.

believed USA Osama was hiding along with other leaders of Al Qaeda from the Taliban in Afghanistan. Until today.

In 2007 a group of Al Qaeda acted in Algiers and Casablanca. The attack in Madrid on March 11, 2004 was claimed by the military spokesman of Al Qaeda in Europe. Worldwide have cellular structure and many cells are dormant. They are citizens who appear normal, they have never shown the slightest suspicion of anything, but good people are Muslim.

In recent social and economic conflicts that have been fired by the Islamic countries of North Africa and Asia, hangs in the air the hidden hand of Al Qaeda seeking to overthrow forcibly recent Muslim leaders who flirt with the West.

extrafalario The tyrant Gaddafi wants to stop the revolt by force of its citizens and the West says it fears that made them power.

The Taliban form the militant Islamic group that ruled Afghanistan from September 1996 until being ousted in 2001 and where they were forcibly imposed the strictest sharia law, something never known in world history Islamic. While in power made a slaughter especially among Shia and Hazara was deemed "non-believers" and "sub humans." When the Taliban captured Mazar-i-Sharif on August 8, 1998, killed thousands of civilians and several Iranian diplomats.

The only leader who remained in Afghanistan and was able to defend large parts of its area against the Taliban was Ahmad Shah Massoud. Massoud was also successful in building democratic institutions political, economic, health and education committees. Massoud signed the Charter on the Rights of Women in 2000. In your area, women and girls did not have to use Afghan burka. They were allowed to work and go to school. In at least two known cases Massoud personally intervened against cases of forced marriages. While Massoud stated his belief that men and women are equal and have the same rights, also had to deal with Afghan traditions, said he would need a generation or more to overcome. In his opinion, could only be achieved through education. At the time warned of an imminent terrorist attack against the USA and 48 years was the target of two terrorist suicide attack on September 9, 2001.

Taliban means "student" pastho language. Since 2001 active in the opposition, in guerrilla warfare and have their headquarters in the area Pashtunistan, between Afghanistan and Pakistan, are said to be supported by Pakistan and Iran.

is a confederation of tribes Ghilzai, Pashtun tribes and other ethnic minorities volunteer Uzbeks, Tajiks, Punjabi, Arab or Chechen . There are also some Hanafi , traditionalists, supporters of the school of interpretation of the Koran according to Imam Abu Hanifa. They are not Wahhabi movement , since they have different interpretations Zahiri school and this school are precursors of Imam Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Hazm.

The leader of the Taliban's Mullah Mohammed Omar, believed to be hiding in Afghanistan and which is offering a reward of $ 25 million for information leading to his capture.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Eating Recovery Center Blogger

The Maccabees

The Essenes

The Pharisees

Los saduceos

Otras sectas


Los judíos son los hermanos mayores de los creyentes monteistas y como en todos lados cuecen habas, es bueno conocer su historia y su experiencia para, aparte de conocerles mejor, tener los cristianos una referencia a posibles imitaciones.

En el Nuevo Testamento se habla de varias sectas entre los judíos con las que se encontró Jesús de Nazaret,que era judío, like all initial pupil, like the Pharisees , that of the Sadducees or assassins of those witnesses the same tribune of Jerusalem who, in Greek, Paul questioned if the leader of the 4,000 who hid in the desert (cf. Acts 21.38).

also in times of Jesus was in force the sect of the Zealots , Hebrew and Aramaic qanna qan ^ annayya and the Gospels narrate that one of the twelve apostles belonged to her, was the other Simon, not Peter, called the Zealots (Luke 6.15 and Acts 1.13) or the Canaanite (Mc 3.18, Mt 10.4), translated into Castilian qana . Zealot in Greek means "jealous" and Judaism was a tendency to safeguard the purity of the Law

The Maccabees

During the Roman domination of Palestine before Christ was a fanatical self-righteousness in politics, a movement is rooted in nationalism and Maccabees sieges, sprung up in response to certain religious Jews against the policy of the Hasmonean, and an ideal to live "the zeal of God" as the priest Phinehas (Numbers 25, 7 ff) who wanted to end the evil spear of his brothers. It was the priestly Jewish family of the Maccabees , led by Mattathias, who rebelled against Antiochus IV Epiphanes, king of Syria, which sought to impose Greek paganism and achieved independence. At first macabeo was name given to Judas, the third son of that family, but was later expanded to all who participated in the uprising.

John Hyrcanus (135-105 BC), the high priest and head of the nation, had to capitulate against Antiochus Sidetes albeit with very favorable terms. Juan took advantage of the situation to expand territory and gain Samaria and Idumea. By forcing the Edomites to be circumcised, gave rise to one day came to the throne Herod. In 63 BC lost their independence, this time under the power of Rome, and in 37 BC ended the power of the Maccabees when Antigonus was beheaded at Antioch.

After Christ, at the time the attorney Gesio Floro (64-66), appointed by the influence Pompeii, Nero's Jewish wife, their surveys acquired more strength. In the summer of 66, the governor crucified many Jews in Jerusalem and raised in Galilee and around the country movements of revolt. Floro had to flee, the rebels seized power but Nero, Vespasian and Titus instructed to restore order. With 60,000 troops reconquered Galilee in 67 and, by the fanaticism of the Zealots and awkward political tact, reconquered the country and destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70.

The Essenes

is a Jewish sect who was born in 150 BC of a mystery until the twentieth century it was known only to historians references to Pliny, Josephus and Philo. The discoveries of the Dead Sea Scrolls, once decoded, reveal that they are most likely. Some have an interest in saying that John the Baptist and Jesus were Essenes or at least spent a season in that community or congregation.

In 1947, by chance, were discovered in Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls because he was a boy shepherd in search of a lost goat among cliffs, caves and found the scrolls. Was to sell to earn some money and antique expert guessed that could be very interesting rolls. Connected to Jewish and American academics. Thus began his study and deciphering.

is said that when the Romans attacked Jerusalem in 68 (in 70 Titus razed the city and the Jewish temple, which was his pride), the Essenes hid their scriptures in caves 40 km East Jerusalem.

The Essenes sought leave the existing order of things and entering a community that considered itself as completely different from any other, whether Jewish or pagan. They considered themselves the true sons of the covenant between God and Israel.

After the Maccabean revolt (166-159 BC), under the command of a new leader, the Teacher of Righteousness, they retreated into the wilderness to "prepare the way of the Lord." The revolt was at the time of the Greek domination, when the temple was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes, spilling blood on the altar of pork. The rebels, loyal to their faith, they fled into the desert.

When removed later Hasmonean Greek hegemony, there is the second revolt appropriated for the dignity of the High Priest. The Essene Teacher of Righteousness High Priest did not exercise because they understood that Yahweh had provided men Tzadok dynasty.

Those who made oath and entered the community have called for a lifetime of study of law was also imposed its observance by a strict code of discipline. Many had lived in celibacy as sinful marriage and everything material.

waiver of economic relationships or accepting gifts is not derived from an ideal of poverty, but is a way to avoid contamination with the outside world to safeguard the purity ritual. Consummated its break with the church and the official cult, the Essene community understood itself as a temple intangible temporarily replaces the temple of Jerusalem while it is still obtained a cult disdain.

The Qumran community also hoped the advent of a new era, as preached by John the Baptist and Jesus Nazareth. Also, like the latter, and were themselves chosen as the mass of the damned, in order to prepare for this new era. But unlike these, the new era of the Essenes resembled the old, restored and renovated. Interpreted the law that had been revealed to their founder, who referred in his writings as the Teacher of Righteousness, character who knows something more thanks to the Dead Sea Scrolls. He lived between 150 and 100 BC. in a small community that subsisted by farming and lived in isolation from other communities, particularly the inhabitants of Qumran. Others, most of the Essenes, some 4,000 according to Josephus, if they lived in cities, in a particular way, expressing his doctrine.

Qumran is notable for the number of tanks containing water, essential for the physical needs of the community, but also played an important part of the ritual, which included numerous washes. In his writings say: " those who walk in the spirit of truth will cure a long life of peace and fertility blessing all life with eternal joy and life without end, a crown of glory and majesty mantle inextinguishable light. By Otherwise those who walk in the spirit of darkness is: a multitude of pests hands of all the angels of destruction, eternal damnation for the strength of the vengeful wrath of God, endless torment and misery in prison, together with shameful extinction in fire dark regions. "

For some, the Essenes did not engage in trade, were masons, carpenters, weavers and goldsmiths. So I fit that Jesus was one of them or live at least two years in that congregation. But as Jesus is the universal Redeemer, it is difficult found in the Gospels of his expressions that sound like the Essenes, but they can also play a Hindu or Buddhist, then your message can understand all men of all time. Instructed his disciples to go to the world, not a select few.

The Pharisees

In Jesus' time, says Professor Francisco Baró, most appreciated for most of the people were the Pharisees . His name in Hebrew Perushim , meaning "the segregated." Devoted most attention to issues relating to the observance of ritual purity laws even outside the temple. Priestly purity standards established for worship, passed for them to score an ideal of life in all activities of daily life, which was thus ritualized and sacred. Along with the written law (Torah or Pentateuch) were compiling a series of traditions and ways of meeting the requirements of the Act, which was granted an increasing appreciation until they came to be welcomed as oral Torah, attributed also to God. According to their belief, the oral Torah was given along with the written Torah to Moses Sinai, and thus both had identical binding.

For the Pharisees the political dimension played a crucial role in its vital position, and was linked to efforts for national independence, as no foreign power could be imposed on the sovereignty of Lord in his people. To these are known by the name of Zealots , possibly gave themselves, referring to his zeal for God and the fulfillment of the Law Although believed that salvation is granted by God, were convinced that the Lord with the collaboration to bring that human salvation. This collaboration was moved first to a purely religious in your zeal for strict compliance with the law later from the fifties, was also considered to manifest in the military field, so that no could refuse the use of violence when it was necessary to win, and had to be afraid of losing their lives in combat, it was as a martyr to sanctify the name of the Lord.


The Sadducees, for their part, were people of high society, members of priestly families, educated, rich and aristocrats. Of them had started from the beginning of the Roman occupation the chief priests , at that time were Jewish representatives to the imperial power. They made a sober interpretation of the Torah, without falling into the many issues casuistry of the Pharisees, and therefore underestimate what those considered oral Torah.

Unlike the Pharisees did not believe in the survival after death, nor shared their eschatological hopes. Not enjoy the popularity or popular affection enjoyed by the Pharisees, but they had religious and political power, so they were very influential. Also differed from the Pharisees at the time of the feast of Passover, so the synoptic gospels and John's the day of the Last Supper in the Upper Room to celebrate the Passover and instituted the Eucharist and not exactly lend itself to varying interpretations.

Other sects

When Jews settled in Canaan monotheism was weakened by the influence of idolatry that reigned there. But the situation was more precarious the Jewish religion when the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were destroyed, then the people did not understand the language of the law was written and it was necessary to make long talks translations and explanations. For this reason, and changing habits, it was necessary to create a second or repeat Act or Mishnah, commonly called the Talmud. Then came the first division of the Jews, some who are even now called of Karaites continued to obey the Torah to the letter.

between I and IV were also Ebionites, a sect of Judeo-Christian ebjonim , "Lord's poor", who believed that Jesus had established his heirs. On the death of Santiago, separated from the Church, led by Tébuli and made war on Paul. Community life lived in strict poverty, were vegetarian and spread through Rome, Egypt and Asia Minor. Will they have something to do with Muhammad and Islam? Judaizing Christians were extremists who wanted to impose the law of Moses for everyone. To them, Jesus only a prophet and the Messiah because God anointed him to be a true saddiq , "fair." Were convicted in the first Council of Jerusalem.

In the eighteenth century came Moses Mendelsohn (+1786 to 57 years), who preached new ideas that shocked the Jews of Europe. And there arose a new division. Orthodox rabbis considered heretics to these reformers and settled in separate communities. Renovators opened its first synagogue in 1810 and abolished the Hebrew prayers and sermons to replace the language of the country. Is an important branch of Judaism that denies the existence of a personal Messiah replacing it with a collective "messianic mission" of Israel. Of worship and liturgy, which had imposed the Talmud, only retain the conclusion of the Sabbath and circumcision. That is, try to emphasize the monotheistic idea by playing the fulfillment of the Talmud.

there are Orthodox rabbis in Israel, Karaites and renewal to meet separately with their followers in 6,000 synagogues. In addition there remains a Jewish community called Samaritan in the city of Holon, near Tel Aviv with about 500 faithful. It is an ancient sect that recognizes only the Torah and the Pentateuch (Joshua) as Holy Writ, and worthy of obedience.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Preparation H Body Fat

Sects Sects Sects destructive


In Asia

In Latin


Not all sects (in the sense pejorative) are capable of committing acts of terrorism as it is occurring frequently in the Islamic world. Many do not meddle in politics and usually "limited" to destroy the personality of addicts, rape and sexual abuse with minors and the clearance of their own heritage assets pockets the boss.

The pejorative term "cult" is not only attributed to the implications of the religious sphere, provided that their actions in any dimension of life (cultural, political, religious, economic ...) are the occasion of disturbance or alteration of justice and public order, then you have to intervene civil society through its government and administrative bodies, public institutions, especially when criminal activities are criminal.


In African countries known trends of many tribes to have their sects, but since the advent of Islam some male or female fraternities have been sectarian. They tend to believe in animism and magic, and can work with masks and dress as horrifying to the population. In Cameroon and especially EGBA Ngua had strong political influence before the arrival of whites. In Gabon the NDA ; between Yoruba the Ogboni ; between mandingo is a "link" that scares women under the sponsorship of the monster Bumbojumbo . Sometimes form "leagues" criminals and terrorists, for example, "Leopard Man" in the nineteenth century caused mysterious murders.

The Mau-Mau was founded in Kenya in 1948 as a strong group of terrorism against the British for his anti-Europeanism and anti-Christianity. Their leader Jomo Kenyatta was arrested as leader of this organization, but always denied, and when the country's independence was elected President of the Republic, surprisingly, acted as a moderate. Some of these "leagues" were transferred to the slave trade and, coming to America, invented there the rites and cults known West Indian ( Vudu ).

The Ugandan police no longer regarded as suicide of a strange cult and went on to consider the multiple-murder incident Jonestowm (Guyana) in November 1978, where 914 men, women and children died from poisoning by satanic cult Rev. Jim Jones who also blew himself up. The track gave the burning of March 17, 2000 members of Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments , led by Joseph Kibwetere, former Catholic priest apostate. His followers had sold all his possessions, because the world told the boss was going to end on 31 December 1999. When this did not happen, he took the money, put them in the church, nailed the doors and lit it with a powerful blend of gasoline and sulfuric acid.

Egypt is revolutionized in recent months with a tense and confusing situation, apart from the social and political demands are intremezcla the religious and radical Muslims lash out against Coptic Christians. On the night of 8 to 9 March in the neighborhood of Mokattan (Cairo), there was a confrontation that left thirteen dead and over hundred injured and came amid protests by Coptic by fire on 4 March Atfih church in the region of Helwan, south of Cairo.

The fire gave a dispute between two families opposed to the relationship between a Christian and a Muslim girl.

In Asia

Israeli police guarding the dozen members of the Concerned Christians (Concerned Christians ), American millenarian sect, and others who began to swarm over Jerusalem as it was approaching 2000. The Israeli Government's Interministerial Commission took steps to strengthen police presence in the holy city before the well-founded fear of attacks by extremist groups, Jews and Christians to mosques.

The supplementary budget for this monitoring is $ 12 million. The 430 police officers assigned to these tasks do not have to walk with theological distinctions; ensure safety and prevent public disturbances affecting the maintenance of public order in both cases "religious" as in the case of the Israeli ultra-Orthodox extremist Shabtay Bloch, a leader of the ultranationalist religious movement of "Lubavitch" that tried to attack the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Safed, in northern Iraq. A few days ago an ultra-Orthodox attacked with tear gas a woman because she "dared" to go on a sidewalk in Jerusalem only for men in the neighborhood of Mea Shearim.

In the Islamic world took a long time to appear as the Kharijites sects or Sunni and Shiite who lead the news with regularity in these recently. Those saying that Ali, Muhammad's cousin and successor, is an unbeliever so they killed him. They argue, however, a super saint, under the influence of Abudlah bin Saba, who is the St. Paul is Christianity, because of their innovations. Appear later Qadariah, then Muryiah , etc. The Sufis believe that the good Muslim is not involved in politics and should only focus on improving the music, rituals and prayers.

in the Hindu world in 1955 founded the Ananda Marga sect presented in the West with spiritual and peaceful dyes but their record in India is unclear. In the decade of the 60 organized riots and political attacks, in 70 the government banned and arrested its leader and founder Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, called Baba by his followers.

After the incidents in India in 2007 and 2008, following the violence and blasphemous mockery of Christ by a poster with a can of beer and a cigarette in his mouth. Indian Bishops currently studying the ideology of Hindutva identification with religion, politics, advocated cultural nationalism with consequent sobre la convivencia pacífica de las comunidades religiosas en la India.

En particular quieren examinar la ideología del Sangh Parivar , el movimiento fundamentalista hindú contrario a la igualdad de derechos de las personas, independientemente del credo que profesan. Se opone con fuerza a la libertad religiosa reconocida en la Constitución india.

En el Estado hindú de Orissa, centro oriental, otra vez reaparece la violencia contra las comunidades cristianas en febrero de 2011, dándose más de 10 episodios en los que han sido heridos incluso madres embarazadas y niños. Vijay Purusu Pastor of the Evangelical Church "Bethel Church", says the attacks are nocturnal. At least four families, terrified, abandoned the home itself. In 2007 and 2008 were destroyed over 6,600 homes and displaced Christians Hindus exceed 56,000.

In all cases the facts are attributed to the movement of militant Hindu fundamentalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which went unpunished by the devastation caused on that occasion. The allegations that Christians did the police not been answered and have not been any action official end to the attacks.

On February 11 in Jaipur, Rajasthan (north-western India), a Christian pastor was insulted, stripped and beaten by young Hindu extremists, forcing to travel more than 5 km naked down the main street of the city. Despite the police report, so far none of the culprits has been arrested.

In Pakistan, March 2, was killed the minister of religious minorities Shahbaz Bhatti by a group of masked men who said they were linked to Al Qaeda . With automatic weapons firing live sewed it for two minutes. Next to her body left fliers that said, "was killed by a Christian and blasphemous." At the funeral Mass the Archbishop of Islamabad, Bishop Anthony Rufin, said the official " gave his life for the faith . I'm sure the Church, over time, announce the martyr." Shahbaz was the leader of the 2.5 million Catholics who expressed their views without blinking and belonged to the group of Hindus who defend the proposed reform of the blasphemy law. The month before the terrorist Hindus killed Salman Taseer, Governor of Punjab who also opposed the law of blasphemy.

entire civilized world is waiting for Assia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian sentenced by a court in November 2010 for blasphemy. His defense lawyer says that it is preferable to allow some time before starting the appeal process.

In Tokyo, Japan, the sect Supreme Truth (Aum Shinrikyo ), followers of Shoko Asahara, placed sarin nerve gas bombs on the underground transport system on 20 March 1995. Total: more of 5000 poisoned and 12 people dead. Six weeks later, the same followers attempted another terrorist act in another season but fortunately missed the pump mechanism and could be cleared in time. If it had not happened, the mixture of cyanide and hydrogen containing explosive could kill in minutes to 20 thousand users of the metro.

In Latin

Hassan The 1997 report said that the English speaking Americas were 3 000 criminal groups sects, although most are not very large and are quite local.

Steve Hassan, a graduate of the University Cambridge, spent many years as militants in the Moonies the world met the press following the marriage of African Catholic Bishop Emmanuel Milingo when he was 71 years.

excommunicated in 2006, celebrated as a sorcerer in 1985 their healing cults in the "church of Rome Argentina" when he had been deposed from his episcopal charge of Africa and the Zambia Episcopal Conference.

The Moon sect called Unification Church was founded in Korea in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon who presented himself as the Messiah and successor of Jesus Christ. Consider communism as the embodiment of Lucifer, and therefore turned to moral support, physically and economically hispaoamericanas dictatorships that defeats.

In l984 the Brazilian Valentina de Andrade founded in La Plata his own sect. He claimed to receive messages from aliens l981 and be the only one that had the "universal knowledge." The doctrine is taught in a book by the founder entitled God, the great farce " explaining that human beings are governed by a being called God and grim that will soon be destroyed, because "... it is imminent clash of the sun off, which bears the mark of the beast and destroy this cosmic experience wrong" .

In l992 the sect gained fame when in Brazil a Umbanda Pai was arrested for the ritual murder of a child of seven years. In those days the Brazilian police suspected the Valentina de Andrade since being raided the home of the leader found a video and written commitment which spoke ill of the children. According to Valentina children born after l981 were creatures of evil. The suspicions were confirmed and the group can move freely through the streets of Brazil and Argentina. Today, the sect meets in a fifth of the greater Buenos Aires and is in full extinction.

Rajneesh Chandra Mohan in 1969 (+1990, 59 years) founded his first ashram and early 80's he settled in USA. Its doctrine is based on Tantric yoga and was known as the "sex guru." In l983, the U.S. government began investigating complaints from parents and former members, stopping and deported. U.S. prosecutors found in the ashram , who had settled in the state of Oregon, the guru, an apostle of peace and love, had its own private army.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Create Frequency Table In Word 2010

extravagant Christianity sects of Christianity

there sects in mankind since the world began and in all civilizations and for having so strange not also appear in the Christian world . We are all from the same cloth: the clay of the earth. Some have the itch to be secret but now also "cool" advertising and campaigning.
Human beings are not just a rational animal but a spiritual or religious animal because the religious fact is undeniable, even atheists. The man needs to believe (even if at all), you need to share something transcendental. As there is usually a clear distinction between religious and political spheres, but instead, are mixed inseparably, the sects have always a religious aspect but to engage in activities that are not precisely say.

in every sect, understood in the pejorative sense, there is always leader who is sick, is a fan, often call themselves a guru, teacher, pastor, reverend, prophet etc. and of course intends to exercise divine power. The leader is one who knows everything and provides all, nobody can doubt his claims, nor of his writings or his orders to become more irrational is accepted without question.

not lack in any fan intolerance can not conceive it to be contradicted. Not support the other's arguments because you are obligated to question their beliefs and open cracks in the monolith. Therefore prefer to proselytize and convince him to others.

In the modern age of Christian Europe in hybrid political issues, ideological or religious, with the Enlightenment, deism and rationalism, sprouted branches of Freemasonry and the various movements pseudomísticos theosophical and occult ideology, as Theosophical Society, which flourished in the late nineteenth century also relates to Freemasonry.

This Society was founded by Helena Petrovna Blavataski, Henry Olcott, William Judge and others in New York on November 17, 1875 search for divine wisdom, occult or spiritual wisdom .

not easy to find the exact time of birth of all these movements or esoteric Masons because genetically, going back, you can always find some germs. In a not too distant back ou p assumed (do not know if it would be easy to prove) that Christians have been lead to resentment from heretical sects condemned by the Inquisition or abolished by a pope at the request of a Christian king. Also Christianity was born directly between the Jewish people that already gave sects or sectarian groups is not surprising that some, through ignorance or for reasons they know, they have seemed "appropriate" organized as follows: self-love always , vanity and all those things look the same course solution, both in civil religious. The Jewish people did not live in a bubble and its contact with the Egyptians 400 years and more than half a century after the Persians would leave "some" footprint.

Among the extravagant contemporary esoteric sects or be considered ultraconservative schismatic "Old Catholic " who did not accept the Vatican Council (1864) or the like lefebrerianos who condemned the Vatican II (1964), on especially following the council document on religious freedom, but also refused to recognize the ecumenism, collegiality and the liturgical reform that seemed protestantizante. Of However it is sad that for so many centuries officially not recall such truths-freedom, collegiality, etc .-, from St. Paul, and that sounded a revolutionary such claims.

Ni "by the wounds of Christ", as he told John Paul II to Archbishop Marcel Lefrebe (+1991 to 86 years) in the near agony, got off the donkey, and today is at least willingness to restore unity in diversity. It was the tip of the iceberg of the traditionalists and set out to establish the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X. To ensure his succession, in his eighties, he spent 4 bishops. Have recently had talks with Vatican but his top general, Bernard Fellay, has said it is a dialogue of the deaf.

bizarre sect are palmartroyanos and some others are just sad stories but inevitable in the course of history. Los del Palmar of Troy were led by Clemente Dominguez proclaimed himself Pope Gregory XVII. The sect was forged in this town near Seville, where, since March 1968 the Virgin appeared to four girls and there Clemente and teammate Manuel Alonso Corral, homosexual couples, set up their show. Both had been expelled from his job as the administrative work of St John of God. In 72 received the donation of 16 million pesetas donated by an old baroness and thus bought the farm of the Caper, which had given the alleged apparitions.

In 1974 he toured Europe and America and found a Vietnamese bishop, deeply angry with the Vatican II, which persuaded to order five priests. Thus was founded the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face. In 76 palmartroyanos bishops suffered a traffic accident that Clemente was only wounded, losing both eyes that were enucleated. Upon the death of Paul VI, Clement said that the same God the Father had appointed him as Pope name Gregory XVII. Appointed 24 cardinals, established in perpetuity the Tridentine rite Mass, raised to the altars thousands of people like Francisco Franco, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Carrero Blanco, Calvo Sotelo ... and say Hitler.

Among his extravagances could not miss distorted conception of millenarianism as claim to be the last and only order to be prepared for the Church and humanity to the end of the world's second coming Christ (parousia). Nor could miss the hint of sexuality or sensuality as being sick and prohibit sexual pleasure.

In Africa there is an exceptional growth of religious communities that some claim to be Christian Churches calls (3.5% per year), but others openly treated as satanic movements. In Nairobi there is a " African Association for the Study of Religion" trying to study the issue. The group of so-called "mainstream Churches " import meets colonial churches, without regard to its doctrinal and disciplinary differences. Brought from the West soon emerged a second group, the independent African churches or indigenous founded by Africans disenchanted with the contrast between what the missionaries preached and practiced by their fellow laymen. Most of these foundations do not extend beyond ethnic boundaries, and its members are of the same tribe.

In the decade of 1840, the German Protestant missionary Ludwig Krapf began translating the Bible into Swahili . In 1914, there were translations of the most common native languages. Africans did not take long to realize the division of Christians as there were missionaries who, instead of collaborating, they waged war to each other. So we concluded that if they did, Africans why not. Except for some intellectuals, in general the truth is not very critical for these people, who prefer the colorful and loud. Some of these churches liturgical services are up to 16 hours, sometimes lasting all night. When you can buy powerful speakers for all to hear services in a radius of 2 miles.

schismatic groups saw their independent church as a safe haven for the community where they feel at home. The colonial government banned them until 1958, when they were given license to operate, provided they are not meddling in political affairs.

The African continent is becoming fertile ground for preachers who promise a better life. In the second half of the twentieth century has been a boom in evangelical churches and healing whose health and wealth preachers promise a reward for devotion. It is the "theology of prosperity" which tries to attract the poor and displaced. According to Stephen Jubwe, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Monrovia, "what people are looking for is a miracle. And we want them here, not the other life. " For its part Hubert Van Beek, World Council of Churches said "Neither the independent churches and the mainstream Churches are being able to face major economic and social problems" .

The great social upheavals they sprout the search for God, as occurred after the Biafran War between 1967 and 1970, or Liberia, where civil war (1970-1977) left more than 200,000 dead, 1 million displaced and the country in ruins.

World Council of Churches welcomes with misgivings about the modus operandi of these types of communities and few independent churches are in this institution. Silvia Opoku, 25, a student of philosophy at Ghana, went to an independent church, but ended up disappointed. As stated in Time , "faith promise you now. I promise that your business will be prosperous now. Everything is instant. But God does not work that way. There is a coffee machine. "

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Is The Free Throw Line Distance


sects of American Christianity Cults


criminal Sects

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In the second millennium, with the "Protestant Reformation" Western Christian communities appear (Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, etc.) Than when they migrate to the new newly discovered continent in search of freedom, will lead to the creation of many sects Christian root. They dreamed up a new world and settle in a new way of life, absolutely free from all civil and ecclesiastical power in Europe. All new and different from the above, new companies and new churches, under the leadership of pioneer optimism, believing that they can innovate in ecclesiastical and religious matters, as if it were business matters.

Historically it was the Lutheran who began to distinguish between churches and communities and sects (in the negative) booking the appellation to the Anabaptists and Socinians. Since the World Council of Churches provides centripetal and unifying Christian denominations, were published simultaneously in her womb centrifugal forces and secessionist increasingly thrust. In England emerge the apocalyptic irving, popularized in the USA by the Plymouth Brethren and the Salvation Army, while in the United States also populate the Disciples, the cristodelfos, Adventists, Mormons, Christian Science, companies holiness Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses and other minor sects hundred more local type.

It is estimated that are about 50 million adherents of any sect in front of the 450 million "faithful" of the Christian communities of the West. So narrowly defined as a cult to " a religious community regarded as a Christian by faith in Christ and acceptance of the Bible as a source of revealed truth, but which at the same time, it lacks certain features inseparable the true Church of Christ . "

sects of American Christianity

The Salvation Army , almost military style, was founded in 1878 the Methodist minister William Booth and his wife Catherine, transforming Christian Mission which he founded in London in 1865. It is known as a private NGO and Hispanic countries as the "Evangelical Church Salvation Army." Their headquarters is at 101 Queen Victoria Street London. Wanted to reach groups of people maligned by the industrial revolution, bringing the message of Christ to the poor, alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, criminals, unemployed, etc. This led to them not a few disappointments. Booth and his proposed use not sacraments that supported the Reformation and also saw that many gave undue weight to the external signs and forgot the same grace.

The Mormons are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days "with headquarters in Salt Lake City (Utah) or the new Jerusalem. The founder Joe Smith (1805-44) was the 4 th of 10 children of a Presbyterian emigrant English family, who lived in penury, his father was a dreamer and a superstitious mother. At 18 years, says the angel appeared to her Mormon and 4 years later gave him some gold plates with messages from God for USA and the story of ancient America. Two years later, with his friend Oliver, said they had been secretly ordained by St. John the Baptist.

released in July 1830 Book of Mormon , in 1831 sent his disciples two by two, everyone, on behalf of God. Is polygamous by divine command. In the following decade (1844) and had 10,000 followers. His successor was a carpenter who died suddenly and left 17 women and 56 children. In 46 made the famous march from Missouri to Utah, Salt Lake City, came out 12 or 15 thousand and stagger down the road more than half. However his mother, his brothers and some others were in the south. The North were 1.4 million in 1956 and nearly 2 million in 63, while some 150,000 South.

In this church are called "official" lay people who volunteer and are directed by the President and Directors, where does the "Council of the Twelve Apostles" from whom, in turn, depend on consultants and the "Quorum of Seven." They had their first council in the 70's. NBA finance and Boy Scout . Each member pays 10% of their total personal income. They have rescue groups, education, entertainment, schools, seminaries and institutes. They are obliged to fast food twice a month that is intended Mormons for need. This is no passing Mormon needs, collaborate in making them work for the needy or fixing houses farms, factories, warehouses, etc.

The president of the American Episcopal Conference, Archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Francis George intervened on February 25, 2010, before a crowd unusual in college Mormon Brigham Yohung. To 12 thousand people in the stands of the Salt Lake expressed his appreciation for after 180 years, you start seeing faces each other to share the defense of common moral values \u200b\u200bas the defense of the unborn, traditional marriage and fight poverty. Sects


The pejorative sense of "sect" is not only about the implications of the religious sphere, sometimes takes on importance in other dimensions of life (cultural, political, economic ...) and then has to intervene when civil society and criminal concern their criminal activities.

The scrutiny of the Bible are USA millenarian groups who know the day and time of the second coming of Christ. The first group was called "Jehovah's Witnesses." Dead founder sprayed; about the "Community Free Bible ", believes that every day of the creation of those narrated in Genesis is 7,000 years and so do they balance their millenarian calculations for immediate parousia. only accept the spiritual baptism of faith, not the water. They have no central organization and support the dinner, but only as a reminder to drink the cup which means accepting the sufferings of this present life.

also appeared Dawn Bible Student Association, even less organized than the "Community Bible free." In 1917 another group broke away to form the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement (Movimiento national lay missionary), more addicted to Russell that "Jehovah's Witnesses."

The Jehovah's Witnesses are one of the bizarre and radical groups, so called since 1931. This expression of "Jehovah's Witnesses" is Isaiah 43.12. Its founder Charles Taze Russell (+1916 to 64 years), a family of Presbyterians, Adventists attended and they took a taste for the calculation of the end of the world and second coming (parousia) of Christ. In 1872 he left them and founded a newspaper and a society. He wrote extensively and toured USA, Canada, Europe, Asia Minor, Russia and the Far East, delivering speeches about 30,000 1,200 groups and founding scholars of the Bible. He was the inventor of propaganda "from door to door."

In Brooklyn, a suburb of New York, had founded a printing and publishing. Its director, Joseph Franklin Rutherford (+1942 to 74 years), succeeded him and who gave strong impetus to the current combative nature with violence directed several campaigns against the Christian denominations, especially Catholicism. The following presidents have given an air of courtesy and less aggressive. His propagandists have two levels: pioneers, who are devoted to this work at least a hundred hours a month and are modestly paid, the proclaimers employing ten or fifteen hours a month, without compensation but may make a profit by selling publications.

Rutherford As organized, are a "theocracy" is, in theory, a company managed directly by God, and, in practice, a centralized organization in which the election has been replaced by the appointment to all levels of a rigidly structured hierarchy and authoritarian. Her despotic nature has caused many divisions (perhaps a dozen), most notably the Geneva driven Freytag, who split in 1920.

The base unit of movement is called group consisting of all witnesses locality. They have five meetings a week and on Sunday, which usually consists of a speech, let supporters attend. The higher level circuit, comprises ten to twenty groups, then the district that usually corresponds to an entire country, then the branch and finally, the top step is company with President and seven senior members, with headquarters in New York.

only have faith in one God, denies the Trinity they deny the divinity of Christ that only "the first of creatures" and thus the World Council of Churches, based in Geneva, denied their federation considered not Christian. To them Jesus, before coming to earth was the Archangel Michael, it was the Messiah in John's baptism in the Jordan. Now consider all religion, all government, all civil or religious group as satanic as they believe that between 1914 and 1918, Satan was cast out of heaven and cast to the earth, but in turn, also from 1914, Jesus Christ has been entrusted with the power real and began to reign.

witnesses The Lord has raised humanity should prepare for the second coming and replace existing earthly governments will be destroyed soon after the battle of Armageddon. Since 1914 has begun "the millennium" apocalyptic glorious reign of Christ over the world. Just go to heaven only the 144,000 of Revelation (some characters from the AT, the Apostles and a number of witnesses ), the others just live forever here on earth, with a new earth, the rest, those who have not accepted the kingdom theocratic, will be annihilated.

The Adventist or Adventist Church Day 7 "was founded by Farmer Miller (67 to +1849 years) of the State of New York who was a Baptist . He believed that Christ returned in 1843, then said it would be 22.X.44. His subsequent leader Ellen Gould Harmon (+1915 to 88 years) saved the motion saying that Miller wanted to say that Jesus Christ, since 1844, had already begun to judge the dead, then the living will, and then will be the second coming.

is the 8 th Christian group in the number of members, that focus on keeping the Sabbath, emphasize the diet and health and promote religious freedom. Its members are almost 20 million missionary presence in almost all countries. Have a global humanitarian organization with numerous schools, hospitals and publishers.

The " serious researchers" were set up after the disappointment Adventist 1844.

criminal Sects

From the collective suicide of a group of adherents to the "Order of the Solar Temple " in Switzerland (Fall 1994), the French authorities increased surveillance sects because the civil authorities must ensure public order and therefore police should pay attention to alter it: the crime.

Of the 800,000 reported associations in France, only 5% benefit from tax exemptions recognized public utility (welfare or social assistance). Are conscientious objectors and refuse military service as both the civil service because they say that all governments are Satanic. They refuse to salute the flag because it is the emblem of Satan. They abstain from the elections and stay outside all political and social activity. Do not hold any party, civil or Christian, because all they say, are satanic. Only commemorate the death of Jesus on 14 Nisan, after the sunset.

also considered these sects the health Cults, Sects saving the , the Cult of holiness , etc. The list seems endless: in 1998, a list of Internet displayed more than 20 thousand.

The " Brazilian Society of Urology" energetically condemned mass sterilization that the controversial fundamentalist leader Edir Macedo had attached to the pastors of the "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God." The reason I argued that President Medical Society was the illegality of such practices (no morals) as there vasectomy was banned for "patients" under 30 years and no longer had two children. The Brazilian sect, founded in 1977 in Rio de Janeiro by Edir Macedo, self-proclaimed bishop, is widespread in all states of Brazil with more than 2,000 temples, some 6 million members, having a bank and a complex network of media with two newspapers, a magazine, thirty radio stations and a television network with 30 repeaters in Brazil. Is more than 40 countries but in recent years has been questioned for their criminal activities as wireless with the Cali cartel and also for money laundering and tax fraud. Edir abandoned Catholicism in his youth and joined the Pentecostal where he stayed 10 years. Now with his sect keeps the appearance of the Evangelical Pentecostal and disseminates the fight against the demons and the theology of prosperity.

Jerome and Christian Kohler are two brothers of a Swiss Calvinist family in 1745 founded the sect Brügglen " , a village 15 km from Bern. Was the result of a pietistic revival that even the children began to prophesy and see visions. They attacked the Calvinism of his Swiss region and announced the immediate coming of the anti-Christ in preparation for the end of the world. Jerome and Christian, joined a famous woman doubtful, Elizabeth Kissling, were identified as the Holy Trinity. Christian is also devoted to mediums claim to have powers to take souls from hell. They were pursued by the civil authorities and expelled from the territory, but reentered illegally. Geronimo was captured and burned alive in 1753, Elizabeth was imprisoned and Christian, under torture, retracted his errors.